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You are the Director of Marketing for Your Business

You are the Director of Marketing for Your Business by Jill Celeste, MA | #AspireMag

I hope you’re sitting down while you read this, because this may shock you.

Your most important job as an entrepreneur is to be the Director of Marketing for your business. Notice I didn’t say bookkeeper, or customer service representative, or one who takes out the trash.

Why is it the most important job? Without marketing, you will not be in business for long.

In other words, without marketing your business, you won’t have books to keep, or customers to service or even trash to take out.

Please repeat after me: I am the director of marketing for my business.

This changes everything

As you embrace your role as director of marketing for your business, know that you will need to shift your mindset because, more than likely, you haven’t approached your business as your director of marketing.

You may even resist this mindset shift a little – and that’s perfectly normal. However, stick with it because once you fully embrace your Director of Marketing role, your business will blossom even more.

You’ll also need to shift how you prioritize your day. Here’s what I mean:

#1: You will use a marketing plan.

Directors of marketing always have a marketing plan, and you should too. A marketing plan is your roadmap on how you will market your products and services. A great marketing plan also includes goals – what you hope to accomplish as a result of your marketing efforts.

Put these goals on a sticky note by your computer, or write them at the top of your daily planner. Keep your goals top of mind.

#2: You will know exactly which marketing tasks need to be completed that day.

Look at your marketing plan and let it guide your daily tasks. This is especially important if you’re prone to distraction, or what others may call the “Shiny Object Syndrome.” (I know I suffer from it!). Don’t let the latest social media trend or newest widget distract you from your marketing plan.

Also, give yourself permission to not complete a whole project in one sitting. If you are writing an ebook, for example, then block 30 minutes a day for writing it. You’ll get that ebook done much faster than trying to carve out a huge block of time from your busy schedule.

#3: You will make time for marketing –every day.

Many business coaches suggest that you spend four hours every day on marketing. Does that sound like a lot? It is, because marketing is one of your essential daily tasks.

Take a look at your calendar and block out four hours a day for marketing. It doesn’t have to be four hours in a row. For example, you can block off two hours in the morning and two hours in the afternoon. Also, remember that a lot of tasks are considered marketing, including networking, following up with sales prospects, posting on social media or writing an email. Use your marketing plan as a guide, though, for how you spend your time.

Here’s another tip: In addition to blocking off time for marketing, assign specific tasks to accomplish during this block of time. The most successful entrepreneurs don’t just make a to-do list – they assign a time for each item on their to-do lists. This is what you need to do for your marketing time as well.

Try this for a week and see the difference it will make with your productivity and mindset. You’ll definitely feel like your Director of Marketing!

Think of how a director of marketing at a company approaches her day, and apply that mindset to your own business. For a director of marketing, all marketing tasks are a priority. Nothing can be blown off. Your business depends on it.

When you start your next work day, I challenge you to say to yourself: I am the director of marketing for my business – and then proceed with your day accordingly. You day will change – and so will your business.

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About the author 

Jill Celeste, MA

Jill Celeste, MA is an international bestselling author, marketing teacher and founder of the Celestial Marketing Academy. A self-proclaimed "entrepreneurial cheerleader," Jill loves to teach purpose-driven entrepreneurs about authentic marketing fundamentals. All of Jill's teachings focus on one belief: that all entrepreneurs must embrace their roles as Director of Marketing for their businesses. When entrepreneurs do this, their businesses will thrive.

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