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3 Sacred Steps to Recognize and Release Your Codependent Patterns

3 Sacred Steps to Recognize and Release Your Codependent Patterns by Dr. Debra Reble | #AspireMag

Feelings of insecurity undermine our health, career, and relationships. Such feelings create anxiety, diminish our confidence, and erode our self-esteem. We believe if we do more, achieve more, or care more, we will finally “be enough.” When we feel insecure, we deny our power and sabotage our success. We live in a perpetual state of self-doubtafraid to express our true being freely. Moreover, wovercompensate for our insecurities through unhealthy patterns such as people-pleasing, approvalseeking, needing to control, and care-taking.  

Feelings of insecurity develop early in our lives. The relationship we have with our parents or caregivers growing up directly influences how secure we feel in ourselves. To feel secure, children need from their caregivers: unconditional love, acceptance, and to be seen, heard, and acknowledged for who they really are, not for what they do or accomplish. Yet, because of the time period and their levels of awareness, most of us were born to emotionally insecure and immature parents.  

Our parents, because of their own emotional insecurity and immaturity, couldn’t give us the unconditional love and security we needed. For this reason, we became vulnerable to picking up their unhealthy coping patterns. The taproot of these co-dependent patterns is the need to feel secure and worthwhile. Through these patterns, we look for affirmation from others that we are lovableinstead of seeing ourselves as a source of unconditional love and acceptance.  

The complete acceptance of your own being, is the foundation of feeling secure within yourselfYet, when your experience is constantly questioned or invalidated by your caregivers early onyou begin to doubt yourself and your worthiness. This undermineyour ability to trust and take responsibility for yourself and your choices 

As human beings, we are creatures of habit so we easily adopt unhealthy patterns that, when repeated habitually, overshadow who we are at soul level. These patterns overload our heart center creating stress and ultimately, dis-ease. Breaking out of our unhealthy patterns, on the other hand, allows us to trust ourselves, channel our energy positively, and make discerning choices that support our soul’s journey. 

Some of the codependent patterns triggered by insecurity are people-pleasing and approval-seeking. Automatically yielding to the desires of others compromises your heart’s desires and reinforces being co-dependent on othersWhen you focus on whatever it takes to please others, even if it means diminishing what you cherish, you deplete the energies you need for co-creating what you want in your own life.  

Self-talk such as “I must or I should” can get you into situations where you feel obligated to please others. For example, the pattern of people-pleasing can be triggered when someone calls and asks you for a favor without telling you what they have in mind. You feel obligated to answer “yes,” leaving you vulnerable to committing to something in which you may have no interest. In such situations, pause so you can recognize the pattern, then respond by asking if you can call them backAffirm to yourself that you always have the power of choice, then call the person back and inform them of your preference. 

Another unhealthy pattern that stems from insecurity is needing to control. This pattern often shows up as free-floating anxiety. When you find yourself trying to micromanage everyone and everythingyou are likely feeling insecure and out of control on the inside. In fact, you engage in this pattern as a coping mechanism to substitute for internal security 

Unfortunately, this fear-based pattern only generates an illusion of stability. It displaces an absolute trust in ourselves and our connection to a divine source onto external sources of security such as who we are with, what we do, where we live, or what we own. As a result, we believe we are victims of our circumstances, lacking the power to manifest the lives we want. Most of us find it easier to hide behind this self-destructive comfort zone and avoid healing the insecurity that is at its core. 

The pattern of caretaking also stems from a need for internal security. For example, as caretaker, we may feel the need to dominate another person to feel secure, stable, and powerful. Unfortunately, this perpetuates the other person’s helplessness. This is apparent when one person tells the other what to think, feel, or choose, and the other person becomes co-dependent on them for making any choices, eventually deferring to others without knowing they themselves are operating out of insecurity 

It’s time to take your power back through healing your feelings of insecurity and the unhealthy patterns that support it. 

Here are 3 Sacred Steps to Recognize and Release Your Codependent Patterns: 

  • Notice the people and circumstances that push your insecurity buttonsObserve what triggers your physical or emotional reactions. Grab your favorite journal and pen, curl up, and prepare to have a chat with your insecurity. It’s essential to create a safe, quiet, and nurturing space where you won’t be uninterrupted. Write down in any feelings of insecurity as they surface and the reactions they trigger, even if you are unaware of their source. The stronger these reactions are, the more deeply ingrained the patterns and the more important it is for you tdo the inner work to heal these feelings.  

Here are a few questions to kick start your inner dialogueWhy did you come up today, with this person or in this situation? What are you here to show me? What do you need from me to feel secure? Allow yourself to be still and allow the answers to float to the surface in whatever form they come through. You can journal the answers to these questions or just listen quietly and then jot down what you received. 

  • Identify your unhealthy patterns that stem from insecurity: Notice the patterns you engage in to avoid, resist, or cope with any feelings of insecurityTrace your personal history to discover the origins of these patterns. Identify the patternand when they first occurred and the people and circumstances that trigger them in the present. Ask yourself the following questions: In what past situations were these patterns formed? Do I have any unfinished business related to them, such as forgiving my family? Discuss your insights with a trusted therapist or supportive friend.    
  • Distinguish between your external identity and your true being First, write down as many ways to identify yourself focusing on external characteristics such as: My name is . . . therefore I am, I think . . . therefore I am, My work is . . . therefore I am, or  My body is . . . therefore I am.  

Now drop down into your heart and write down as many ways to identify your being such as: I am lighttherefore I amI am love; therefore I am, am a cocreator; therefore I am, or I am divine energy; therefore I am. Finally, write the second group of affirmations on Post-it notes and place them where you can see them.  

As we reach a higher level of spiritual development, we have to do the inner healing work to free ourselves from the shackles of insecurity. We must be accountable for recognizing and then releasing the co-dependent patterns that inhibit our soul’s expressionIt’s time we break the cycle and stop repeating these patterns so that we can spiritually grow and thrive.   

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About the author 

Dr. Debra Reble

Consciously merging her practical tools as a psychologist, in practice for over two decades, with her intuitive and spiritual gifts, Intuitive Psychologist Dr. Debra Reble empowers women to connect with their hearts, release fear and anxiety, and supports them in breaking through their energetic and spiritual blocks to self-love so they can live authentically.

Debra is the International Bestselling author of Soul-Hearted Living: A Year of Sacred Reflections & Affirmations for Women, Being Love: How Loving Yourself Creates Ripples of Transformation in Your Relationships and the World, (Inspired Living Publishing) and the author of Soul-Hearted Partnership: The Ultimate Experience of Love, Passion, and Intimacy, which garnered four book awards including the Eric Hoffer award, as well as a contributing author to numerous best-selling books.

Debra is a sought-after speaker and media guest and is the host of the popular Soul-Hearted Living podcast on iTunes. Through her popular Soul-Hearted Living workshops, retreats, and private sessions Dr. Debra is passionate about serving women. Her digital program, Anxiety RX: Balm for the Soul supports women in learning to see their anxiety from a spiritual perspective.

You are invited to her transformational 4 part Soul-Hearted Living meditation series as a gift from her heart to yours.

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