Have you ever felt the difference in the energy of a room before and after a party? Or have you walked into a space after an argument or a very sad experience and felt the heaviness still lingering in the air? Our spaces and the objects in those spaces hold the energy of the people and events that occur within them. No matter what different kinds of experiences have taken place within a space, there are many ways that we can clean, clear and reset our spaces to create sacred spaces, where we feel safe, uplifted, energized and loved.
Clearing out our physical clutter is a great way to begin with the process of renewing our spaces. Once you have cleared out the physical clutter in a space, it is important to physically clean the space, infusing it with love. I know for myself cleaning is not something I love to do so I always set an intention prior to cleaning. By setting an intention for the cleaning, you can ensure that love and joy are brought into the space and not frustration or your dislike of cleaning. I find that playing uplifting music or diffusing essential oils in the space, helps to lift my mood and make it a more enjoyable process.
Simply cleaning the space can raise the energy vibration of your spaces; but to take it a step further, you can energetically clear the space as well. Space clearing is a powerful method of clearing out any stagnant or less than uplifting energies from your space and replacing it with the energy of your intentions. During a space clearing, you are using your intention and a chosen tool to transform the energy in your space to feel more supportive. Imagine gentle winds moving through your spaces, taking away anything that does not support you and leaving you with sparkling, fresh energy. Space clearings can be done at any time to bring in new energies. Space clearings can be done to bless and set intentions for a new home, when sending gratitude as you sell your home, after a sickness, death, or divorce. Anytime you need a shift or a renewal of the energy is a great time to do a space clearing.
There are quite a few tools and methods that can be used to clear your space, but one thing that I would always recommend is to be clear on your intentions for the clearing is to have clarity on what you would like to release as well as what you would like to invite into the space. Just like with clutter clearing, if you clear out a space with no intention, it will inevitably fill back up with things that do not align with your desires. So, when you clear out stagnant energy, what do you desire to replace it with? What do you want to feel and experience in that space? If you desire to feel more joy and clarity, or more freedom and peace, make that part of your intention.
There are several ways to energetically clear a space. One way to complete a space clearing is to draw upon the element of air. The element of air moves around and within you. The quality of your air supports your life. Some space clearing tools that draw upon this element are sage, cedar, or other organic herbs that you can burn. Feathers or incense can also be used. Each of these moves with the air. Moving fresh air into your spaces, by opening windows and using fans, is also a wonderful way to keep the air and energy moving to have a beautiful, and energetically sparkling space.
Water can be used in many ways to support a space clearing. You can continually shift the energy in and support your space with water using items like essential oil diffusers and water fountains. When choosing an essential oil to use in your mister or diffuser, tap into the energy that you desire to bring into your space. For example, lavender is a wonderful oil to use to create a relaxing atmosphere. Lemongrass can be used in spaces where you would like to support yourself in cleansing, releasing old limiting beliefs, or negativity. The more you know about yourself and what you desire to create and experience, the more targeted your choices can be for what essential oils and space clearing techniques you may choose to apply.
Fire brings transformation. Picture a magnificent phoenix being reborn through the energy of fire. Lighted candles can bring a sacred energy to your space that is calming and meditative. Candles can energize a room or your entire house. As you light the candles, focus on the intention you have for the space and imagine it being held in the flame and being dispersed into the air.
When choosing a candle, choose a color that is supportive of your intentions. As with other decisions you make in your space, choosing a color for the candle is a personal choice. Choose one that feels right to you rather than following a chart or diagram of suggested colors. To maintain the cleansing energy of fire in your home, hang crystals in the windows to bring in the fire energy from the sun. You may also use mirrors to reflect the light of the sun into your home.
Using sound for a space clearing can be magical. Your “sound” space clearing tool can be a bell, sound bowl, drum, or any other musical instrument. You may choose to clap your hands. Sound is vibration, and any sound tool you use will move, shift, and refresh the energy. If you feel as if there is a great deal of energy to clear, you may want to use something that sounds more powerful, like a drum. Or, if you desire a more delicate moving of the energy, a bell may be more appropriate. Just as you learn to sense the energy in a space, you may also sense which tool is most appropriate. There are a limitless variety of tools that you can use to clear your space. And while choosing a tool can be fun, it’s the way that you use the tool that is most important.
Even when not completing a formal space clearing, you may use sound to keep the energy in a space moving and clear. One way you can do this is by leaving a radio on in a room while you are not there. Experiment and have fun with it. Leave the radio on while you are out and see if the energy of your space feels different when you return. Wind chimes and other sound producing tools can be used in and around your home to keep the energy fresh and moving at all times. Singing, humming, or chanting will shift the energy as well. The best thing about singing, humming, or chanting is that the vibrational changes are coming from within you and emanating out to the spaces.
Energetically clearing the spaces of your home can create magical and sacred spaces around you. Imagine that whatever tool you choose to use is releasing stagnant energy and transforming the spaces into what is most supportive for you and what you desire to experience in your spaces.