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Leaning Into Trust

TrustWhen I was 23 I felt like my soul was dying and I knew my life had to change. I felt so trapped and wanted to be free. I had to figure out who I was.

That year I made one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever had to make and left an unhealthy marriage. A few months later I decided to listen to my inner guidance again.

I’d never felt truly happy in New York and though I enjoyed many aspects of living in the Big Apple, there were many I just didn’t enjoy. So I made the decision to move to sunny San Diego.

I busted my ass the next year saving money to move. I didn’t know anyone in California, nor did I have a job lined up. I just knew that things would work out. The drive to move there was so strong it had to be the right move.

Since then I’ve learned that when our higher selves give us the drive to do something, when we are given a creative idea, it’s means it is completely doable. The divine would not give us a project to do, if it were not possible. We are supported in taking actions that are in alignment with our heart and Soul.

Fast forward to the present. My husband and I are being called to move to Hawaii. We are taking steps to sell our house, get rid of all our belongings, look for a small house and move, with no jobs lined up.

Though I’ve done a move like this before, I was single. I didn’t have anyone else to support or take care of. It was just me. This time around I am married and have kids. Of course thoughts pop up. What if I can’t do this? What if it doesn’t work? What if we can’t make any money? Are we making a huge mistake?

Stepping fully into trust is a little bit harder this time. Yet every day I renew my commitment to trust the process. I am trusting that if I am this driven to move to Hawaii, I am being fully supported in the process.

And I am receiving signs that this is the right decision. Just this weekend, I was in my car driving home. Doubts starting to creep into my head and I started crying. “Why am I telling everyone I’m moving to Hawaii? What if we can’t make it work? What if we don’t move?”

Worries swirling around in my mind and tears streaming down my face, I turned to look at the car next to me waiting at the light. The first thing I noticed was a sticker on the rear window of a hibiscus flower.

As my eyes wandered further I noticed another sticker on the window, this one read Aloha. My tears stopped and I started to smile. Then the light turned green and the car started to move. I was able to see the license plate cover which read “Born and raised in Hawaii.”

Some may say that this was merely a coincidence. I’ve had too many synchronicities occur in my life to dismiss them. I know this is the universe reminding me that when I am listening to a calling of my heart and soul the universe is supporting me in this endeavor.

I don’t have to figure it all out on my own. I don’t have to push and work hard. This move can be fun and exciting and still all work out.

I know that listening to your heart can be very scary. Trusting the process and our soul’s journey is not something we are taught in our society. This I why I want to share my stories and this process with you.

I have been so inspired lately seeing Facebook posts from a single mom I know who had this call to open a woman’s health and yoga studio and just go ahead and do it! Seeing others follow their dreams and allowing the universe to support them in achieving these dreams is sometimes just what we need to take the first step towards our dreams.

May this post inspire you to follow your heart. To feel the fear but follow the joy and bliss anyway. And to notice the signs along the way showing you that you are being divinely supported in your actions.

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About the author 

Hedy MacDonald

Hedy MacDonald is a spiritual teacher, mentor, and energy healer helping women on a spiritual path create more ease, flow and trust in their soul’s journey. She is described by her clients as utterly connected to the divine, a natural and powerful healer, and gentle sage.

Helping people more fully align with their higher selves and awaken to their divinity is Hedy’s passion. She helps women understand their limiting beliefs with such love and compassion for where they are, that they feel truly heard, understood and ready to shine their light with confidence.

If you want to make the leap to be who you truly are, learn more about her virtual work and claim your free gift at

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