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Your Someday Over the Rainbow is Now

Your Someday Over the Rainbow is Now by Laura Clark | #AspireMag

In the Wizard of Oz, Dorothy is wishing she could go home, wishes she could be anywhere but where she is right now. And, all along, home was right where she found it. All along, she had the power to be there when she chose it. She simply needed to look deep into her heart. But, the truth is, she had to look somewhere over the rainbow to discover this truth.

Rainbows can teach us so very much. Their colors, their shapes and their symbolism hold vast wisdom and messages for all of us. We only have to be curious and take the time to hear these messages, understand them and have the courage to act upon them.  Dorothy finally understood this and then she took bold action ~ she clicked her heels together not knowing what was to come but understanding she had to take this fearless action.

Rainbows hold much symbolism. Various cultures and religions have an understanding of this. And, common among all of these is the basic belief that a rainbow is a perfect combination of factors that must exist in the elements for its formation. These create a raw and beautiful phenomenon. In this rainbows, represent a super natural beauty, promise and joy. Symbolism further points to a time of healing, hope, expansion and harmony.

Rainbows signify a time of enlightenment for us. They show us the deeper understanding of the spirit that lies within each of us. We are spiritual beings living in this earthly world. A rainbow is a representation of this. It shows us that there is path one can take to bridge the gap between our human form and our spiritual being.

We only have to look at the shape, along with the natural beauty of a rainbow to see this.  Of course, the shape is that of an arc. Arcs, when you follow their shape as a path from one side to another, allow for a crossing. Too, they allow for a stepping through underneath its form.

As a crossing, as a path to follow, one can see how an arc allows for a transformation. Partially, when it’s not a full arc, it extends from earth to the skies. This is symbolic of our transformation into a magical life by choosing to get closer aligned with spirit in our own lives. Following a symbolic rainbow in our lives, using spirit to help guide us and to listen to our innate wisdom, allows us to lead a bold life that is on purpose.

Full rainbow arcs, the kind that stretch from one side of the horizon to the other, also create an opening to step through. With one step through this portal, one can transcend human thought and emotion and embrace their own spirit, to act based on the innate wisdom of their soul’s desire, to choose to experience each day with joy and love.

Dorothy’s experience in Oz shows a journey she took with curiosity. Remember her first step on the yellow brick road? She took it with courage and boldness. One encouraged by spirit. For some of us, embracing our spirit comes in the form of a journey, a path. For others, it comes at one particular moment. Some of us will walk the rainbow allowing a journey toward spirit, for others,  a choice is made by walking under the arc to embrace it instantaneously. Neither path is right, neither is wrong. It is truly our own desire on how to engage spirit.

The colors of the rainbow also hold great meaning for us. They inspire us. They draw us into it’s natural beauty. Indeed, the colors in the rainbow correspond to the colors of the chakras- our centers of vibrational being.  The chakras represent each of the centers of spiritual powers and levels of consciousness. They represent stages in our development and spiritual maturity. Each color represents a different chakra.

Every rainbow holds the colors representing the chakras. When chakras are aligned they allow us to vibrate as spiritual beings. The colors of the chakras, if you will, are glorious, radiant and bountiful. When our chakras are not aligned, when we are stuck at a certain level of consciousness, the colors will not vibrate as beautifully. Some rainbows will be seen like this. They will be duller and more subtle. When one sees such a rainbow, their chakras may be in need of rebalancing. Other rainbows will be glorious and vibrant. These rainbows when seen will show us that we indeed are choosing to align with spirit and are ready to lead a fearless life.

Rainbows colors and rainbow arcs are symbolic of leaving your ego self behind. They are symbolic of leaving that self behind that is full of the self-doubt, the self-judgment, the self- ridicule that so many have. They show us that we can, indeed, lead a life full of radiant color! Rainbows allow us to help heal that ego part of us and step into the fullness of our spiritual essence. The beauty of our own soul’s inner wisdom is reflected in the natural beauty of a rainbow. Spirit is showing us that we can access this inner wisdom.

Rainbows truly do allow us to reflect upon our own raw, spiritual beauty. They allow us to take a moment to see our individual uniqueness and our gifts. No one else can see a rainbow in the same way as another. It’s true. The colors of the rainbows exist only in our own mind’s eye. Rainbows appear when light shines through moisture in the earth’s atmosphere. The spectrum appears in the sky but the colors ~ they appear because of one’s own vision.  This happens because of the optical focus in the eye (color blinded people will see fewer colors because of this) So, rainbows are to be looked upon with wonder, with curiosity, of their own hidden, color coded message for the individual!

Rainbows are a sign of transformation. They give one an opportunity to slow down and reconnect with their own innate wisdom and step forward being guided by spirit. It’s in this space of beauty that we can take a moment to ask how this innate wisdom can support a magical life.

The wisdom of our souls always knows the truth and when we quite down our earthly thoughts and soothe our emotions, we can hear it. When we take a moment to see the signs in our lives and be curious enough to look for the rainbows that will help us understand this knowledge, soul-utions open up for us. Taking bold and courageous action based on this understanding, leads us on a journey of living a magical life ~ right now, in this moment.

This magical life is not somewhere over the rainbow. It’s right in front of you. Your somewhere over the rainbow is now! By taking that first step on the yellow brick spiritual journey and clicking your heels together, you can choose to experience the colors, the rainbows, in your daily life and discover that the courage to act upon their messages is right inside you. It’s been there all along.

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About the author 

Laura Clark

Sought after Master Soul Coach® and Instructor trainer, Laura Clark knows that Living In-Joy comes from following your own inner wisdom. Through her own recovery from depression and 20 years as an entrepreneur, Laura fully understands the life interrupts and barriers that are obstacles to living a life of ease, grace, joy and happiness. She is the founder of, trained and certified by Denise Linn and believes that your soul knows the truth. She empowers her clients to hear their soul’s whispers more consistently, understand it more clearly and act upon it more courageously for a life filled with greater joy and abundance than ever imagined. As an International best-selling author and engaging speaker, Laura brings her unique wit and a down to earth, practical approach to implementing spirituality and soul-wise living into your life.

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  • Click those heels;) I absolutely love rainbows and find them mesmerising. What a wonderful reminder of their symbolism Laura!

    • Laura Clark says:

      Thanks, Innerdelight, can to be a catalyst of reminder for everyone to ‘click those heels’ 🙂

  • Virg Lewis says:

    I like the analogies used in this article. Rainbows with their meaningful colors, shape, and transformation. Nicely done.

    • Laura Clark says:

      Thanks Virg!!!!! I love ‘me my rainbows’ and they are so significant as well as beautiful!

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