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7 Signs That You’re Awakening to Life

LifeWe’re in this life journey together, we’re all peers in this experience that is filled with infinite opportunities. But in today’s fast paced world it’s hard to be in the reality of the present moment – which is all we have – and very easily, we get distracted by the demands of the day to day and our culture, so we end up disconnected from our true essence. 

When we live from that place, we mainly connect with a sense of contraction, fear, confusion and limitations that push us to just get by, avoid reality, feel a constant struggle, and restrict our capacity to be our own true selves, share our gifts, make love to life and embrace all the magic that it can offer to us.   

I believe that we are going through a transformational time on the planet, and we are being called – at a spiritual level – to be part of this shift by living our life from a more authentic place. Some of us might feel that we’re at a crossroads between what we think we “should” do and what’s expected, and what our Soul is whispering to us. I know this too well because I was there myself for so long.  

But there’s a gift in that crossroads, so here are 7 signs that you are awakening to life: 

  1. You are feeling the urge to connect with your life’s purpose and find ways to share your gifts and talents with the world, so you can make a positive impact and live a more joyful and fulfilled life. 
  2. You feel that you can’t go throughout life following the illusions and lies that our culture, society, media, etc. have taught us, so you can’t continue pursuing the hollowness of money, material possessions and power, in order to find happiness and fulfillment. You know there’s more depth to life, and you can no longer ignore it. 
  3. You’re ready to live in integrity with your own values. You’re done “shoulding” yourself. You want to live life based on what you stand for, and you know that you don’t need other people’s approval, because this is your own journey. As a consequence, your relationships start becoming more fulfilling. 
  4. You feel fear but you want to use it as fuel for courage. You might feel confusion and don’t know where to start, but the urge to do something greater, fulfill your potential and follow your unique path, is stronger than anything else. You know that only you can embrace living the life you came here to live, and that courageously following your heart, will not only bring growth and expansion in your life, but it will create a ripple of goodness in other people’s lives, and you will inspire others to do the same. 
  5. You connect more easily with the beauty that surrounds you. You get lost and distracted in contemplating and savoring the sacred beauty of a flower, a tree, a sunset, a sunrise, a puppy, the ocean, etc., so you feel gratitude and connection with the creator of all. 
  6. You enjoy more quiet time for connecting with yourself, you take better care of yourself and listen to your inner wisdom, so you avoid the noise of TV, internet, social media, and prevent meeting people who you feel are no longer bringing value and growth to your life. 
  7. You feel more empathy and compassion towards yourself and others. You feel a greater sense of oneness coming from a deep knowing that we are all part of everything. You start understanding the meaning of synchronicities, and allow yourself to be more in-flow with life. 

The only time you really have is now to allow yourself to be YOU, not a new you, but the real YOU for the first time. Because we awaken when we let ourselves become who we really are – who we were created to be. This is the time to start living life more connected to the truth of our Soul, and not so much from our heads, so we can live with more gratitude in our hearts, joy and meaning. 

© 2017.  Patricia Young. Taken in part from Awakening to Life: Your Sacred Guide to Creating a Life of Purpose, Magic, and Miracles. Inspired Living Publishing 

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About the author 

Patricia Young

Patricia Young is a Transformational Life Coach & Strategist, international best-selling author, the host of the popular Awakening to Life podcast, the founder of Inner Prosperity Academy, and the author of the book, Awakening to Life: Your Sacred Guide to Consciously Creating a Life of Purpose, Magic, and Miracles Awakening to Life: Your Sacred Guide to Creating a Life of Purpose, Magic, and Miracles (February 2018, Inspired Living Publishing). She is a frequent contributor to Aspire Magazine and a sought-after media and summit guest.

Patricia passionately supports sensitive and growth-oriented women in identifying and living their highest life vision. Her keen insight, nurturing energy, and proven strategies help women take action to bring this vision into reality so they can live the life they came here to live—both personally and professionally.

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