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3 Keys to Creating Sacred Soul Space to Attract Abundance

3 Keys to Creating Sacred Soul Space to Attract Abundance by Dr. Lisa Thompson | #AspireMag

Buckminster Fuller once said, “Environment is stronger than willpower.” When we think about our environment, it is everything seen and unseen around us. It’s the sounds, how it looks, the smells, the people within the space, the thoughts running through our mind – all of these contribute to our overall environment and have profound effects on us whether we are aware of it or not.  

Below, I share three keyto creating Sacred Soul Space to attract abundance. These include the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the environment you are surrounded by, which all need to be in alignment with your dreams and desires 

Physical Environment 

Design a sanctuary where you are able to immerse yourself in a multi-sensory environment that emanates abundance and prosperity. 

Clear Clutter – When we are surrounded by clutter, whether it’s furniture, art and décor, paperwork, or anything else that overpowers a space, it stifles the abundance in our lives. The universal energy becomes stagnant, blocking new possibilities from flowing inTo get the energy and abundance flowing, clutter clear the room or space that you spend the majority of your time in. This one simple act of removing clutter will help you to feel more open and expansive, helping to remove blockages and limitations. It gives space for prosperity to flow in.  

Choose Colors for Abundance – Every color has a different frequency of vibration, eliciting emotions and reactions. It is important to surround yourself with specific colors that support your abundant environment. To enhance wealth and prosperity, include some combination of greenpurple, brown, gold, and silver 

Space Plan for the Power Position – When you are arranging the furniture in your room, you want to keep your main piece of furniture in the power position when possible. This means that when you are sitting at your desk in your office, sitting in your living room, or sleeping in your bed, you are able to see the main entry door from your position. You can see who and what is coming into the room. Energetically, you can feel the abundance flowing in.  

Incorporate Abundant Imagery in Art and Décor – Choose artwork and décor pieces that remind you of the abundance you are manifesting in your life. Each person has a unique idea about what represents the type of abundance they wish to manifest, so there is no one size fits all. Imagery can include specific locations, animals, lifestyle, nature, words of affirmation, vision boards, and altars. The most important aspect of the imagery is that it inspires you or reminds you of your dream. You can also bring in energetic plants and crystals that carry the frequency of abundance into your space.  

Emotional Environment 

Live in an emotional state of gratitude and enhance this environment with scents and smells. 

Pre-emptive Gratitude List – At some point in your day, write out a pre-emptive gratitude list. These are the things you want to create in your life that have not necessarily happened yet. Write them as if they have already happened and you are thankful for them. For instance, if you want to create abundance in your life, you might write out: I am grateful for the abundance and prosperity that flows continuously into my life. With gratitude, the more grateful we are in our lives, the more the Universe will provide.  

Essential Oils – Different scents and smells can trigger unique emotions and feelings within us, as well as memories within our brains. Smells can affect our physiology. Choosing essential oils, fragrant plants, and fragrant candles specifically based on their own unique properties will enhance how we respond to our emotional environment. Use oils that elicit the feeling of abundance.  

Spiritual Environment 

Visualize abundance, connect to your higher self, and tap into Universal Consciousness. 

Abundance Vision Board – Creating a vision board helps you visualize your goals and dreams daily and is a powerful tool of manifestation. The time spent putting the board together keeps you in the energy of your dreams. The completed vision board energizes the space with your intentions even more powerfully. When you are in your space looking at your board, you are able to generate more focus and energy toward your dreams, so they become reality. When creating a vision board, choose imagery and words that elicit feelings of abundance and prosperity.  

Mantras & Affirmations – An effective practice that can help you connect to your spiritual self and rewire your brain is saying and writing mantras or affirmations.  A mantra can be a single word or sound repeated over and over to aid in concentration for meditation. Affirmations are motivational statements or slogans written or spoken in present tense using positive words. It is imperative to make it a daily practice to repeat the affirmation to yourself throughout the day. You might want to write it on a piece of paper that you put in a place that you see frequently such as in your car, on your bathroom mirror or at your office. You can also write the affirmation repeatedly each day to hard-wire it into your mind. The more you work with it, the more it becomes a part of your life.   

Meditation and Visualization – There are many different ways to do meditation.  For creating abundance, I recommend to focus on your specific dreams and goals. You can say mantras or affirmations while meditating to enhance your experience. Clearly visualize what it is you want to call forth, and feel it as if it already exists in your reality. Your brain doesn’t know the difference between your reality with your eyes open or closed, so the more time you can spend in this meditative state of manifestation, the more your mind will believe it is reality and co-create it with the Universe. With meditation, the more you do it, the easier it gets.  

Manifestation of abundance requires you to be congruent in all areas of your life, including your physical space, your emotional state, and your spiritual connection. Take time to consciously create these environments that you have control over, and witness the abundance and prosperity that will flow into your life.  

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About the author 

Dr. Lisa Thompson

Merging her tools as a scientist and interior designer with intuitive gifts, Dr. Lisa Thompson empowers and supports women to create Sacred Soul Space within and around them at the physical, emotional and spiritual level. She is a best- selling author, speaker, and intuitive transformational coach, utilizing Past Life Regression and Human Design in her work. Download your Sacred Soul Spaces Manifestation Bundle here and visit for supportive resources and inspiration.

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