Yael Eini is a dedicated healer with over twenty years of experience. She developed “Karmic Constellation,” an innovative healing method that allows people to clear traumas and change behavioral patterns by directly accessing past life memories and soul records through the body. This eliminates the need for hypnotic regression. By seeing the origins of their issues in past choices, clients can finally release old vows, contracts, and knots from the soul.
As an integrator of psychology and spirituality, Yael empowers people to connect to their infinite soul potential. She profoundly understands multi-generational dynamics from her family counseling and systemic work expertise. Yael guides people to heal frozen parts of themselves so they can transform destructive patterns into new possibilities.
Yael brings a wealth of healing wisdom to her workshops and private sessions. With sensitivity and a higher vision of the systems impacting us, she facilitates profound healing on spiritual and human levels for people at all stages of the journey. She’s authored books on spiritual alchemy and the God within. She is the author of numerous books, including Karma Healing: Unblock Your Life on the Soul Level.
She is also the founder of The Systemic Lab – an innovative platform for the practice of Systemic and Karmic constellation. Visit Yael at www.yaeleini.com