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7 Reasons Why Angels are Essential During a Pandemic

7 Reasons Why Angels are Essential During a Pandemic by Elvia Roe | #AspireMag

It was over ten years ago when our daughter called from Japan in crisis, fearing for her safety and well-being. I remember it like it was yesterday. She was in her late teens and attending college in Tokyo. Not only was she 6,700 miles away, but the connection dropped, and we weren’t able to finish the conversation. 

Like any mother would be, I was distraught. A part of me panicked, wildly. Another part of meone that’s stronger and (usually) louderreminded me that I have access to a most powerful resource.  

The angels. 

After alerting my husband to what was going on, we both got quiet to pray, see her whole and healed and listen to the inner voice of the Divine. Almost immediately, we were assured that our precious daughter would be fine and that there was no further action we needed to take. I can’t recall if it was later that day or the next, but she called back to say all was well. Crisis over and done. 

The angels don’t prevent challenges from happening, these are needed as part of the soul’s evolution as we travel deeper and deeper into an inner knowing of true self and faith. The angels’ job is to help us navigate all of it. They show us the path where we are able to learn, grow and move beyond the limits and lessons of the ego, step by step.  

Our angels are an integral part of getting through all of life’s downs (and ups) with as much faith, grace, awareness and serenity as is possible. To shed light on how your angels can help, here are 7 reasons why a strong relationship with them is essential, especially during a pandemic. 

 1.Knowing how to make a difference. Healers and lightworkers from all over the world are  

wanting to help, wanting to get involved and make a difference. Trouble is, it can be hard to know how best to do that. It can be easy to spin out, not knowing what direction to turn and what action to take. The result can be feelings of confusion, inadequacy and sometimes, just plain exhaustion from it all. 

Working with the angels makes it clear what actions are most impactful and which are not. When we follow guidance moment to moment, we are led on a path that’s in the flow of divine service. This gets into the area of life purpose – a whole huge topic itself – but with a pandemic and all that’s following it, the emphasis lies on playing the role of midwife during the birth of this new earth. 

2.Calming guidance through the chaosWe’re getting practical with this one…safety. 

Whenever I leave the house, it’s a guided choice. The timing, the destination, who I might be going to see  – all of it. I shop in alignment with the “yes, you can do this now” from my angels. I go where I’m guided, when I’m guided to. This has been the case for years now, but with the pandemic it’s a matter of maintaining peace in a world that’s more than a little wonky at the moment. 

People may not always understand engaging with the world in wholly guided way, but rest assured that this is changing. Intuition is quickly being recognized as a grounding, survival skill. 

3.Support and wisdom during major healing opportunities.Let’s face it. There’s nothing like a pandemic + quarantine + social unrest to unearth those things inside us that need to heal. Add on all that’s happening astrologically right now and well… Brought to the surface are those relationships that aren’t working, health challenges that can only be resolved by going within (because medical help is less accessible) and financial stress with a window into the future that can feel like a terrifying black hole. When we are pushed to the wall like this, we are given a choice of leaning into the wisdom of the higher self, the angels, or not. It’s a bit like choosing sanity, or not.  

The angels are akin to the wise, experienced grandmother who reassures you that all will be okay. And then leads you to the right path for resolving the relationship issues, the right choices for healing your body and the right decisions for financial support. You may not be able to see the path for yourself, but it doesn’t matter, because your angels do.  

4.Dealing with fear and anxiety. Fear and anxiety are normal, human emotions whenever  

we’re in transition. The more significant the transition, the bigger these forces can become. We don’t know what the future holds and we may not feel confident that we can deal with whatever it brings. Decision making often becomes clouded and ineffectual as the grip of fear, anxiety and – I’d add on insecurity – loom larger. 

This is where faith becomes an essential life skill. Faith that isn’t dependent on things going well. Faith that just is…faith. 

Paramahansa Yogananda said, “Intuition is the discriminate faculty that enables you to decide which of two lines of reasoning is right. Perfect intuition makes you master of all.” 

Intuition is the language of our angels. Knowing and walking the path that is right for you…is faith. 

Even when well connected, fear and anxiety can occur, but the angels bring us back to faith and help us remember that there’s a foundation that’s stronger, because we are a part of a much bigger, bolder and beautiful divine plan.  

5.Keeping the higher perspective. This shift is happening whether we want it, or not. Humanity as a whole has been living out of balance for a while now, trending towards complete unsustainability. Our angels remind us that all that’s happening, is for the greater good, to restore balance. Please know, this in no way discounts the pain, suffering and deaths that have occurred (and continue to). It’s tragic. 

Our angels serve to reframe how we perceive reality and bring us back to the truth that this is a journey of the soul, not the ego. This transition serves a higher purpose to guide us to a more intimate experience of Oneness. 

6.How to be our best selves, because of the pandemic. We all chose to incarnate at this time in humanity’s evolution. This means, we all have a purpose that relates directly to this transition. That can be a tricky pill to swallow summoning its own mess of emotions.  

Some of us are here to play a “big” role and some are here to play a “smaller” role, but ALL roles are equally needed and important. Each of us takes up the same amount of space in the collective and holds the vibration of either love or fear in any given moment. We are each called to do whatever work is needed to be our best selves in our soul’s best interest and also for the evolution of humanity and the greater good. 

This can’t be forced and is a new way of being. The angels help us relax into a flow of what’s right, what’s aligned and keeps us connected to Source. Any pressure to perform is allayed by guidance to be gentle, take a break, walk barefoot in the grass. Any tendencies to turn away from our highest path is met with a barrage of messages reminding us to center, come back to Source. 

This is a chance for us to be our best and brightest. 

7.Bringing it back to love.There’s so much information out there, it’s overwhelming. So many reasons to judge, feel insecure, get angry and be thrown off-center.  

When we’re plugged into our guidance, we’re plugged into the ongoing, never-ending divine flow of love. Love that reminds us that the only relationship that truly matters is the one between the higher self and God/Goddess. Love that insists that all these things we see has separating us, are an illusion that has the potential to dissolve as we give it less focus.  

Our angels, like The Great Mother, help us realize that when we can show our own selves the love we need, we can share that love with all the world. And there is healing. 

I pray this information helps and that these words go wherever they are most needed, within you. I truly believe that as we embrace this transition as an opportunity for conscious and awakened evolution, we welcome a new era full of magical possibility. 

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About the author 

Elvia Roe

Elvia Roe, founder of, discovered the angels in her early 40’s after leaving her corporate career to be home with her children. Through her own mid-life awakening, she became passionate about teaching the language of the angels, delighting in real life examples of how the angels show up to help us with everything.

Elvia views the angels as an aspect of the higher self. She believes angel communication is not just a gift, it's a birthright. By connecting with our angels, Elvia shows us how to illuminate the pathway and open our channels to self-discovery and personal enlightenment. Register today to receive your free AngelsNOW! video training today and feel free to follow Elvia and the Angels Teach Community on Facebook.

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