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5 Reasons Why Setting Boundaries is Crucial to Self-Care

5 Reasons Why Setting Boundaries is Crucial to Self-Care by Martha Tassinari | #AspireMag

Why is it that we as women struggle with a consistent self-care plan?

I want you to think about why you may put your self-care on the back burner.

Here are the common reasons I hear from women:

  • I don’t have time or I’m too busy (work, kids, husband, school, etc.)
  • I have to pick the kids up at school, soccer, etc.
  • I volunteered for this project at work and can’t get out of it…
  • Work is crazy right now…

The list goes on and on.

The common denominator is lack of personal/professional boundaries.

If you are frustrated because you aren’t able to follow a consistent self-care plan, I guarantee there is a boundary issue that needs to be uncovered and addressed. Please be gentle with yourself here. This is not about self-judgement, but awareness.

When we create an awareness around boundaries, then we can heal and take inspired action. I encourage you to read on and learn why setting boundaries needs to be a priority in your daily self-care plan.

First, I would like to share with you some of the consequences of not setting boundaries. Not having clear boundaries can affect us emotionally, physically, energetically, and spiritually. Lack of boundaries can create emotional overwhelm, stress, anxiety, and depression.  I call it the “Boundary Hangover”.  There is a cure for this!

We as women have a tendency of overextending ourselves, putting everyone else’s needs first and acting like we are “Super Woman”.  Overtime, we become exhausted and find ourselves eating unhealthy meals and not exercising regularly.  This leads to possible weight gain, weight loss, and even self-medicating with alcohol, food, shopping, etc. It can contribute to physical illness or a healing crisis.

If you are navigating through a difficult life challenge or dealing with other people’s drama (I call them the energetic vampires), you may feel energetically depleted.  You need to reflect and be honest with yourself about who or what is depleting you or violating your boundaries?

I know how challenging setting boundaries can be.  I struggled for years with the issue of not setting boundaries (then I didn’t know it was a boundary problem until I had a major healing crisis called cancer).  I don’t want that to happen to you!

A lack of boundaries can affect you spiritually.  If you aren’t taking the time to meditate, pray, connect to God or your spiritual connection, then you are out of alignment or disconnected from your authentic self or true spirit. Boundaries are based on your values and your beliefs.  The purpose of boundaries is to protect your highest values and allow you to not only speak your truth, but live your truth.

The last important reason to make boundary setting a priority in your life and self-care plan is that if we don’t set boundaries we stay stuck and nothing ever changes.

The bottom line boundaries are everything!  If we don’t have clear boundaries we can’t follow a self-care plan with consistency, we won’t have fulfilling relationships and we aren’t living connected to our authentic self. Boundaries are your birthright!  Setting health boundaries is truly an act of self-love which is a big part of self-care and connecting to your authentic self.

Three signs you need to set boundaries as part of your self-care plan:

1. Listen to your body.  What is your body telling you? Your body is your “Boundary Barometer”.  What is your body telling you? Is it stressed? Are you having trouble sleeping? Are experiencing physical pain? Is the food that you’re putting into your body unhealthy and your body is letting you know?    Don’t ignore the signs.

2 . What are you complaining about? If you find yourself continually triggered by something it’s a sign that you need to listen to. Are you feeling angry or resentful?  Did you say YES to something and now you wished you had said NO.

3. Clear the emotional clutter:  Make a list of who or what is depleting you or affecting you in a negative way.  Where are you giving your power away?

This awareness of where you may be giving your power away and investing your time and energy can be a powerful transformation.

Step into your feminine courage and create an action plan.  What boundary will you put in place and by when?

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About the author 

Martha Tassinari

Martha Tassinari is the Founder and President of the Holistic Life Transitions Institute. She inspires women all over the world to embrace challenging life transitions as a catalyst for spiritual and personal transformation so that they can manifest their deepest vision of themselves and create a life full of joy, passion, and purpose.

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