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8 Ways Your Home is Talking to You

8 Ways Your Home is Talking to You by Annette Rugolo | #AspireMag

“Everything is energy.” From Albert Einstein’s formula E= MC2 

On this earth, there exists both positive and negative energy. We begin to understand this when we think of different places in nature that we’re attracted to. Where do you go to get rejuvenated, relaxed, or inspired? If you’re like most people, you may go to an ocean, lake, or river. If you’re not close to one of these, you will find a beautiful garden or woods.  

You innately know that these places in nature are good for you and sometimes you crave to be there. Why? Because the energy of nature transforms us. This is why it matters in our lives to also create this natural balance in our homes making it important for us to extend our rejuvenation and inspiration to last longer than just after our visits in nature. 

So why can’t our homes be just like these places in nature? 

There are certain energies in your home that create stress. Some of these come from under the surface of the earth, which is called geopathic stress. Geopathic stress lines are created by underground water or fault lines and scientists are learning more each year about these stress lines and the impact they have on us. 

There are also various frequencies created by our technology –cell towers, radio towers, and satellite dishes–that affect us. Since these are new frequencies for humanity to deal with, we are just now finding solutions to deal with the impact they have on us.   

Knowing this, the question becomes: How can you bring your home back to its natural state of balance? 

The first step is to become aware of the energy of your space.  There are signals given to you from the children in your family, trees in your yard, your pets, and even your own body.  This article is written to help you begin listening to the energy of your home so you can receive the messages it is sending your way. You’ll want to hear what your house has to say to you! 


1:  Do You Have “Energy Awareness?”  

You may be more aware of the energy in your environment than you think!  Many people tell me they do not feel energy, yet when I dowse their homes, I’m able to show them just how aware of energy they actually are.  

A few years ago, a self-employed father asked me to dowse his home, which also included a home office.  Although the office was set up in a beautiful room in the home, he never spent any time in the room.  He said he ended up feeling tired and fuzzy-headed after spending only 10 minutes in the space. Ultimately, it became an expensive storage space while he sat working at the dining room table.  

When dowsing and curing the energy of his home, I found stress lines in his office called interference lines, which are created by cell towers and satellite dishes.  These interference lines generally create headaches and allergy-like symptoms for people.  With so many of these lines in his office, he had a hard time feeling energized and inspired in his work.  

Instead, he found a space in his home where a positive energy field existed.  This energy field, known as a positive vortex, revealed a place where he could do his work with lots of energy and ease.   

He didn’t know these different kinds of energy existed in his home but he knew what places felt good and which places did not. You may be doing the same thing in your home as you make decisions about where to spend your time. Are there places in your home that you or your family enjoy more than others? Are there places that are completely avoided?  These are clues to help you gain your energy awareness. 


2: What Are Your Pets Telling You About Your Environment? 

Where do your dogs and cats spend their time? Knowing this can help you understand how they carry their energy and share it with you. 

Your dog exudes love and positive energy for you. They greet you with a wagging tail, cheering you up when you’re in need of a boost. Really, dogs love you unconditionally. In order to bring you positive energy, they will actually look for the most positive energy in your home, absorb it, and share it with you!  

Your cat is here to help absorb the negative energy in your home in order to protect you from it. They know how to release this negative energy as they shake it off or release it in the sunlight. Now that’s a catnapping, sun bathing opportunity with a purpose. 

If you have a dog or cat, pay attention to where they spend most of their time when you’re not there. This will give you an idea about where positive or negative energy is in your home.  For dogs, if there is not enough positive energy in your home, they will find a place outside of your home to absorb this energy. 

I remember dowsing a home where a large dog spent most of his time in a fenced-in backyard.  When dowsing the property, I found quite a few stress lines and a  negative vortex, which is a draining and depleting energy. During the process of dowsing the home, I made sure the yard was also dowsed to energetically support the dog. The owner called me a few weeks later to inform me that her dog, who had been constantly running away, ran away one more time after the yard was dowsed. And that one time was the last time; the dog did not run away anymore! 

I encourage you to take time to notice where your pets are spending most of their time and if you don’t have pets, it could be fun for you to notice pets at your friends or family’s homes!  


3: Geopathic Stress Lines and Insects 

“Geo” refers to the earth and “pathic” refers to illness.  Therefore, geopathic stress means we are dealing with the illness or scars of the earth. These scars exist throughout the planet and are underneath the ground. Although we can’t see them, there are indicators that let us know they exist. Just by looking around your home and yard you may be able to identify where these lines are. 

