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The 14 Day Transformation Challenge

The 14 Day Transformation Challenge by Taura Barr | #AspireMag

Let’s get something straight, health is what YOU define it to be and how you want to FEEL. It is not what I or your doctor says it should be. Health comes from being well and is not the absence of disease. Health and wellness are fluid; changing over time and requiring active daily attention to maintain.

A healthy system fluctuates. You have good and bad days, ups and downs. Fluctuations or changes in mood, weight, and energy are normal. The first step in healing is to recognize this very important concept. Variability is a good thing and when you experience variability it signifies that you are healthy and able to adapt to whatever external or internal challenges you may face. Disease is the absence of variability, or fluctuations. Remember this.

During the course of my personal transformation I have discovered that sometimes the spirit, mind and body need ‘resetting’.  Your body is like a thermostat that regulates internal activities to a set-point. Sometimes your set point can change because of prolonged stress, lack of sleep, and/or poor diet. After my blood clot, I recognized that my ‘set-point’ for stress was much higher than prior to my illness. Things that didn’t normally bother me before I got sick, were now taking a toll on my health and well-being. Once I discovered that you can take a few days to ‘re-set’ these processes back to ‘your normal’ it was life-changing.

During my recovery, I set my intention on wellness, not on losing weight, or being more active, but those things ultimately happened because I was focusing on my well-being.  Transformation is a choice and takes time. Don’t be fooled by the next fad, whether that’s dieting or exercising; just commit to being well and over time you will get there.

I sometimes extend this 14 day challenge to 21 days, or drop it down to 7 days depending on how I feel or what’s in my work/life schedule. There are so many possible variations of this, and I sincerely hope you use this as a foundation by which you create something that works for you. I recognize that sometimes work schedules can get in the way. If you can take a few personal days and tack that onto a long weekend give that a try. If you can’t possibly, then do this over a weekend. You can also do this while working, This life is yours to create, so find what will work for you right now.

The idea of this challenge is transform your spirit, mind and body to increase your ability to adapt to the internal and external stressors you face on a daily basis. Some of this can and should be modified to fit your unique needs. However, some things like keeping a schedule and allowing time for relaxation and spiritual growth should not be ignored. Wake up and go to bed at the same time every day! Also, DO NOT perform vigorous exercise during this period of time. Keep your activity level mild to moderate, but constant throughout the day. You will actually increase your metabolism more by doing so. You can contact me for a more in-depth wellness evaluation and I can help you design your Personalized wellness plan based on my transformation approach.


  • Plan your meals and prepare ahead of time. Choose easily digestible and nourishing foods. Warm soups and stews are great.
  • Journal your feelings throughout the challenge. Use this as a learning opportunity.
  • Prepare a place for your ‘retreat’. Place candles, dim the lighting, de-clutter, add aroma therapy— set the mood for relaxation.
  • Plan your physical activities, pencil them into your calendar just as you would any other obligation.
  • Find ways to pamper yourself during the challenge.


Daily challenge (repeat as many days as necessary)

  • 6:00 am – Wake up 6am or earlier depending on your schedule. Enjoy one cup of coffee, herbal tea or warm lemon ginger water (recipe here). Read the Bible or something that speaks to your soul and/or meditate for at least 10 minutes. Allow yourself to ‘wake up’ before tackling your day. Journal if it feels right.
  • 7:00 am Exercise: pilates, yoga, walking, light jog. Exercising on an empty stomach will increase your ability to burn fat. If you cannot, eat something small like a banana or bowl of oatmeal.
  • 8:00 am Breakfast, Eat something nourishing until you feel satisfied. Listen to your body cues throughout the day regarding hunger. Drink 8-10 glasses of water throughout the day.
  • 9:00 am De-clutter—your mind and your physical environment; if you are at work, take a moment to deep breath and re-center.
  • 10:00 am Snack. If you are hungry eat a small piece of fruit or vegetable or a handful of healthy nuts. If you are not hungry don’t eat!
  • 12:00-2:00pm Lunch and walk. Eat your largest meal at lunch, something nourishing and warm, followed by a brisk walk outside.
  • 3:00 pm Snack and/or herbal tea (or warm lemon water)
  • 4:00-6:00 pm Journal and creatively design the life you deserve
  • 6:00 pm Dinner, something light and easy to digest. Eat nothing after 7:00 pm.
  • 8:00 pm Practice yoga, meditation, and/or relaxation (warm bath) to prepare your body to sleep; Journal again if it feels right.
  • 10:00 pm Bed time! Strive to get at least 8 hours of sleep per night. Nothing less than 6 hours.


  • Remember the feelings of relaxation you experience, re-center yourself to those feelings and intentionally seek them throughout your day
  • Keep nourishing your body with healthy foods, when only you feel hungry
  • Keep up a daily exercise routine, slowly adding more time and intensity
  • Study your journal, so you can learn from this experience
  • Vow to do this challenge and make time for your wellness often

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About the author 

Taura Barr

Dr. Taura L. Barr PHD RN FAHA is an alum of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Nurse Faculty Scholars program, a holistic health advocate and internationally recognized expert in the genomics of stroke. She is the founder of CereDx and Deep Roots Healing and currently serves as the Vice chair of the American Heart Association’s Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing. Her work has been published in numerous scientific and community based publications. She was recently featured in a West Virginia Public Broadcasting series and the AHA’s patient support network blog. Dr. Barr is passionate about incorporating intentional wellness in the care and recovery of stroke patients to create a new model for recovery: patient centered integrative holistic healthcare, guided by patient specific needs on a continuum. Stop by today and sign up to receive your free gift!

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