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3 Ways to Uplift Yourself and Experience Intimacy and Sensual Body Connection

IntimacyMany of us sit for 6-8 hours per day and spend a lot of time mostly in our heads and out of our bodies throughout the day. Our bodies love to move and when we move our sexual organs, our pelvic muscles and hips, we get to experience more fluidity, looseness and lightness in our low back and legs! The more we move our pelvis rhythmically such as when we dance, walk and make love, the more we get to experience the benefits of the pleasure and love hormone called oxytocin.

Too often we forget our nature is to have a strong, flexible low back and tone pelvic floor. A history of having had vaginal births coupled with prolonged sitting for hours day may cause some disconnection or weakness in our pelvic floor muscles. This also causes us to feel weak at our core, the deepest muscles, the pelvic floor and deep core muscles is where we hold the deepest emotions and essence of who we are.

Therefore it is important to learn HOW to move these muscles and also how to contract these muscles so that we can have deeper experiences in general, more fulfilling orgasms and also an enhanced support for our low back and posture. The pelvic floor creates a hammock of support o keep all our organs in the right place and therefore it is vital to keep us feeling uplifted and empowered from the inside out.

3 Ways To Uplift Your Pelvic Floor and Deepen Intimacy:

  1. Lay down in a comfortable posture with the soles of your feet together and your knees wide apart. This posture of the legs causes your pelvic floor muscles to lengthen. Take a deep breath of awareness into the area between your pubic bone and tail bone. Notice how the pelvic floor expands and lengthens when you inhale, notice how it returns to baseline when you exhale. Feel how these muscles move when you take deep breaths. Be a witness to the sensations of your pelvic floor, your genitals and be mindful of these movements and sensations. This is a way to strengthen our body-mind connection. Remember you are an energetic, vibrational being created on purpose by our Divine Creator. Our creative energy center where our sexual organs are, is a vital area for creativity and pro-creation! Feel grateful for your sexuality, your sensuality and your creative abilities.
  2. Squeeze your pelvic floor muscles for as long as you can. Notice how when you squeeze them, the muscles move upwards, towards your head and neck. When you relax them they move back down towards your feet. Notice the actions of these muscles when they contract and hold. Notice the actions of your pelvic floor when you exhale and relax. Is it easy for you to squeeze and hold? How long can you hold for? Comment down below. Were you surprised at how long or short you could contract your pelvic floor?
  1. Create your own resistance and uplift yourself by squeezing and holding for as long as you can your pelvic floor muscles WHILE also inhaling as deeply as possible. Notice how this type of beathing pattern causes more air to fill up your upper body. Does this type of breathing make you feel more relaxed, more energized? Is it easy for you to keep your pelvic floor muscles contracted WHILE you inhale deeply?

I used to experience painful sex with my ex-husband, because my vagina and cervical area was holding a lot of shame and guilt, repressed emotions from 14 years before… where I had a very traumatic first sexual experience with a teenage boy. My background as a physical therapist was purely focused on the physical causes of pain. What I discovered from my own pain during sex was that I had been holding on to emotional pain in my body! One day after a 3 hour pelvic floor yoga course, I went home and took a bath feeling exhausted and that was my first time every experiencing emotional release in my body. The pain I been holding prior to that day was released in a few seconds, I felt this tingling in my body and it moved down my legs, originating from my cervix/vagina area. That was the first moment I really understood what my yoga teachers were talking about, prana, chi, energy flow.

The exercises listed above are powerful and simple ways for us to connect and get in touch with our sexual and sensual body anatomy. The more we feel these muscles and activate them, the richer the experience we will have within ourselves. We feel literally uplifted when we are strong and soft in our pelvic floor. If we hold fear, trauma, abuse, shame or judgement inside our vagina/pelvic floor, we will feel tightness, tension and sometimes pain down there, especially during intercourse.

Bring an open mind, say yes to being vulnerable and intimate with the core of who you are and notice what magical experiences you will feel when you go within. If you are wanting to go deeper with your partner, these exercises are a great way to attract deeper connection with your partner, for we get what we are, not what we want.

Our bodies are sacred and created by our divine Creator to manifest life and experience life! Let me know how these intimate exercises benefit you and share with us if you feel uplifted from uplifting your pelvic floor. And remember to spend time daily squeezing and relaxing your pelvic floor throughout the day. My favorite song to “contract and relax” to while I am driving is “Feelin’ Love” by Paula Cole.

And you can also squeeze and relax your pelvic floor at every red light as a way of giving yourself divine kisses from down below. Enjoy uplifting yourself throughout the day. You are so worth it!

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About the author 

Michelle Alva

Michelle Alva, Pelvic Floor and Women's Physical Therapist, Yoga Therapist, PSYCH-K® Facilitator & Sound Healer for 21 years, is a woman on a mission to educate and empower individuals on HOW to heal, live connected, empowered and embodied. She created Begin Within: Experience Deeper Intimacy And Body Connection Global Teleclass and The Alva Method® of Empowerment and Healing At The Speed Of Light to serve as a catalyst for individuals to create a healthy mindsets and "Major Healing with Minor Effort" in their everyday life. Download FREE guided meditations to uplift yourself and the world at

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