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5 Anxiety-Soothing Strategies for Highly Sensitive Women

5 Anxiety-Soothing Strategies for Highly Sensitive Women by Dr. Debra Reble | #AspireMag

There’s no way to escape that anxiety is a part of life, but if you are a highly sensitive woman, it can be overwhelming if not managed and channeled positively. Being highly sensitive and deeply empathetic doesn’t have to be debilitating, it can be a superpower! It assists you in becoming highly aware of the things that aren’t working in your life and how to make the necessary changes.  

As an HSP, you have chosen an extraordinary time to be on earth to assist in the healing of human consciousness. You can sense what others and the world needs and want to provide it. It’s important to acknowledge your higher awareness as a positive quality and celebrate your intuitive abilities. You are a great gift to the world and who we’ve been waiting for to elevate our world’s energy to a higher vibration. 

Every woman is born with the ability to be an open channel of spiritual information, for it is our divine nature. Although we tune in to this energy and information differently, we all tap into the same divine source. It’s not our ability or talent which determines the extent to which we are highly sensitive, but rather how open and receptive we are.  

As a highly sensitive person (HSP), it’s natural and easy to be consciously aware, deeply compassionate, and intuitive. You see things from a multi-sensory system rather than a five-sensory system which leads to a higher level of expanded awareness and sudden moments of clarity. When you are this sensitive, it’s truly important to learn how to access the spiritual information coming through your heart, and act on it without reservation. 

With such sensitivity, it’s not always easy to feel things so deeply, care so much, and be overly empathic. It often makes it hard to discern what feelings and energies belong to you and what belongs to someone else. Such openness and receptivity can cause constant stress because you are more likely to soak up the energies of others, especially the world’s energy. Taking in such an accumulation of energy can make you feel anxious like you can barely breathe, a sense of impending doom, or empathy overload.  

This is because your energy field acts like a sponge, absorbing the energies of others and your environment. It’s why you may experience the feelings and energies of others especially when they are suffering, struggling, or anxious. You may even be unaware that others are projecting their anxiety onto you and you take it in as your own.  

HSP’s struggle to keep their energy from bleeding into the energy fields of people around them or prevent other people’s energy from infiltrating their energy field. Most “sensitives” have felt themselves taking on the emotions of others as if they were their own or being sucked dry of energy in the presence of such “energy bullies.”  

If there are toxic people around you on a consistent basis (for example, if they are your friends, family members, or coworkers), their negativity can be like a slow-moving infection, affecting you more and more with each interaction. Being in the midst of this energy on a regular basis can bring on disease by weakening your immune defenses. Even if the negative energy created by others in your life is at a very low level, your health and longevity can be affected.  

Highly sensitive individuals can be more prone to anxiety and depression because of their empathetic sensitivities. At its best, the resulting energetic drain can make them vulnerable to feelings of “compassion fatigue.” At its worst, it can stress their heart centers, resulting in exhaustion, depression, or medical conditions such as increased blood pressure or cardiac disease.  

With the intense fear, anxiety, and despair that’s going on in the world right now, you may find it especially challenging to manage empathy overload. All you have to do is turn on the news and you will notice how deeply affected you are by what’s happening today. Because of this energetic intensity, you may be feeling more anxious, ungrounded, and unsettled than you normally do. Your whole life may feel like one big anxious reaction to the external forces outside yourself. So much so, you feel stuck, avoid making choices, and in a holding pattern with life. 

Being highly sensitive doesn’t cause empathy overload, taking in other people’s energies does. You may react to the overload by closing off your heart and trying to tune out the information when you don’t know how to manage or channel these energies positively. However, opening the heart center actually clears the negative and releases high vibrational energy. The more open you are, the more this energy can be used to protect you. This is your own natural energetic clearing system.  

When feeling things deeply and compassionately is your superpower, it’s essential that you practice these five anxiety-soothing strategies to release energy overload that can lead to anxiety, depression, and compassion fatigue: 

1) Practice higher awareness instead of over-awarenessBy practicing heart-centered attention, bring yourself into higher awareness. Aligning your mind and heart creates a flow of energy which bypasses the over-awareness of the brain and allows you to intuit freely. Close your eyes and place your hand on your heart center. Take a few deep breaths while inhaling and exhaling through your heart. Now visualize a pearl of while light here. Feel the divine light filling your entire heart space and expanding outward in all directions.  

