No matter which path you might be on in your life, whether conscious or unconscious, spiritually fueled or materialistically dependent, whether scientifically proven or intuitively driven, you are most likely to come to a point once or twice in your life, when “the going gets tough”, when all your beliefs are questioned to the limit of complete breakdown and life seems to be too big and too hard for you to handle. At that point nothing seems to make sense and nothing seems to work to get you out of the fog of confusion and despair. The only feasible measure that makes any sense to your tired mind is – giving up.
Giving up on life, and most importantly yourself, may sound like an easy way out of misery, yet it is the most dangerous act you will attempt throughout your entire life, because you ultimately choose death while still physically functioning and there is nothing more painful than that. You choose the road of self-destruction and self-annihilation, whether it is drowning yourself in alcohol, drugs, sex or money making, or anything else that goes to numb the pain. The Zombie Apocalypse is not a made up concept – you might be living it yourself, once you’ve chosen the “giving up” route.
When you give up, you give your power and your strength away, reinforcing the belief that “you are not capable”, that “you were not made for this world” and that “life is too hard and is not worth living”. There are many other beliefs that might be connected to the root of the issue, but recognizing and acknowledging this “powerless” mentality is the first step towards the light at the end of the tunnel.
If you are able to identify the thoughts that bring up the emotions of frustration and despair within you, you may notice that they always lack love. Those are always the “judges”, the “doubters” and the “fearful” in your “mental jury”, whose job is to keep you powerless. Their main goal is to convince you that you are not good enough and it is your job to stop believing that! Don’t believe everything you think!
Secondly, focus on Love! The most important thing to remember, that no matter how lonely it may feel to you, how misunderstood or unsupported you may feel – you are never alone! The Universe is full of resources and amazing synchronicities close by and always within your reach. All you need to do is reach out! It may come in a form of an unexpected phone call that makes your day, or a conversation with a friend that makes you laugh or even just a right book falling off a shelf at the right time. Look around and be open!
And finally, remember that if you were not given the strength, the wisdom and the power to live your own life – you wouldn’t be here in the first place. You have everything within you to change your own circumstances, to stand tall in your magnificence and look the fear in the eyes, knowing that no matter what lessons life is throwing at you – you are stronger and more powerful than that and giving up was never an option!
Love and Blessings to All,Â
~ Marina
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