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Your Akashic Records: Stop Struggling and Start Aligning

Your Akashic Records: Stop Struggling and Start Aligning by Jami Hearn | #AspireMag

I have been a serial overachiever most of my life and my soul has been the sacrificial lamb in my pursuit of perfection. I have denied my sacred truths and pushed through my own boundaries; trying to force the life that I wanted.  

Abundance, success, and loveall seemed so close, but I just could not get over that last hurdle. I had tried everything I thought I knew to do. As I surrendered to what I thought would be a life of mediocrity and struggle (being a lawyer does not always equal high income and prestige), the universe provided the opportunity for me to glean insight from the Akashic Records—and it changed my life.  

So, what are the Akashic Records you ask? 

Simply put, the Akashic Records are the energy of truth, presented with absolute love. They contain access to universal wisdom, experience and knowledge and are available to you, upon request.  

The Akashic Records have catapulted my spiritual growth and connection with Goddess Energies. This energetic tool has been the key for me in accessing and processing challenges in enumerable areas of my life 

Here are 5 key areas the Akashic Records can support you in elevating, along with case studies): 


Abundance is one of the terms that is bantered about when people are reluctant to say, “I desire more money in my life.” And the reality is that abundance truly does surpass the definition of just money. Abundance is a state of being, a feeling—and not a material thing or a number. So, in order to truly manifest abundance, it is necessary to work from the perspective of feeling and state of being.  

The Records contain information about all the things that have and are impacting your feeling of abundanceAccess to this insight allows a brand-new perspective and an intentional choice around the thoughts you are focusing your attention and vibration on. 

Lynn’s Story: One of my favorite examples is a client who had a business that appeared to be thriving. She was in fact struggling with making ends meet. When we accessed her Record, we discovered that she had taken a vow of poverty, as a Catholic nun. She was in fact, striving to be a good Catholic girl in this lifetime, so her soul was operating under the programming that you had to be poor to be a good Catholic girl. After Lynn released that vow, her business flourished and has allowed her to create financial abundance, time and freedom.  

2.Life Purpose. 

Life purpose is one of those elusive ideals that seems just out of your grasp, until you know it. After you hear it, or identify it, everything seems to fall beautifully in place. Life purpose is generally a broad-brush theme that runs throughout your entire life. While you are in the moment, it can be difficult to discern. From a higher-level perspective, it weaves a tapestry of your life that is visible and clear.  

Life purpose is one of the things that is demonstrated by the Records, as we are shown snippets of lifetimes that have led to the moment you are in right now. You have made a series of choices and each of those choices has been a piece in the mosaic of your soul. That depiction allows you to see your purpose.  

Robin’s StoryRobin is, what I would deem, a multi-dimensional healer and was resistant to allowing her gift to be too visible. During a session, Robin’s record keepers were very insistent that a Shamanic Journey was in Robin’s record and energy field. When we discussed this, she shared that she had been considering a trip to Peru. That fall, she enrolled in a Shamanic program and has tapped into her divine truth in this lifetime to share her skills and healing with countless people.  

3.Divine Gifts. 

Every soul has its own unique gifts and talents, even when we are blind to what they are. While we are trudging through the humanity and traumas of life, we can certainly lose sight of our gifts and why we have them. Often our gifts are brought to light by our deepest wounds and suffering.  

The Records give a higher-level view so we can see the pivotal moments when our gifts reveal themselves to us and others, throughout this lifetime. The peek into how your gifts have served you and others in many circumstances provides evidence to your conscious mind that your gifts are valid. AND – they are!!! 

Cathy’s Story. In true, phoenix-rising fashion, Cathy took the grief she experienced for most of her adult life and turned that into her passion for supporting others through the grieving process. At the onset of our conversations she wondered what gifts she had to share with others. Upon opening her Records, we were shown all the instances of grief she has endured, and how she has continued to pick herself up, dust herself off and find strength to move forward. This is exactly the divine gift she gives to her clients in every session.  

4.Sacred Success. 

The program playing in our human minds around success is often so toxic. We are taught to judge ourselves and others by the way they appear, what they drive and what kind of label or title they hold themselves out to be.  

The true definition of success can be found in the Akashic Records. It embodies truth, happiness, fulfillment and authentic expression of self. It is the path back to your sovereign divinity, where money has no value, there are no stories and you can fully accept and love yourself. Through our human lens, success is fleeting, and often hollow. By using the records, I have personally allowed all of my human success to fade into the background, while I relish in the success of stepping into my purposewithout apology.  

Berni’s storyBy all accounts, Berni was successful. She had a great teaching career and had led many champion sports teams throughout her storied coaching career. Yet, she knew more was calling her. She knew that there were countless people all across the world that needed her knowledge and guidance (even though she was in the process of remembering that knowledge). So, she left her teaching job and set out into the world of meditation. She has followed the guidance provided by her Records to assist in establishing herself as beacon of healing through meditation. She has built an international following, as she is stepping fully into a level of fulfilling success.  

5.Connection with Spirit and Goddess energies. 

I use the Records to connect with Spirit and the Goddesses. The Records are a sacred vibration, where I can relax into the energy of nothing and rely on the messages I receive.  

Most of my clients want to know how to connect to the support and guidance from the Goddess realm and I take them on a journey into their Records. The intention of this journey to feel the energy of the Goddesses and many other Ascended Masters that come through. The Records have become an essential tool to amplify the results I witness with my clients.  

Recently, I had an extremely powerful meditation with Mary Magdalene. This meditation is the steppingstone to reconnect with your sacred truth and to remember who you truly are, at the soul level. Many of us are scared of stepping in that space and being seen as different. The reality is that being different, especially in this arena, is absolutely beautiful.  

A SACRED GIFT FOR YOU! I wish to share the magic of this Mary Magdalene meditation with you.  Claim your free meditation here and begin the journey back to yourself.  

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About the author 

Jami Hearn

Jami Hearn is an Intuitive Oracle and Spiritual Teacher, who is passionate about working with high-achieving, spiritual women, to curate the life of their dreams through accessing the Divine Feminine and inner sovereign power that is her birthright. Through her coaching, readings and retreats, Jami empowers women to release self-judgment, tap into true clarity of path and purpose and reconnect to sacred wisdom, so they can consciously create the life they are truly worthy of.

In addition to hosting the podcast Witches, Bitches and Dead People, Jami has a thriving, international coaching practice, is an Akashic Records Expert and Teacher, and has been a successful attorney for more than 20 years. Walking with a foot in each world allows Jami to intentionally and intuitively guide her clients to the ideal strategy for their individual situation, with flow, ease and grace. Learn more at

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