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Are You More Powerful Than You Realize?

powerfulYou’ve been told you’re “too sensitive” and to “get your head out of the clouds.” You see the world differently, feel the world differently, and respond to the world differently than a lot of people you know.

As a child, you had imaginary friends, created elaborate make-believe games, loved stories, and you were repeatedly reminded to “quit daydreaming.”

Somehow, you know things: the phone is about to ring, someone is ill, a promotion is coming. You think of someone, and then they call, text, email or arrive. You start singing a song, turn on the radio, and that’s what is playing.

You naturally rest your hand on another person when you’re speaking with them; so, too, you automatically touch your forehead, heart, throat or stomach frequently when you’re speaking or thinking. You’re a hugger.

You can’t tolerate harsh sounds, strong smells, and lots of clutter. Large gatherings make you edgy (even if you enjoy the people). You feel someone’s strong emotions even if they’re not outwardly showing them. You’re aware of any tension in a room.

If, like me, you have other aspects of your nature that are the polar opposite – analytical and linear – sometimes you feel like two different people and that’s disconcerting. In a culture that values the organized and linear over the intuitive and sensitive, you try even harder to suppress the sensitive aspects of yourself.

You’re convinced that many of these things are a problem – a weakness.

Have you ever considered that these characteristics prove you are powerful beyond measure? That they are a blessing?

Everything is energy, including you. Your physical being contains an intricate system for processing energy, and when it’s properly aligned, you have access to infinite amounts of information.

Some people have to work really hard to cultivate the ability to access their energy system; you’re already open to it. The trick is learning to understand and manage the energies so they don’t overwhelm you.

Then, you have the power to use all of your natural gifts to manifest exactly what you want in your life, to create powerful protection for yourself and others, and to generate and share healing energy.

As Glinda the Good Witch told Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, “You had the power all along, my dear!”

Recognizing the things you’ve long considered a hindrance as the things that make you powerful takes some practice. Consider the following:

  • Your ability to see and talk with unseen beings is the power to communicate with angels, spirit guides and other Divine beings.
  • Your “head in the clouds” daydreaming is the power to receive Divine downloads of ideas, information, and inspiration.
  • Your make-believe games and beloved stories are the power to create through words, art, music, etc.
  • Your “knowing things” is your power to tap deeply into your intuition and get clear guidance – directly or via Oracle cards, etc.
  • Your touching/hugging nature is your power to lay hands on someone and transmit healing energy to them.
  • Your intolerance of sounds, smells, and clutter is your power to discern what’s healthy and what’s not in any environment.
  • Your sensitivity to large groups is your power to understand others’ emotions so you can assist them with healing.
  • And that habit of touching your forehead, throat, chest, stomach? That’s your power to connect with the most appropriate chakra to support whatever your saying, thinking, or doing in the moment.

When you begin to reframe your understanding of your nature as one of innate power, it all becomes less scary and overwhelming. The more you begin to intentionally direct the energies toward their proper use – healing, creating, intuiting, guiding, counseling – the more you raise your energy to a positive vibration.

The higher your vibration, the less you’re afraid or anxious; Universal Law says like attracts like, so you can’t be both powerful and fearful at the same time. When you’re consciously directing your healing/creative/intuitive power it stops being a source of stress.

There are additional steps you can take to learn to protect your energies, and to create an environment that supports your energy system. As you learn to incorporate them, you’ll feel safer, stronger, and more energized.

To begin, though, the most important thing is to take the time to consider how each of your unique sensitivities translates into a powerful spiritual gift, and then to reflect on how those gifts point to the soul-intention you came into this lifetime with.

When you do, you’ll truly start to accept your powerful nature and put it to work in your life!

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About the author 

Katt Tozier

Katt Tozier is a writer, host of the Your Divine Life podcast, and a Divine Life Flow Guide. Through a unique combination of intuitive reading and practical guidance, she helps women clear the patterns that keep them trapped and invoke their healing power. Her Divine Signature process uncovers the celestial pattern that creates your personal power frequency, so you can align with the power, purpose and prosperity meant for you.

Katt is the Founder of Indomitable Women; she believes, as women, our power is in our individuality and our strength is in our unity, and she facilitates gathering spiritual women together to support our collective healing. Through conversation and community, she connects women to information, inspiration, and resources to help them navigate their transformational journey.

Learn more at and download Katt’s free gift, The 4 Gateways of Personal Power 4-part audio series.

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