Take a media break and reduce the amount of time you spend watching the news, surfing the internet, or engaging in social media. This also applies to people so be discerning about who you spend your time with and consciously consider where you live, work, and where you spend most of your time. 

2Ground and integrate your energies. Spend time in natural settings, go for walks, breathe in the fresh air, and surround yourself with beauty. While outside, begin at the top of your head and direct your energy down through your entire body to your feet. Focus on how your feet feel inside your socks or shoes and against the ground. Tap your feet on the ground until you feel the energy here. Doing this outside on grass or moss or up against a tree enhances the calming effect. This is a great way of rebalancing your energies and you can do it any time, with your eyes open or closed, and while sitting or moving. 

3) Consistently clear your energy field. When you want to clear your energy field of negative energy, imagine the person or situation in pink light (such as pink bubbles, pink clouds, or pink cotton candy) while at the same time visualizing yourself in a radiant white light. This practice seals the negativity away from you because the vibration of pink light governs the physical universe and short circuits negativity.  

Bathing in Epson or Himalayan sea salts toward the end of the day will also clear your energy field. Don’t forget to change your clothes after a long day spent with others as clothes collect energy too.  

You can also clear your energy field by creating two separate journals. One is for toxic dumping ground for releasing all negative emotions and energies. The other is for celebrating gratitude, intentions, and anything positive. 

4) Differentiate what energies, anxiety, or feelings are yours and what are other peoples’. You can be easily triggered by other people’s energies and emotions. When you feel a physical or emotional reaction, pause and say to yourself, “If this is mine, I will deal with it. If not, I bless and release it.” If it’s not yours, your energy field has been invaded and you must clear it. Remember the old adage, “Not my circus, not my monkeys.” When it’s yours, create the time and space to have a sacred chat with your anxiety or issue. Lean into your deepest fears and vulnerabilities and let them be a spiritual guidance system so you know what needs to be healed.   

5) Set healthy energetic boundaries. Before entering any challenging situation, open your heart and visualize it radiating white light that creates such an expansive energy field that you fill the room. Like a divine light shield, this protects you from everything that is coming at you. Now you can hold a space of healthy detachment by sustaining an open heart in compassion while simultaneously removing yourself from any unhealthy processes you encounter. Keep your energetic boundaries in place by continuing to beam love and light into the space around you. 

I invite you to get in the daily habit of using the anxiety-soothing practices that resonate with you. What matters most is that you take consistent action to manage and channel your sensitivities positively. This will create healthy new habits that promote trust, calm, and inner peace. 

INVITATION: If you struggle with anxiety, I invite you to claim your watch this free instant access webinar, Embracing Your Fears & Anxiety as Part of Your Spiritual Guidance System 


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About the author 

Dr. Debra Reble

Consciously merging her practical tools as a psychologist, in practice for over two decades, with her intuitive and spiritual gifts, Intuitive Psychologist Dr. Debra Reble empowers women to connect with their hearts, release fear and anxiety, and supports them in breaking through their energetic and spiritual blocks to self-love so they can live authentically.

Debra is the International Bestselling author of Soul-Hearted Living: A Year of Sacred Reflections & Affirmations for Women, Being Love: How Loving Yourself Creates Ripples of Transformation in Your Relationships and the World, (Inspired Living Publishing) and the author of Soul-Hearted Partnership: The Ultimate Experience of Love, Passion, and Intimacy, which garnered four book awards including the Eric Hoffer award, as well as a contributing author to numerous best-selling books.

Debra is a sought-after speaker and media guest and is the host of the popular Soul-Hearted Living podcast on iTunes. Through her popular Soul-Hearted Living workshops, retreats, and private sessions Dr. Debra is passionate about serving women. Her digital program, Anxiety RX: Balm for the Soul supports women in learning to see their anxiety from a spiritual perspective.

You are invited to her transformational 4 part Soul-Hearted Living meditation series as a gift from her heart to yours.

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