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5 Ways to Align your Home with the Cycles of Nature

5 Ways to Align your Home with the Cycles of Nature by Felicia Messina-D’Haiti | #AspireMag

As we move into a new season, our energies shift. When I was young, I was not consciously aware of how important this was. Yet, I would watch my mom change the curtains, tablecloths and other decorative items in the home with every transition to a new season. There was always a seasonal cleaning, whether it be for spring, summer, winter or fall. At the time, I did not understand why she was so insistent that everything had to be changed. I considered it a great deal of work with no real purpose even though my mom took great joy in making these shifts. Looking back, I see how my mother made our home mirror the cycles of nature as we changed the interior to match the energy of each season. Now, I appreciate even more how these shifts in the season mark a shift in how we relate to our homes and our surrounding environments. 

Our homes can either create a bridge that connect us to nature or a wall that separates us from it. Living in harmony with nature provides deeper connection to our souls, relaxation and peace. Scientists have made the connection between our connection to nature and how we can promote relaxation. The sound of birds singing, for example, relaxes us. It is something that has transferred to us from our ancestors. They knew that when the birds were singing, it was a sign that all was well – the birds felt safe, so it was a sign for them to be safe. Being present with what is happening in our surroundings gives us clues that let us know how to harness the energy of the seasons to allow the cycles of our own lives to flow with more grace and ease. 

There are many ways that we can acknowledge the change of seasons in our home to remain in harmony with the flow and changes in nature.  

Here are five simple ways that you can align your home with the cycles of nature:

1. Clearing Our Spaces to Make Room for New Beginnings: The transition between seasons is a perfect time to do clutter clearing. Take some time to reflect on what was needed and brought you joy in the last few months, and what support you need moving into the coming months. Are there items that were brought into the home to use during the previous season that were never touched? Or items brought in last year that still haven’t been used? What would you like to open up space for in this new season? Keep only those things that are needed, that work properly, that bring joy and ease to your life. Keep and highlight the things that support your intentions and goals and will move you forward on your desired path during the coming months.

2. Shifting Colors in Our Spaces to Highlight the Energy of the Season: In our homes, we can make subtle yet meaningful shifts in energy through the use of color in smaller areas of our homes. For example, a change in the color of napkins, towels, tablecloths, or even throw pillows can make a huge shift in how a space feels. While my mother changed curtains, bedspreads and other items as well, your changes can be subtle or more comprehensive, depending on what brings you joy. Try to match the colors to the colors that you may see in nature during that time of the year – or to colors that you associate with that time of the year. What does each season represent to you? Reflect on major themes for the season. For example, new beginnings in spring, growth in summer, harvest in fall, and rest and hibernation in winter. Do you change your wardrobe colors when the seasons change? Think of your home as needing the same shifts in color and style to better match the energy present in the outer environment.

3. Using Images to Reinforce the Cycles of Nature: Remember that an image is worth a thousand words. The images we surround ourselves with send us constant messages that can reinforce our thoughts and emotions. Let’s reflect on what we want to reinforce and support in our lives. What does it mean to bring ourselves into alignment with the energy of nature? It is to recognize that our lives progress in cycles. What cycle of life are you operating in now? What would be most supportive to you during this time? How can this be reflected in the images that you surround yourself with? Are you in a cycle of new beginnings, growth, harvest or rest and reflection. Look at every image in your home to ensure that it matches with your current energy and will support you in moving forward. Are there any shifts you need to make to further enhance the current energies reflected in nature?

4.Enhancing Interior Lighting to Sync with Nature’s Lighting: When the seasons change, the light will shift where it is most prominent in your home, as well as the number of daylight hours that you experience. Consider keeping different sets of curtains or blinds open to bring in more daylight or even changing the types or colors of curtains to better reflect your light needs and the energy. You may even consider adjusting the use of interior lights to capitalize on the amount and intensity of daylight coming into the home during different times of the day and from different directions. Make sure to do all of this while holding the intention that your home is a bridge to your connection with nature as well as what you desire to experience from this connection as a result. The amount of daylight and intensity of the sun will also impact the heating and cooling cycles in your home. How do you enhance or adjust these settings as well to recognize and enjoy the season?

5.Using Cleaning and Space Clearing to Shift the Energy: Another great thing to do is to complete a thorough physical cleaning of your space. It’s a wonderful way to shift and move energy. Once the home is de-cluttered and cleaned, consider a space clearing – an energetic clearing of the space. Open windows and doors, welcome new and fresh energy into your spaces. Bring in natural elements, such as plants, stones, seashells, and other items found in nature. Images and scents of these elements will bring in their energy as well. 

These are just a few areas to reflect on as we move into a new season. Creating greater connection with our homes is a wonderful way to set a solid foundation for achieving our goals, being present with our daily lives, and feeling supported in all that we do. When we are present with our homes and use our intuition to make adjustments, we can create greater flow in our lives. And when we make the wider connection beyond the walls of our home to its natural surroundings, it can make an even greater impact. Being connected to nature and the cycles of the seasons can create even greater alignment as we learn to be present with and flow with the greater cycles that play a part in the flow of our lives. 

Editorial Description: Our homes can connect us with the cycles of nature, creating greater alignment and harmony in our lives.  


Clutter Clearing for Abundance Kit

Clear Your Clutter to Create Space for Abundance to Flow! Clutter originates in our mind and in our emotions, then manifests as objects that can tie us to the past, keep us stuck in the present, or distract us from our true mission. Your Clutter Clearing for Abundance Kit includes: 4 Steps to Clutter Clearing for Abundance Guide (PDF), A Conversation with Clutter Journal Prompts (PDF), a Clutter Clearing Exercise (PDF) and the Tuning into the Energy of Your Objects guided journey. (MP3).

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About the author 

Felicia D’Haiti

Felicia Messina-D’Haiti is a Feng Shui and Soul Coach/Teacher, speaker, award-winning educator and contributing author of several best-selling books. Denise Linn, award-winning author of ‘Sacred Space' says this, “Felicia is a remarkable teacher and practitioner!  She knows how to get to the core of an issue quickly and easily; her ability to implement transformations in the lives of others is inspiring. I’m continually in awe of the abilities of this compassionate woman!” 

As a child, Felicia had an interest in changing her environment, moving furniture, and changing the colors and art work in her room. This continuing passion combined with Felicia’s advanced studies in Art, Art History and Education led her through revelations about her own journeys of discovery and to her current mission of supporting people to clear the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual blockages from their lives.

She is a certified Usui Reiki Master/Teacher and Level 1 Hatha Vinyasa Yoga Teacher. She is also a Teacher of Advanced Interior Alignment® and Medicine Wheel Feng Shui™, through The International Institute of Interior Alignment® Feng Shui & Space Clearing; a Soul Coaching® Master Practitioner and Trainer. Additionally, she is a Past Life Coach through the International Institute of Soul Coaching®, a Gateway Dreaming™ Coach, Elemental Space Clearing® Practitioner and Master Oracle Card Practitioner. She has served as a master mentor for Denise Linn’s Elemental Space Clearing® Certification course as well as her Ultimate Clutter Clearing Coach Certification course. Felicia is also a Master Intuitive Coach, certified by Colette Baron-Reid.

Felicia’s clients receive individualized services that combine elements from her training, experience and intuition. Felicia works with an international client base, with individuals and groups, in person and online. She also gives presentations and workshops for conferences, schools, businesses, and other organizations.

Download her Feng Shui for Abundance and Clutter Clearing for Abundance gifts today. Check out her self-paced digital course, Align with Abundance Feng Shui Enhancement Set today. Learn more at

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