Let’s begin in the yard.  Geopathic stress creates lines under the surface of the earth and these lines can be created by underground rivers, streams, aquifers, or fault lines.  Certain insects, such as ants, spiders, and mosquitos, follow these stress lines.  If a stress line happens to go through your home, these insects may enter your home simply because they are following this line! Additionally, think of birds and their flight patterns. They follow the ley lines of the earth as they travel, which aligns with spiritual customs from ancient times. 

Before I learned how to dowse, I was finding twenty plus spiders in my home every week and could never figure out why so many were coming in. After “curing” the geopathic stress lines in my yard, I rarely find spiders inside any longer. 

One of my students was constantly battling the ants that would come through her kitchen window and fill her countertops.  After taking the dowsing class, she was really excited to go home and see if there was a geopathic stress line coming in her kitchen window.  She did in fact find a stress line, and after she cured it, the ants never bothered her again! 

Mosquitos are another insect that love geopathic stress lines, so if you are sitting outside and are bothered by mosquitos, try moving to another place in the yard to sit.  I always find it interesting when a group of people are sitting outside and one person is getting bitten and everyone else is fine.  In this situation in particular, the person getting bitten is definitely sitting on a geopathic stress line! 

If you are dealing with an ant, spider, or mosquito infestation, know they are traveling the lines of energy created by the geopathic stress of the earth. Address the geopathic stress problem and you will likely make it so your home invaders can return to the great outdoors.   


4: Geopathic Stress Lines and Trees 

As I shared in the previous section, geopathic stress lines are created by underground water or fault lines and there are certain insects that follow these lines through your yard and into your home.  Let’s continue exploring your yard and look for other indicators of geopathic stress. 

Just like insects, there are certain trees that also love geopathic stress lines.  Evergreens, willows, and holly trees have taken on the job of absorbing the energy of these lines and as a result, will grow very fast and can double in size in a short period of time. 

When you begin looking for geopathic stress lines in your environment, start by looking around your yard and home for insects and then notice the various trees…  Are there evergreens, willows, or holly trees that are larger than the other trees around them? 

Have you planted these types of trees just a few years ago, only to find yourself amazed at how fast they grew? This is a definite indicator that there is a strong geopathic stress line underneath. 

Even though these trees will thrive in this energy, other vegetation will not fare as well.   

While dowsing and curing geopathic stress lines in my client’s yard, there was a hole in the front yard where I found a geopathic stress line. I asked the owner what happened and she informed me that they had just removed a dead tree the week before and hadn’t filled it in yet.  When I showed her that the geopathic stress line was going through the center of the hole, she then told me that three different trees had been planted in that place and all had died!  They could not figure out what they were doing wrong as the rest of the trees on their property were thriving.   

Cultures who knew this knowledge hundreds and even thousands of years ago, before there were dowsing cures, would simply find where the geopathic stress lines were and not build their homes and plant their gardens in these areas. 

Isn’t it great to know there are now cures for these stress lines and we don’t have to move or replant our gardens!    


5: Geopathic Stress Lines and the Cracks Around You! 

Have you ever taken the time to inspect your sidewalks, driveway, and the foundation of your home for cracks? The cracks found in these places are not only created from settling and shifting of these areas. Some are created by geopathic stress lines, which can actually create cracks in concrete and the foundation of your home.   

In one home I dowsed, I found a geopathic stress line going through the corner of the home.  When looking closer at the brick-and-mortar exterior, I found that it had started to crumble and deteriorate. When sharing what geopathic stress lines can do to the foundation of homes, my client shared with me that she and her husband had that corner of their house repaired three times in the ten years they had lived there!  

Geopathic stress lines can create cracks in both the exterior and interior walls of your home. Repairs for this can be costly and add up, which makes it more practical to address those geopathic stress lines, because even if you fix the cracks, they will come back if you don’t fix the concerns  that stem from the stress lines. 

Along with insects and trees being major indicators of geopathic stress lines, look for cracks and deterioration in your driveway, sidewalks, and the foundation of your home. 


6: Geopathic Stress Lines and YOU! 

Now let’s look at how geopathic stress affects YOU! 

