Sherina Mayani is a transformational coach who guides vulnerable, feminine leaders to their most powerful, independent, high-vibrational selves and success. Sherina has successfully guided, coached and motivated groups of people and her multi-cultural and multi-lingual attributes attract women from all cultures from around the globe. She is here to uplift and empower women who may feel trapped and restricted in their present environment, show them new heights, and allow them to soar to their highest calling so they can see the possibility of creating the life they know they are meant for.
Sherina also started her own fashion brand called “Sher by S. Mayani”, organized many fashion events and fundraisers, and one of her dresses was worn by the first runner up in the 2011 Miss Teen America Pageant. Sherina is currently doing Gina DeVee’s Coaching and Business Certification Program for Women and will be a Divine Living Certified Coach as of January 2015. Sherina’s biggest desire is to assist women who know they have a powerful spiritual calling, and who want to own their excellence by allowing themselves to shine in both their beauty and businesses. To learn more visit Sheri’s website a