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3 Ways HypnoBirthing® Can Enhance Your Birth Process

3 Ways HypnoBirthing® Can Enhance Your Birth Process by Maureen Melanson | #AspireMag

HypoBirthing® enhances the birth process by connecting you with your natural birthing instincts and intuition as you move through the birthing process. Birthing is instinctual when we trust our bodies to function the way they are meant too. In order to tap into our divine gifts and move through the birth it’s important that we are in a relaxed and balanced state and have proven tools and methods to turn to in order to maintain that peace during the process.  

As a Doula, Master Life Coach and HypnoBirthing® and HypnoMothering® Postpartum Practitioner (and mother of 8), I’ve participated in many births—including some that did not include the Hypnobirthing® process.  I can share from experience that it makes a world of difference in the mother and child’s birth experience. Seeing that difference is why I’m passionate about the sacred work I do and educating women on this powerful modality. 

Here are 3 ways HypnoBirthing® supports you during the birth process: 

1.Mindset. Your mindset is an important part of preparing for and moving through the birth of your child. Imagine experiencing the birth of your child in a calm, relaxed and empowered energy instead of the stress and triggers that can sometimes come through. 

Using the HypnoBirthing® method (a daily hypnosis process) helps you anchor in a more positive empowered energy and mindset prior to the birth of your child.  The process supports you in opening up to the possibilities for your birthing process and helps you to trust the innate wisdom of your body during the sacred experience. 

2.Relaxation. A relaxed body is an important part of creating a more peaceful birthing process for you and your little one. The HypnoBirthing® method teaches you breathing techniques that will play a specific role during various aspects of your labor. You’ll learn when to tap into calm breaths to allow the mind to create calm and release nurturing endorphins and when to use surge breathing to connect your breath with the physical surges so your body and breathe work together.  This supportive process gently allows the birth of your baby with the least amount of stress on yourself and your baby. 

When you use your breath to work in tandem with your body it allows your body to function the way nature intended.  When we are in a fear or stress response it can feel as if our body is fighting against the birthing process instead of flowing with it. 

3.Self-hypnosis. Imagine having a powerful tool that helps you control your emotional state verse your emotions controlling you—especially during a sacred experience such as childbirth.  

If you are not familiar with self-hypnosis, here’s a very simple explanation. You actually use ‘hypnosis’ throughout your day life and may not realize it.  You know those moments when you’re standing at the window staring out at nature. Suddenly your focus is no longer on nature—you’ve drifted off into your thoughts. That is a hypnotic state. Have you ever hung out with friends and had so much fun that you lost track of time and the hours flew by? That’s called Time Distortion. Have you ever dreamed about something over and over then thought about it a lot during your waking hours, and suddenly it manifested? That is called Anchoring. In the HypnoBirthing® process, you will learn an instant relaxation technique using self-hypnosis which includes anchoring, time distortion and deepening techniques to use when you are in labor.  

HypnoBirthing ® has this and so much more to offer you as parents. Your partner, if desired, is an integral part of the process as well. They are educated and given resources to be able to support you while you are in labor verses feeling helpless.  

Everything you will learn is so easy it just takes practice. If possible, being the HypnoBirthing®  around your 3-month mark so you both have lots of time to practice and prepare with no pressure or stress. But don’t worry, if you discover this later in your pregnancy, please know that anytime you start is the perfect time for you. 

If you’d like to feel more empowered during your child’s birth, I invite you to schedule a complimentary discovery session today. 

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About the author 

Maureen Melanson

Certified Master Life Coach and International Hypnotherapist Maureen Melanson helps overwhelmed women (and mothers) release perfection and outside expectations and embrace self-acceptance, so they can honor their inner truth and reclaim their inner serenity. As an entrepreneur of a busy wellness center, Inner Serenity Wellness,  since 2010 and a mother of eight children and three grandchildren, Maureen knows firsthand the delicate balance it takes for a woman to stay out of overwhelm, honor her commitment to self-care and to create a life that fulfills her on every level. Maureen specializes in supporting women in shifting their mindset and clearing the beliefs around the stories of ‘not feeling good enough’, ‘living in constant overwhelm’ and the weight of ‘stress and anxiety’ using her skills as a life coach combined with hypnotherapy. Merging her professional training, empathic heart and her passionate commitment to supporting women in quieting the chatter of the mind so they can hear their sacred truth, Maureen offers a variety of services and programs to support women, both virtually and in person.  Schedule a complimentary 30-minute discovery at  You're invited to download the Inner Serenity Gift set today.

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