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5 Strategies to Clear Space for Abundance

5 Strategies to Clear Space for Abundance by Felicia Messina-D’Haiti | #AspireMag

Often when we begin clutter clearing and making space for new things and experiences, we focus on physical objects to release. We must remember that the root of all physical clutter is never about the stuff. We become attached to certain things for a variety of reasons. Equally important are the thoughts and emotions that birth and grow our beliefs and can create unseen blocks to abundance. To intentionally create space for abundance, we must not only address the physical clutter but also the foundational beliefs upon which we stand.  

Let’s look at how we can identify and release these unseen things that can create barriers to living abundantly. Before we begin this exploration, take a moment to define what abundance means to you. Abundance is an ample amount of something. It is also having more than enough. What is your definition of abundance? What in your life do you desire to have more than enough of? It is love, wealth, health, time, creativity, or something else?  

1. The Importance of Setting an Intention 

Setting an intention is the beginning step to any new journey. Do you begin each day with an intention? Do you know what you desire to experience in your life in when examining the concept of abundance? Just as you make plans for vacations or driving to a new location, you need to know where you are and where you want to go before you start your journey. Set an intention. Consider what abundance looks like for you and how it will show up in your life. If you desire an abundance of time, what will you do with that time? How will you feel when you have an abundance of time? What will you do with an abundance of wealth? Consider that living in a state of abundance is not the end of the journey but only the beginning. What is your intention for how you will live your life with the abundance you desire? Reflect on how you desire to feel and integrate that into your intention. When your intention includes what you desire to experience and the emotions associated with that, you open yourself up to the manifestation showing up in limitless ways.  

2. Expressing Gratitude 

At the foundation of abundance is gratitude. While we may desire more abundance in a particular area of our lives, let’s not forget all the ways in which we are already living an abundant life. What are the many things that you are grateful for? Do you have running water, a roof over your head, a career that you enjoy, good health, or something else? Even in the midst of chaos, we have the opportunity to make a choice and focus on what is a blessing in our lives. Expressing gratitude from our heart space creates and amplifies the energy of gratitude and will attract more things into our awareness that are already present in our lives that we are grateful for. It also brings to us more things that we will be grateful for. Gratitude creates waves of energy that create alignment between our own energy and that which we desire to bring into our lives. 

3. Identifying and Releasing Abundance Blocking Beliefs 

Sometimes when we set the energy by setting an intention, we still unconsciously entertain blocks that prevent us from reaching our destination. For example, if you’ve set a heartfelt intention and are in a state of expressing gratitude, yet still feel blocked from abundance in a particular area, some deeper examination of your beliefs may be called for. Examine your core beliefs to uncover any beliefs that may be blocking your abundance. If you believe you are not worthy of living in a state of abundance, then you will inevitably find ways to sabotage opportunities for abundance. Do you recognize themes in your thinking that don’t make sense but that you cling to anyway? If this sounds familiar, it’s time for a deeper dive into negative core beliefs that may be influencing you. 

4. Saying “No” If It Is Not in Alignment 

How often do we say “Yes” to things that are not in alignment with our intentions? One way to see what we’ve agreed to do is to take a good look at our calendars and our “to do” lists. Is your calendar full of activities that have little meaning for you? Do you have an ever-growing list of things that you write down to do later but then never get to. This is an opportunity to release these things from your lists by completing them, delegating them, or completely removing them. When things remain on your “to do” list for long periods of time, they clog your energy and send messages to the Universe that you do not do what you say you are going to do. When we say yes to activities out of obligation or guilt, that also clogs our energy field, leaving us sitting in clouded and unclear energy. Being in alignment means that our thoughts, emotions, and actions are all in agreement. If any one of these areas is not a “yes,” re-examine how you are spending your time to make room for more of what you desire.  

5. Creating Physical Spaces that Reflect Abundance 

In tandem with setting intentions, expressing gratitude, identifying, and releasing abundance blocking beliefs, and saying “no” if it’s not in alignment, create spaces in your home that reflect abundance of what you desire. Take a good look around your home. Are you keeping unfinished projects, broken items, borrowed items, or things that you no longer have an interest in? Are there items that remind you of lack or negative core beliefs? When you walk through your home, do you notice things that bring your energy down or remind you of limitation? What you associate with these things can block your abundance. Just as an experience is neither good nor bad but what we associate with it, the things in our home are what we associate with them. What thoughts and emotions do we associate with the furniture, colors, and other aspects of our homes? Release the items that hold the energy of limitation and create space for things that lift your energy and remind you that all things are possible. 

Physical clutter is never just about the stuff. Every aspect of our home reflects our beliefs. If we desire to live abundantly in any or all areas of life, we must reflect this internally as well as in our physical spaces. By setting heartfelt intentions, we create the road map for our journey to abundance. Gratitude fuels this journey and allows us to shift negative core beliefs with more grace and ease.  

As we become more empowered and in alignment in all aspects of our being, it will be easier to say “Yes” to all that is in alignment with our desires and to discern that which is not. Clearing everything that blocks abundance will create the space and energy to attract more of what we desire into our lives.  In attracting abundance into our lives, it is also essential to remember that we give to others from our overflow.  

With our increasing abundance, how will we serve?  

Clutter Clearing for Abundance Kit

Clear Your Clutter to Create Space for Abundance to Flow! Clutter originates in our mind and in our emotions, then manifests as objects that can tie us to the past, keep us stuck in the present, or distract us from our true mission. Your Clutter Clearing for Abundance Kit includes: 4 Steps to Clutter Clearing for Abundance Guide (PDF), A Conversation with Clutter Journal Prompts (PDF), a Clutter Clearing Exercise (PDF) and the Tuning into the Energy of Your Objects guided journey. (MP3).

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About the author 

Felicia D’Haiti

Felicia Messina-D’Haiti is a Feng Shui and Soul Coach/Teacher, speaker, award-winning educator and contributing author of several best-selling books. Denise Linn, award-winning author of ‘Sacred Space' says this, “Felicia is a remarkable teacher and practitioner!  She knows how to get to the core of an issue quickly and easily; her ability to implement transformations in the lives of others is inspiring. I’m continually in awe of the abilities of this compassionate woman!” 

As a child, Felicia had an interest in changing her environment, moving furniture, and changing the colors and art work in her room. This continuing passion combined with Felicia’s advanced studies in Art, Art History and Education led her through revelations about her own journeys of discovery and to her current mission of supporting people to clear the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual blockages from their lives.

She is a certified Usui Reiki Master/Teacher and Level 1 Hatha Vinyasa Yoga Teacher. She is also a Teacher of Advanced Interior Alignment® and Medicine Wheel Feng Shui™, through The International Institute of Interior Alignment® Feng Shui & Space Clearing; a Soul Coaching® Master Practitioner and Trainer. Additionally, she is a Past Life Coach through the International Institute of Soul Coaching®, a Gateway Dreaming™ Coach, Elemental Space Clearing® Practitioner and Master Oracle Card Practitioner. She has served as a master mentor for Denise Linn’s Elemental Space Clearing® Certification course as well as her Ultimate Clutter Clearing Coach Certification course. Felicia is also a Master Intuitive Coach, certified by Colette Baron-Reid.

Felicia’s clients receive individualized services that combine elements from her training, experience and intuition. Felicia works with an international client base, with individuals and groups, in person and online. She also gives presentations and workshops for conferences, schools, businesses, and other organizations.

A recent cancer survivor, Felicia resides in Maryland with her husband and four children. Connect with Felicia at, receive a complimentary gift, and explore her offerings, including certification courses in Feng Shui, Space Clearing, Soul Coaching®, and Reiki.

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