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5 Tips to Bust Through Your Fears and Own Your Life Purpose

5 Tips to Bust Through Your Fears and Own Your Life Purpose by Cortney Chaite | #AspireMag

If you’re someone with a huge message, a conscious entrepreneur and a sensitive soul, it can be a huge challenge to move through the fear that automatically rises up when you decide to show the world who you truly are.

When you decide to own your gifts,  your message, your passion and live your life purpose, it seems that obstacle after obstacle will show up, taunting you and asking you,

“Are you sure?”

“Do you really want this?”


When it comes to your soul’s calling, it’s vital that you learn how to move through your fears instead of letting them squash your dreams. Your message is too big to go unheard and the world needs every single person brave enough, and with enough love in their hearts, to offer healing to this world. You are an agent of change and have tremendous gifts that deserve to be shared! Can I get an, “Amen!”?

Yet, when we first take the initial steps to be seen, to spread our message of love, to heal and live our lives full out and in our glory, fear after fear pops up and can stop us dead in our tracks.

We deal with the fear of:

  • Judgment
  • Criticism
  • Being challenged
  • Nay-sayers
  • Failure
  • Doubt
  • Negative inner voices

Sound familiar?

Our own inner voices are our biggest demons. That voice chimes in with questions like, “Who do you think you are anyway?” Then there are the outer voices to contend with who often have the same question, “Who do you think you are, anyway?” Often, these outer voices are disguised as well-meaning friends and family members who are unknowingly crushing our dreams.

For sensitive souls, these fears can be soul crushing. I’ve been there and I know first-hand how challenging it can be to step into our greatness and own our message. I’ve almost quit a million times, yet my soul kept finding it’s back to this work. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought, “Maybe I’m not meant to do this.” or “Maybe I’m just not cut out for this.” At times, my sensitivity to the fears, the judgements,  and the thoughts of those around me felt like something I couldn’t overcome, and it felt hard.

And hey, we all want life to be easy. I’m no exception. It’s easier to do the easy thing, right? It’s easy to live life unchallenged. It’s easy to give up.

While living your life purpose, your soul’s calling, is one of the greatest joys in life, it also puts you on the fast-track to massive personal and spiritual growth because it will challenge you to your core. But honestly, how freaking cool is that? Trust me, it’s freaking cool. You have the chance to become your greatest self, and that is amazing.

But how, you ask? How do I move through the fear? It feels crippling!

I hear you. I really do. Here are my 5 tips and strategies that have helped me own my message and live my purpose:

  1. Become friends with the fear:Fear will always be there. Ask any wildly successful person if they feel fear and they will tell you that, yes, they do. The difference is that they have gotten comfortable with being uncomfortable. Fear is like a shadow and follows you around. I literally feel fear in my business on some level every single day. I’ve accepted that it will be there, lurking in the background, or on a really bad day, smacking me straight in the face. However, the old adage, “Feel the fear and do it anyway,” comes immediately and easily to mind, and I choose to act despite my fear.
  2. You are divinely contracted to help your tribe: Trust and believe that there are people on this earth you are contracted to help. Your message will not be for everyone, and that’s perfect. If you can let go of the fact that you aren’t mean to help or save everyone on the planet, it gets much easier to put your message out there because you can talk to the people who will really hear and get your message. Reminding yourself that there are people who you are specifically designed to help can eliminate feeling like you need to please and help everyone. I remind myself of this on a regular basis.
  3. The nay-saying isn’t actually about you: This one is hard to really embrace, but it will give you so much freedom from what other’s think. First of all, what you’re up to as a lightworker in the world isn’t any of their business. Remember, it’syour journey, not theirs. People project their fears onto their loved ones all the time. Or they think they know what’s best for us. Or they are trying to protect us from pain. That’s all their stuff, not yours! The very moment someone shares their well-meaning, or not-so-well-meaning, opinion with you, immediately remind yourself that it’s not about you. If they truly had your best interests at heart, they would support you on your merry way.
  4. Your soul will never stop calling: Remind yourself that your soul won’t leave you alone until you face this fear and just do it: If it’s really your soul calling you, it won’t be ignored and it will continue knocking on your door to get your attention. So save your soul a little time, and listen. Walk through the door, step into your mission and your purpose, and go for it. We need you and your unique voice!
  5. Create your Badass Fear-Busting Identity:I am SO big on creating new identities for ourselves because this was where I had one of my biggest breakthroughs. It’s what has allowed me to go big or go home. Instead of showing up as someone who would shrink before fear, I became someone who says, “Screw it! I’m doing it anyway!” I decided to be the person who acts despite fear. I decided to be the person who is brave. The person who shows up despite whatever obstacle is showing up. And guess what? This was a choice I made and you can decide who you want to be, too.



I can’t wait to see what big things you are up to!

I’d love to hear from you. So please leave your comments below!

With love,


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About the author 

Cortney Chaite

Cortney is an International Mindset and Self-Care Coach, Writer, Speaker and Mentor for Highly Sensitive Badasses TM. She is passionate about helping women tap into their unique brilliance through divine self-care so they can live their highest purpose, reach their full potential and find the strength in their sensitivity. She offers private and group transformational and empowerment coaching programs for highly sensitive, intuitive and empathic women.

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