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You Are The Universe. Start Acting Like It.

You Are The Universe. Start Acting Like It by Bryna Haynes | #AspireMag

If you’re on a path of consciousness and personal growth, you’ve probably heard phrases like these a bajillion times 

  • You are a co-creator with the Divine!  
  • You create your entire reality!  
  • You are a divine being having a human experience!  

And maybe that felt great to you. Maybe you got a glimpse of that for a moment or two.  

Or maybe you’re a skeptic like I was, and you thought to yourself, “That’s great and all, but I’m working my ass off to create a better reality here, and I’m not seeing those divine results!”  

Come on, admit it. You’ve questioned. And when you’re feeling low and vulnerable, you might slide a little bit into that darkness, and ask, “What if that’s not true for me? What if they’re making it all up?”  

I’m here to tell you, they’re not.  

Who do YOU think you are?  

If I met you at a networking meeting and asked you, “Who are you?” you’d probably reply, “I’m so-and-so. I’m a [insert profession here].” And maybe you’d hand me your gorgeous business card.  

“But who are you, really?” I’d ask.  

At this point, you might say something like, “I’m a mom.” “I’m an entrepreneur.” “I’m a leader.” “I’m a survivor.” “I’m an artist.”  

Woman, you are that… and so much more.   

What if I told you that the truth of who you are is beyond even the spiritual definitions you’ve heard? And what if I told you that this truth isn’t based in some woo-woo escapist nonsense, but in quantum science?  

I can feel your inner wings fluttering right now—so stay with me, because this is really cool.  

Quantum experiments are proving that the Universe is holographic in nature. That means that:  

  • Everything we observe is a projection 
  • Every piece of the Universe contains the complete information, possibilities, and knowledge of the whole.  
  • What portion of the Universe is observed at any given moment depends entirely on the perspective of the seer.  

If you take a piece of holographic film and chop it into multiple pieces, something incredible happens. Each tiny piece still holds the entire image of the whole. All of the information necessary to “project” the holographic image is contained within each piece—and no matter how small you go, the image will still be there. Why? Because the information in a hologram is written in concentric circles.  

What this means for us is that not only are we a piece of the infinite data which forms the basis for our Universal projection, we are containers for all of those infinite possibilities as well. We are tiny pieces of the hologram that nevertheless contain every possibility, every facet, and every nuance of the infinite whole.  

The Universe is You. You are the Universe. THAT is who you are.  

This is why you are a divine co-creator. This is why you have the power to choose a new reality, and bring it into being in this three-dimensional realm. This is why there is always another choice for you to make, another path for you to take, and another way for you to be in your life.  

“Okay,” you might be thinking. “That’s interesting. It feels kind of … big, but it makes sense.  But honestly, what the heck difference does it make?”  

I’m so glad you asked!  

Your Perspective Determines Your Reality 

Because you are a container for the Universe, every possibility, every potential reality, and every way of being is already within you. You don’t need to look outside yourself for anything. You don’t need to become a different person to have what you want. All you have to do is tune into what you truly want to create, and make a quantum leap into that state of being.  

(This isn’t woo-woo crap either. It’s based in wave theory, and a totally mind-blowing set of experiments in which scientists proved that particles behaved differently when they were observed.)  

Who you are being in your life right now, and the set of possibilities you are creating, are entirely within your ability to shift.  

If you have all of the infinite possibilities of the Universe already inside you, your current reality doesn’t have to be all there is for you. In fact, everything about your life―from your habits to your relationships to your finances to your work and talents―is malleable. You are living one specific set of possibilities right now, but there are trillions more available to you. All you have to do is look for them, and―like the electrons in the quantum wave experiments―new possibilities will reveal themselves to you based on where you put your focus.  

That brings us to the second part of hologram theory: everything is a projection based on the perspective of the viewer.  

Our brains are designed to filter out everything that doesn’t line up with our current set of beliefs (aka, our programming). Why? Because if we gave equal weight to every piece of sensory information that comes at us every day, we would be totally overwhelmed. What if the feeling of your car’s seat under your bum felt just as important to you as the TED talk you’re writing? You’d be super present, but you’d never be able to prioritize and move forward.  

That’s why you have a reticular activating system (the proper name for the “filter” part of your brain). Your brain is designed to helpfully prioritize the information coming in based on what YOU have decided is important and true so you don’t get distracted by things like the texture of your jeans or the way the letters in this article are shaped.  

 What you focus on determines what you see. What you see determines what you do, what you think, and how you feel. And what you think and feel determines what you focus on. It’s like you’re one big gorgeous walking self-fulfilling prophesy.  

When you recognize this, it changes everything: the way you think, the way you take action, the way you lead others.  

So if you’re telling yourself you can’t have your dream because the economy’s bad, or you don’t like speaking in public, or you’re an introvert, or you’re not good enough, or whatever—just stop, and remember …  

You are the Universe. And you have a choice.   

Somewhere inside you, within that Universal hologram, there is a set of possibilities that aligns EXACTLY with what you want to create.  

  • Making great money while working ten hours a week? YES!  
  • Having the life and relationships you really want? YES!  
  • Travel and adventure? YES!  
  • Taking your big ideas to a BIG stage? YES! 

So if you’re feeling a little stuck, stagnant, or limited today, just sit down, close your eyes, and ask, “What else is possible?”  

Then, make a choice to focus on and act from this new set of possibilities—and marvel at the new version of your reality that was within you the whole time.  

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About the author 

Bryna René Haynes

Bryna Haynes is the creator of Choose Your Evolution. She empowers others to harness their own power as creators and live in their genius through conscious choice, inspired action, new perspectives—and, most importantly, knowing how to ask the right questions. Learn more about Bryna and her work at Choose Your Evolution blog today.

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