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A Revolutionary Prescription for Healing

A Revolutionary Prescription for Healing by Patricia A. Muehsam, MD | #AspireMag

What if I told you that everything that you need for everything that’s going on in your life can come easily? Without trying. By simply stopping to pause and be present. In this very moment.  

Whatever’s going on in your life — whether it’s a health issue, a relationship challenge, financial stress, or anything else — your way to freedom from any and all difficulties is a simple and effortless one. It’s here now. In this very moment. You don’t have to struggle to be well. You don’t have to struggle to make things happen.  

Perhaps that sounds impossible. Even magical thinking. If you’re not feeling well — if you’re ailing in any way or seeking change in your life — it may seem that you should be taking action, that you should be doing something to shift circumstances and situations.  

But it’s not magical thinking. It’s by surrendering, by allowing disease, that suffering and disease can leave us. It’s by stopping to pause and just be with challenging circumstances and situations, that those circumstances and situations can change. When we stop trying to fix or change things, those things change. Everything that you’ll ever need for anything and everything that’s going on in your life can arise from being, not doing.  

To be clear, it’s not that we don’t ever take action. We don’t simply wait around for things to change or happen. But things changing, things happening — whether you’re healing a health issue or transforming a challenging situation — arises from a place of peace. Peace mentally. Peace emotionally. And peace physically. 

This place of peace is “Absolute Health.” It’s from this place of Absolute Health, of inner peace, that healing happens. And it’s from this place of peace, that clarity, solutions, and effortless, inspired action arises.  

I didn’t always get this. In fact, it took me many, many years to get it. Years of living in an unwell body, with emotional strife, with challenging life circumstances, and more. I was always trying to fix things, to make them better, to make them change or go away. When I finally stopped with all of the trying, when I started to just be present with what I was experiencing in the moment, I came to know Absolute Health and inner peace. And then things started to change. My health improved. Circumstances and situations got better.  

When I got out of the way, my way appeared.

The Science of Being

This notion of being versus doing finds firm footing in science. Here’s what that science tells us: our thoughts and feelings affect our health and well-being instantaneously. Every thought and feeling is either creating a state of ease or dis-ease. A calm, peaceful mind creates a calm and peaceful body. A disturbed mind creates stress in the body. 

When the mind is calm, it activates the parasympathetic nervous system. That’s the system we need for rest, repair, rejuvenation, and healing. The parasympathetic nervous system turns on the digestive system and the feel-good chemicals in the brain, and it readies us for sleep, if need be. A calm mind, a peaceful mind, facilitates healing. 

We cultivate that peaceful mind by being here now, with all that we’re experiencing in the present moment. Thoughts, feelings, physical sensations. Even difficult ones.  

Research studies have shown that feeling feelings can keep us well and get us well. A 2016 study of women with breast cancer demonstrated that women who were more able to be with their feelings about their health, even difficult ones, had less symptoms of sickness. Those who weren’t able to were sicker.1 In 2019, a study of individuals undergoing cancer treatment revealed the same connection between feelings and health: Those who avoided their feelings of uncertainty and fear fared worse. 

Other studies have demonstrated the connection between being with feelings and chronic depression and anxiety. Individuals experienced less depression and less anxiety when they could just be with their feelings of sadness or worry. Another study showed that being present with feelings, including difficult ones, leads to longer, healthier lives. 

And when it comes to physical pain, recent brain research has demonstrated that feeling feelings can help those with chronic physical pain. Being present with feelings can ease that pain.  

Here’s my take home message: Being with feelings, rather than resisting or denying them, can move us from dis-ease to ease, to that place of peace where healing happens. What we resists persists. Being with what is is how we shift what is.

Finding Your Way to Absolute Health and Inner Peace 

In my book, Beyond Medicine, you’ll learn how to use the five Absolute Health tools for being here now, so you can experience inner peace in mere moments. You’ll also learn about your Four Primary Medicines — food, lifestyle, community and relationships, and purpose — medicines that can help you find your way to Absolute Health and well-being.  

Then, I invite you to travel with me to an extraordinary reality in which consciousness transcends space and time and our minds and bodies. A reality in which we don’t necessarily begin at birth and end at death — some aspect of us exists before we’re born and persists after we die. A reality in which our minds have the potential to move mountains. If these notions may seem difficult or perhaps even impossible to wrap your head around, I offer up the trove of supportive scientific research that can help you to suspend your disbelief. And I share personal stories of seemingly apparent miracles, and explain that miracles are the natural order of things when we get out of the way. 

You can find your own, unique way home to absolute health, inner peace, and healing. And how you can manifest miracles in your life. Simply. Effortlessly. In this very moment.

Based on the book Beyond Medicine. Copyright © 2022 by Dr. Patricia Muehsam. Reprinted with permission from New World Library.  

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About the author 

Patricia A. Muehsam, MD

Patricia A. Muehsam, MD, a pioneer in the synthesis of science, holistic health, and contemporary spirituality, has distinguished herself as a practitioner, educator, and research scientist. Dr. Muehsam has been an influential force in shaping the landscape of health-care options available today. She is the founder of Transformational Medicine™, a whole person approach to health and well-being.

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