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Animals as Spiritual Teachers, Catalysts, and Powerful Wisdom Guides

Animals as Spiritual Teachers, Catalysts, and Powerful Wisdom Guides by Lynn McKenzie | #AspireMag

It is my firm belief that animals were put on this earth not only to be friends and companions for us, but to share their deep, divine wisdom with us; each of them possesses it and eagerly wants to impart it to us. It’s also my belief that all sentient beings are equal and that animals have souls and a spiritual essence just as humans do. No being is here on Earth by accident; each one has a unique purpose to fulfill. What if an animal’s express purpose in life was to partner with, guide, and teach you? 

I wasn’t always fully aware of the potential and depth of our connection with animals and their ability to help and guide our lives. As it turned out for me, it took the nudging and guidance of a few special animals in my own life to reveal to me the path that led me to where I am today.  

My golden retriever, Jiggs, was my catalyst, teacher, and guide in my life—among other things. When I adopted him as a nine-week-old puppy, he began leading me down a rapid path of spiritual transformation that ultimately nudged me toward several profound life changes resulting in the highest expression of my life’s calling and purpose. 

After Jiggs experienced a series of ailments my veterinarian couldn’t get under control, I began applying the energy healing techniques I’d learned for humans to him, and through the healing process, we formed a connection like I’d never experienced with an animal before. As we communicated and deepened our relationship, I sensed Jiggs urging me toward a career change, and eventually, a move from Toronto, Ontario to Sedona, Arizona. I left real estate and Canada behind to solidify my business as an animal intuitive, psychic, and energy healer full time. 

From then on, my life changed immensely—with the career shift and move, I felt profound fulfillment in my soul, like I was finally following my true destiny and purpose. Jiggs had reawakened a magic within me that I’d forgotten about, and it changed my life. The more I explored my rediscovered passion and newfound connection, the more I sensed Jiggs nudging and urging me even further—and I found a much deeper joy and a greater sense of purpose than I’d ever imagined. The transformation I could see in Jiggs was clear—the more I pursued animal communication and healing, the more fulfilled he seemed to be.  

Although I’d been relatively content in my real estate career, I had kept business and my spiritual life somewhat separate until that point—but had I not allowed them to merge, I may never have realized the deep enlightenment and magic that were possible when I surrendered to my true path and calling. Animals, when given the chance, connect us back to who we truly are and guide us in the direction of our divine mission—our big “why,” our purpose and path. The transformation within my heart and soul was only the beginning of the immense fulfillment and enrichment I have experienced since that moment I first met Jiggs in the early 90s.  

Another instance of further clarity and growth in my life was my introduction to Lucero—a beautiful Andalusian stallion whom I lovingly refer to as an ascended master of the equine realm. When I met and communicated with Lucero, it felt as though I had opened a ten-ton silo of magic that changed my life forever. He immediately shared with me that he already knew Jiggs, and the two of them would become instrumental in my journey with manifesting and embodying my purpose—or my soul’s divine mission, as I like to call it—and my resulting new career path. The information, inspiration, and spiritual wisdom that channeled into me from Lucero were overwhelming, like drinking from a firehose. I felt simultaneously enlightened, enchanted, and enthralled—and the more I learned, the more I realized I had already been receiving the information he was downloading to me—I just hadn’t been aware up until this time it was coming from him. 

Although both Jiggs and Lucero have since passed, they continue to guide me from the spirit realm in my work and my daily life. The love that we share with another being doesn’t end; the strong connections we cultivate with our animal companions live on long after they’ve crossed over. I can access the assistance and guidance of Jiggs or Lucero (from the spirit realm) at any time, and there’s not a day that goes by that I don’t appreciate their deep wisdom and ask them for help.   

After listening to the guidance and wisdom shared by Jiggs and Lucero, I learned quickly that my spirit soared when working with and helping animals and their people. But even further, my business also took off, and it has continued to grow since. As an animal intuitive, healer, and teacher who now guides others toward discovering their unique gifts and abilities with the help of their animals, I have found my deepest passion and I feel tremendously blessed to be able to share it. I will forever be grateful to Jiggs for his guidance and all he experienced in life with me to lead me to my true calling. The place I arrived wasn’t somewhere I ever planned or expected to be—but it turned out to be exactly where I was meant to be.

My new book, Bark, Neigh, Meow; Awaken to the Transformative Wisdom of your Companion Animal to Activate your Soul’s Highest Callingshares real-life stories such as my own with Jiggs and Lucero—among many others—that encourage readers to experience and open to deeper connections and communication with their animal companions to expand their consciousness. Learn all that animals are and can be for us—partners, teachers, guides, healers, catalysts, and bridges—and discover the resources to follow the enlightened path toward personal growth, fulfillment, and transformation deep in the heart and soul. 

From Bark Neigh Meow by Lynn McKenzie. © 2021 by Lynn McKenzie. Used by permission from Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd., 

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About the author 

Lynn McKenzie

Lynn McKenzie’s greatest passion lies in helping others attune to the insight, wisdom and magic that sentient beings wish to share with humanity. Training over 100,000 students in 52 countries, over the past 30 years through her signature Animal Energy® Certification Training program, Lynn has built a stellar global reputation, helping others identify, foster and embody their own animal communication and healing gifts. She is the author of Bark, Neigh Meow; Awaken to the Transformative Wisdom of your Companion Animal to Activate your Soul’s Highest Calling —often referred to as the Eat, Pray, Love for animal lovers. Find her at

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  • Gayle Judkins says:

    Excellent. Very fulfilling to have access to this type of life changing information.

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