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5 Self-Promises for Love, Joy, and Inner Confidence

5 Self-Promises for Love, Joy and Inner-Confidence by Michele Greer | #AspireMag

Do you keep the promises you make to yourself?  

Are you on a spiritual or self-growth journey to experience true joy and happiness? Maybe you have a goal you are trying to achieve?  

The majority of people have great intentions to make significant changes and take action in their lives. We all have goals and dreams and want to live an extraordinary life. 

However, so many people aren’t taking action on their personal growth and daily rituals. Although, we may know the importance of daily rituals and routines, we need to understand the most important thing we can do is to take care of ourselves first.  

To do so, we need to build our spiritual muscles that will give us the strength to handle life experiences. Although we know this on an intellectual level, we may still have a hard time implementing supportive new rituals in our daily lives.  

The rituals you desire to implement are the same as self-promises. When you say you are going to do something and you don’t follow through, it can cause you to feel like you betrayed yourself. This feeling can make you feel sad and unworthy. This is a sure way to lose self-confidence and create negative energy. 

Here is one thing I know for sure: What you are upset about is never what you think it’s about. I used to get so upset with myself if I said I was going to do something and I didn’t follow through. I began to observe these feelings and I learned the reason I was upset with myself had little to do with the ritual I didn’t complete. I was disappointed because I didn’t keep the self-promise I made to myself. If we break promises to ourselves it can have the same lasting impact on us that it would if someone else broke a promise to us.  

Think about how you feel when someone doesn’t keep a promise. Do you feel upset and think to yourself, “Why me?” Why am I attracting people or a person that doesn’t tell the truth? The reason is because you attract the energy that you put out in the universe. If you aren’t keeping promises to yourself, you will attract other people that don’t keep promises. The energy that we send out is the energy that we get back. 

Hence, one of the key foundations to inner peace and self-confidence is to always keep promises to yourself. You have to depend on what you say to yourself and trust that you will always follow through. You need to be loyal, loving and trustworthy to yourself first. When you truly know that you can trust yourself, you can reflect that energy into the universe and attract the people you want in your life. 

Nonetheless, the majority of people are searching for the magic answer to experience joy. There is an answer; The single most important step is to keep the promises you make to yourself. Be the person that you want to be around. Become the person in your life that no matter what has your back. 

As a result, you can start to trust yourself again and attract amazing people in your life that you can always count on. It’s never too late to start something new and make changes. I know for me, I would always plan too far in advance and I would feel overwhelmed. I truly believe if we keep it simple, we will accomplish more than we thought was possible. 

I want to challenge you to pick one Self-Promise, or ritual, to implement for the next 7 days. Start today.  Choose and honor one self-promise a day to create an amazing amount of positive momentum and energy.  As you do, you will feel more in control of your life and start to see miraculous changes. Yes, it’s that simple, it just takes a little practice. After the first week, add a second ritual and keep going each week. 


Pick one of the promises below and take action for the next 7 days.  You will see and feel the difference.  You can do this!  

Self-Promise #1: Acts of Kindness  

Create your own act of kindness or pick one from the list below to get started. 


  • Call or text someone and let them know you are thinking about them or that you love them. 
  • Open the door for someone and smile at them. 
  • Buy the person behind you at Starbucks a cup of coffee. 

Self-Promise # 2: Workout 

Commit to working out a minimum of 15 minutes days for the next 7 days. 

If you don’t typically workout then just start with 15 minutes. If you already work out, commit to trying something new. 


  • Go for a walk in nature.  
  • Jump on a rebounder. 
  • Do jumping jacks and push-ups. 
  • Go for a run. 

Promise # 3: Journal  

Every day for the next 7 days, write down 3 things that you are grateful for. 

I recommend journaling at the same time each day. It doesn’t have to be something big that you write about. In fact, I’ve found that the more we are grateful for the little things, the big things start to appear.  


  • I am grateful for this sunny day. 
  • I am grateful that I’m keeping the promise I made to myself. 
  • I am grateful for my job. 
  • I am grateful for an amazing conversation I had with someone. 

Promise # 4: Meditate 

Start where you are. If you don’t meditate on a regular basis start with 3 minutes and build from there and commit to it for the next 7 days 


  • Sit in silence for a minimum of 3 minutes each day. 
  • Turn off all notifications on your phone or computer and just be.  
  • Take a few moments to focus on your breath. 

Promise # 5: Restful Sleep 

Commit, for the next 7 days, to waking up and going to bed at the same time each day and to aim for 7-8 hours of sleep. 


  • Set your alarm at night to get ready for bed and in the morning to wake up.  
  • Don’t hit the snooze button.  
  • Always remember to make your bed first thing in the morning. It will start your day off with a sense of accomplishment. 

Self-Promise Bonus: Always Remember to Smile    

Smile. Surrender. Shine 

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About the author 

Michele Greer

Michele Greer is a transformational and lifestyle coach who helps women rewrite their story of pain, lack and struggle that is keeping them from living their best lives. Michele’s BEYOND BRAVE mission was birthed after her own life-altering experience. Using the same mindset strategies and self-love rituals she used to transform her own life, she empowers and supports women who are caught up in the “story” of their past, helps them rewrite their story and create a life of happiness, joy and fulfillment. Visit

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