How is your sleep?  Do you wake up feeling tired and achy? Do you find yourself curled up in one corner of the bed every morning?  Do you procrastinate going to bed only to wake up at 4am and move to the sofa? 

These challenges in your life are often related to the geopathic stress lines in your home. A great starting point to exploring this further is to become aware of how well (or not so well) everyone sleeps in your home.  

When a bed is placed over geopathic stress lines, which are located under the surface of the earth, they will place a certain amount of stress on the body.  We subconsciously move away from something that doesn’t feel good, so you may react to this stress by delaying going to bed or getting up early only to move to another bed or sofa.  Children are especially known for this! 

My brother called me to ask me to check his eighteen-month-old daughter’s bedroom.  His house had been dowsed since before his daughter was born and she is typically a happy, content child who loves her bedroom and never had a problem going or staying asleep … until she did. What changed? Literally overnight, she had an aversion to going to bed, cried herself to sleep and woke up several times during the night.  Nothing had changed in their life and the only thing my brother could think of was to call me and ask to see if some energy in her room had changed. 

Of course, I was happy to oblige.  When I checked her room, there was a geopathic stress line going through the middle of her crib!  No matter where she moved, she could not get away from the stress line.  I cured the line and once again she slept like a baby, returning to her happy, contented self.   

We need to remember how the earth is a vibrant, living being. Just like us, she continues to change and grow, and as these changes happen, they can affect your environment. Knowing that the changes are actually in your environment can save you a lot of time, money ,and frustration in looking for solutions elsewhere! 

Earth changes will continue to happen and learning how to dowse will be one of the most valuable skills you can learn to support you and your family!   


7: Geopathic Stress Lines and Musty Smells! 

I hope you are really starting to get a sense of how powerful the geopathic stress lines can be and how much they affect you and your environment!   

Another indicator that geopathic stress lines are affecting a home is by noticing a musty smell that just doesn’t go away. 

The stress lines that create this smell are created by underground water and the strength of the smell is dependent on the depth, width, and strength of the water that is flowing. 

I have had clients who have tried everything to remove the musty smell, and they are absolutely amazed that the smell is gone by just placing a couple of dowsing cures. (I was amazed the first time I experienced this too!) 

So follow your nose and if you have a heavy or slight musty smell that has been resistant to anything you have tried, know that it might be the water flowing under your house that is creating it!    

For me, the exciting part of this is that the solution is very simple and you can actually learn to do it yourself. 


8: Positive Vortexes 

Did you have fun noticing where your dog or cat spent most of their time in your home?  Could you feel a difference in the energy in that particular part of your home, whether it was positive or negative?    

It’s time to explore positive vortexes, which are areas where energy spirals upward in a clockwise motion, which creates an enhanced flow of energy. Once you become aware of the energy in your home, you can begin to identify both negative energy places and positive energy places, just like your pets do! 

To begin identifying positive energy in your home, start watching to see where people gather and love to hang out. If you have children, watch them to see where in your house they are drawn.   

When I found a positive vortex in the hallway of a home that I was dowsing, the mom asked me if that is why her children always sat and played their board games in the middle of the hall (the answer is “yes”). Once parents understand that their children are naturally drawn to these places, they do not get frustrated about why they are playing under the dining room table, the middle of a hallway, or in the center of the kitchen.  

People wonder sometimes why everyone loves spending time in the kitchen while a beautiful dining room sits empty. Or why people get to the front door and stand talking for another hour while saying their goodbyes. These are the areas that feel warm, safe, and happy, so it is natural they draw people in. 

A woman who had just finished creating an amazing program for teens asked me to dowse her home.  While many areas of her home needed some help, she did have a wonderful positive energy field in her living room.  Once I showed her where it was, she told me that was the place where she sat as she created her program. This is a wonderful example of the benefit of having positive vortexes! 

If you have one of these positive energy fields in your home, I encourage you to use it whenever you need to be rejuvenated, refreshed, or inspired.   

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About the author 

Annette Rugolo

Annette Rugolo is respected worldwide as a transformation teacher, speaker, master dowser, and environmental healer. As a mentor and guide, Rugolo has been instrumental in helping people connect with other dimensions from a place of love, without fear or judgment. She has been transforming homes through dowsing and space clearing since 2005 and teaching others to dowse since 2006. Annette currently lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota. For more information about her classes or having your space dowsed, email Annette at or visit

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