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A Simple Crystal Prosperity Spell to Manifest Your Desires

A Simple Crystal Prosperity Spell to Manifest Your Desires by Pamela Chen | #AspireMag

Money is energy.  It is a specific energetic frequency used in our world as a way to call in specific things we want to manifest in our life. You probably already know that energy is infinite, and we create our wishes when we are a match to the energy of our desires.  Would you like to be an energetic match to the money that you would like to attract into your life? There are many ways to do so, and I will be sharing with you one way, a simple money spell, which uses crystals to activate your abundance codes.  

Let’s first dive deeply into what you think magic is and how a spell can help you manifest what you want.  Magic is using the energies around us to power up our intentions and create the reality that we desire. A spell can connect your thoughts to the physical world, and it helps you “spell” it into the three-dimensional realm. The magical tools you use in a spell can also help you get even greater clarity and more focused on what you truly desire, grounding your wishes into real life. In this spell, we will be focusing your thoughts and feelings on the energy of money that you are manifesting, bringing it into your physical space.  

The reason many magical practitioners love working with crystals is because they have natural magical energies that amplify our intentions and spells. The more magical elements that you can add to your spell to give it extra power and a boost, the better! The money crystals that I love working with most when doing my abundance spells are citrine, green aventurine, and pyrite. If you do not have these, you can always use clear quartz or smoky quartz as money crystals, or any others that resonate with you.  Use your intuition to choose a crystal that resonates most with you for this spell.  Trust yourself, and remember there is no wrong way to do this! `   

Money Manifesting Spell 

Step One: Gather the following magical tools: 

  • Money Crystal  
  • Pen and Paper  
  • Three Coins  

Step Two:  Set up your sacred space for the spell 

  • The space should be somewhere free of distraction  
  • Smudge the space to clear any stale or stagnant energies using sage or palo santo.   You can use a sage spray, if you do not like the smell of smoke.  
  • Bless the space with your magic by imagining a bright white light from your heart covering the sacred space and the entire room around it to every corner. 

Step Three:  Combine your spells with visualization and feeling (This is the secret sauce in the manifest cauldron) 

  • Choose an intention in which you are able to clearly see the end result in your mind. This means you are able to imagine what it is actually like to achieve the goal. 
  • Allow yourself to fully feel how it is to be in the moment of achieving your goal. 
  •  The feeling and intention together will connect you to the energy of the money that you desire.  
  • The more clear you are on your vision of what you most want to manifest, and the more you are able to fully feel the experience of achieving it, the more powerful your spell will be. 
  • State your goal out loud and declare it as if it has already happened.   
  • You must see it, feel it, and then write your intention down on a piece of paper.  (A powerful intention that I teach in my money manifesting course is, “I am so happy and grateful that I have [insert money amount] in my bank account now.”) 
  •  Write it as if it has already happened so it comes faster.  
  • When you are done writing it down on the piece of paper, fold it once towards you.  

Step Four: Sealing the Spell 

  • Hold your coin in your left hand, and hold your crystal in your right hand to your heart.  
  •  As you hold your coin and crystal, chant your intention three times out loud.  I 
  • As you chant, imagine the vision again as if your intention has already been fulfilled,  and activate the positive emotion in your heart.  (Your intention is fulfilled and activated in the upper level of emotion within your heart.) 
  •  Send your intention and emotion out from your heart in a soft smoke into the universe, while you envision sending it out into the cosmic vortex.  Feel the emotion of this deeply, as you focus on your intention.   
  • When you feel ready, come back into your body, and as you hold both your crystal and coin in your hands, say, “It is done, thank you, and so it is.” 

Step Five: Final steps 

  • Place one out of the three coins and the crystal by your card and intention under your pillow. 
  • On the second night, place the second coin of your choosing under your pillow. Repeat the placing of the last coin under your pillow on the third night.    

For the next three days as you are spelling, trust and be guided by your desire and intuition. If you feel like eating candy or taking a hike, or jumping into the ocean, then do it. Let yourself be guided by your upper level emotions. After the third day, you can continue to keep your magical tools under your pillow, put them at your altar, or carry the crystal with you and place the coins in your wallet.   

From the first day of your spell, keep an eye out for messages such as angel numbers, like 111 or others, songs that confirm you are on the right track or any number of other things that catch your attention as validation.  Also, just be open to the possibilities coming into your life and don’t give any attention to wondering how the money will come.  It’s important to practice detachment from feeling you need the money or from desperately wanting the money. If, at any time,  you feel that you need a magical money boost, you can pull out your crystal and hold onto it, as a reminder that money is coming your way and to remind you to stay connected to the wonderful feelings of having manifested your goals. 

Finally, your job  is to take inspired action and always expect surprises and miracles to appear in your life. If you receive even half of what you were trying to manifest, I would call this a successful spell, and know it is just a start!  Be grateful for each and every dollar and cent that flows into your life, and you will continue to see more of your abundance and riches keep flowing in! 

Happy money manifesting! 

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About the author 

Pamela Chen

Pamela Chen is the creator of the Crystal Unicorn Tarot, Witchling Academy Tarot, and author of Enchanted Crystal Magic; Spells, Grids, and Potions to Manifest Your Desires with Llewellyn Worldwide. She is an energetic wealth coach that helps entrepreneurs create 6-7 figure online businesses. Pamela also owns a crystal boutique, Luna Prosperity, and curates high vibe crystals for celebrity clients globally. Learn more at

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