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3 Ways to Find your Spiritual Bliss

Do you long to feel that genuine bliss that so many spiritual people claim as their birthright? Well the answer is clear that no one can make that happen for you or to you, it’s all about you and your ability (which takes lots of practice) to separate yourself from everyone else and their outcomes. You are not attached to their drama, so don’t let it lower your vibration!

I often work with clients who come into our sessions asking me how to accomplish the life changes that they desire… seeking their bliss and fulfillment is generally at the top of the list. But this not something someone else can do for you. You must do some of the lifting, but it isn’t always heavy. So let’s explore a few simple things you can do in pursuit of your bliss.

  1. Find something that makes you smile.

When you are doing something that is perfectly aligned with who your soul is and what you want to be, all of the other stuff falls away, even for a minute. A few weeks ago, on our farm, we had a mama cow trying to deliver a breech calf. We (and by we I mean three men) had to help “pull” the calf: while I held this poor mama’s halter. She grunted and moaned with every contraction. I felt her pain, knowing that the outlook for this calf diminished with every push. Gravity overtook the mama and when she went down, the calf shifted and emerged, quickly. My husband yelled – “HE’S ALIVE!” My smile (and tears) were completely unconscious as I cleaned his nose and mouth and introduced him to his exhausted mama. Caring for my animals is my bliss. Find what makes you smile unconsciously!

  1. Focus on the small things – that are really big things.

I love the days that don’t go as planned. Even in the clutter of a schedule that can’t be salvaged, there are small gifts from the universe that point me to the conclusion that things are exactly as they should be. I have had a “go round” with a cardinal that loves my bedroom window. For more than a year, every day it would fly into my bedroom window. I even moved my bedroom to a different side of the house and it followed me. Recently I was struggling with technology issues for an upcoming event. When I was about to succumb to my frustration, there was a rap on the window. I looked up to see the cardinal… now, I have no idea what the life span of a cardinal is or if they migrate, but this has been going on for about 3 years. There he was to remind me of love and that the things I was struggling with were completely temporary. By the way… the small thing is the bird… big thing is love…

  1. Don’t feel the need to explain yourself.

If you are called to do something – or you just want to because… DO IT! You don’t have to justify or qualify. You know what your soul is calling for any don’t let anyone create guilt for you.

Last Friday was a beautiful day… 75 degrees and sunny with a cool breeze. I already had a massage scheduled and I had planned to spend the hours before on work. Then the massage therapist called to ask if I could come earlier… why not? So the work didn’t get done and there was no chance of if getting done afterward. I lavished in the after massage euphoria with some lemon water and an audio book while lounging on the desk absorbing vitamin D! When my family came home and asked what I did today. I told them I had a massage and had a great day! That was it and they realized there was really nothing more to discuss.

Most importantly, keep your EGO out of things. Let yourself be free for just a moment and do not judge yourself. If things don’t work out the way you envisioned them, that’s completely fine. Just select a different path and smile! Enjoy your bliss. The more you acknowledge, accept and appreciate your bliss, the more it will show up for you!

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About the author 

Jami Hearn

Jami Hearn is an Intuitive Oracle and Spiritual Teacher, who is passionate about working with high-achieving, spiritual women, to curate the life of their dreams through accessing the Divine Feminine and inner sovereign power that is her birthright. Through her coaching, readings and retreats, Jami empowers women to release self-judgment, tap into true clarity of path and purpose and reconnect to sacred wisdom, so they can consciously create the life they are truly worthy of.

In addition to hosting the podcast Witches, Bitches and Dead People, Jami has a thriving, international coaching practice, is an Akashic Records Expert and Teacher, and has been a successful attorney for more than 20 years. Walking with a foot in each world allows Jami to intentionally and intuitively guide her clients to the ideal strategy for their individual situation, with flow, ease and grace. Learn more at

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