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5 Easy Ways to Bring More Laughter into Your Life

5 Easy Ways to Bring More Laughter into Your Life by Kristen Webster | #AspireMag

Have you ever noticed that for the most part kids are just happy?   

One of the reasons might be because they know how to laugh, and they do it often.  In fact, research shows that kids typically laugh between 30 and 50 times a day, compared to adults who tend to laugh only 15 times a day.  I have a daughter who loves to laugh and I adore that about her.  She has a flare for the dramatic and loves getting me to fall over laughing as she embellishes the stories of her day.  Hearing her in her bedroom each night giggling endlessly at funny videos or with her friends on FaceTime is truly a delight.  (I am admittedly envious).   

I am sure you have heard it said that laughter is the best medicine.  Although it hasn’t been proven to be a cure for all ailments, I am pretty certain it is possible.  Does that sound far-fetched?  I guess it could, but I for one am choosing to stick with that belief.  I have read countless stories of people who have cured themselves of anything from depression to cancer by committing to a daily laughter practice.  In fact, I believe in it so much, that a little over 8 years ago, I became I certified Laughter Yoga™ Instructor. I love hearing stories from my clients about how much better they feel overall because of the practice.   

There is so much data mounting about the positive things laughter can do, and the best part is you don’t need any special equipment to make it work.  Laughing doesn’t have to take a lot of time out of your day, and it doesn’t even matter if you use “fake” laughter or real laughter – physiologically, your body doesn’t know the difference.  You’ll receive the same benefits no matter how you do it.  Personal experience has taught me that “fake” laughter inevitably turns into real laughter if you keep at it long enough.  But don’t take my word for it – go ahead and see for yourself right now.  Do your best to spend the next couple of minutes or so “pretending” to laugh and see what happens and how you feel. 

Having a good laugh has an immediate positive effect.  Not only does laughter make you feel lighter in the moment, the process of laughing actually fires off physical changes in your brain and body chemistry that alter the way you feel.   

In the short-term laughter can: 

  • Enhance your ability to breathe more deeply, stimulating your heart and lungs and increasing your intake of oxygen. 
  • Help your body release tension by increasing blood circulation to your muscles, joints and tendons.   
  • Lower the level of stress hormones (epinephrine, cortisol, etc.) in the blood. 
  • Increase the level of dopamine and endorphins being released by your brain, which helps lessen depression, anxiety, and overwhelm. 

Laughing has many long-term effects as well.  Laughing can: 

  • Improve your immune system by creating a more positive state of mind.  (Positive thinking helps to release neuropeptides that fight stress and potentially more-serious illnesses). 
  • Help move the fluid in the lymphatic system to flush your system and remove toxic waste. 
  • Reduce blood pressure. 
  • Relieve pain by causing the body to produce its own natural painkillers. 
  • Increase your quality of life.  Laughter is a positive energy, which helps people to connect with other people more quickly and improve their relationships. 

Adding more laughter to your day can make everything flow more easily and joyfully.   

Here are 5 easy ways to bring more laughter into your life.   

  1. Practice “fake” laughing for a few minutes each day.  Driving in the car or while taking a shower can be a great place to do this.  If for no other reason than the priceless looks you get from other people as they drive by or from your family as they wonder what the heck you are up to in the shower. 
  2. Bookmark pages on the Internet or check out YouTube to find short video clips that make you laugh.  Animals making babies laugh are pretty irresistible for me, but decide what your own sweet spot is.   
  3. Find a “laughter buddy” (as my daughter calls them), and make plans to connect and laugh together. 
  4. Schedule time for a laughter session with your family.  Pro-tip: it’s much easier to get younger kids to participate with you (teenagers tend to be a little less open to this).  Creating this time can strengthen your family relationships and give you more moments of joy. 
  5. Visit  to find a laughter yoga class near you. 


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About the author 

Kristen Webster

Kristen Webster is an Inspiration Igniter, driven by an insatiable curiosity to explore the depths of human potential and untapped possibilities. Her classes and workshops guide others to find their passion and create inspired action plans so they can unleash their joy and live vibrantly. She is also the owner of Salmon Olive inspiring home goods and clothing, designed to help nourish the soul. Claim your free Gratitude and Love mini-journal, which includes stunning coloring pages, here

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