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When Women Come Together in Community, We Can Change the World

When Women Come Together in Community, We Can Change the World by Shann Vander Leek | #AspireMag

“Women hold up half the sky.”— Chinese proverb

Saying yes to being part of a transformational woman’s circle rocked my world and positively impacted my life.

Women have been coming together in circle for centuries. In days gone by, it was often a tribe of women who ruled the community. While the origins of women’s circles are ancient, their lessons are as modern as the women who participate in them today. In my opinion, wise women’s circles represent the sacred circle of life.

Everything the Power of the World does is done in a circle. The sky is round and I have heard that the earth is round like a ball and so are all the stars. The wind, in its greatest power, whirls. Birds make their nests in circles, for theirs is the same religion as ours. The sun comes forth and goes down again in a circle. The moon does the the same and both are round. Even the seasons form a great circle in their changing and always come back again to where they were. The life of a woman is a circle from childhood to childhood. And so it is in everything where power moves. Black Elk, OGLALA SIOUX (1863-1950)

I have deep respect for the women in my circle. We’ve laughed, cried, freaked out and felt like we were going crazy at times. We lost our way and found ourselves again.  We worked in partnership preparing delicious food and sharing meal together.  We drummed, sang and cackled like mad women. We received heartfelt healing in the sweat lodge that we built together on sacred land.  We felled trees, dug the holes, tied the supports and blessed our sacred lodge.

By creating space to tell our stories, express our roles, talents, concerns, and visions; we move more fully into connection with one another.  Sharing sacred space with women who wish to encourage, challenge and support each other is a blessing. A circle of women who learn to share in a safe container learn to trust each other. Trust is the alchemy that produces a sanctuary of transformation.

The energy that flows through circle is divinely guided and facilitates so much clarity and profound healing. Together we face our shadows. We hold space for each other. We witness the joy and sadness of this earth walk for one another. We remember that we are not alone. We agree to do what ever it takes to live authentically in mind, body, heart, and spirit.

When women come together in community, we change the world.

  • We learn to remove our masks.
  • We have permission to relax into who we are in the moment.
  • We can be vulnerable or strong.
  • We can participate or pass.
  • We learn that we are not responsible for what other people think.
  • We don’t have to accept or respond to others’ projections.
  • We can simply show up.

In circle every woman has a voice, or will find her voice, by the time she completes her journey. Warrior women become soft and learn to stand down. Quiet women find their voice and learn stand their ground.

There were many personal teachings that came along with my circle experience. Three significant examples come to mind…

  1. My shoulders aren’t broad enough to support everyone else at all times. When the well is dry, I replenish my energy before I step up to bu in service to someone else.
  2. Naming and taming my inner tyrant allowed me to release the suffering and delusion that comes with harsh self-judgement.
  3. The ecstasy of allowing myself to be the larger than life, force of nature I was born to be. I will no longer make myself small so others are more comfortable in my presence. I was born to shine, fly and expand like Jupiter.

The changing woman sisterhood help me walk through the gateway of adulthood and the clarity of knowing what I’m responsible for and what I can release. I’ve learned to ask for help, lighten up and trust the process of my unfolding.  ‘Trust and Surrender’ has become a personal mantra during this sacred journey; (highly recommended for control freaks, recovering perfectionists and Type A personalities).

I am so thankful to come away with a rich tapestry of friendship, storytelling, healing, prayer, creativity, ruthless compassion and so much more.

If you’ve been considering joining a wise women’s circle, I highly recommend that you do some research to find a group and supportive facilitator whom resonates with you.

Here is what you can expect if you say yes to stepping into a women’s circle:

  • You’ll experience women you connect with immediately.
  • You’ll meet women who push your buttons in a big way.
  • You’ll see yourself in the mirror of your sister’s stories.
  • You will dance with your shadow and learn to accept her just as she is.
  • You will experience intense emotions and deep healing.
  • You will receive the gift of being part of a safe community anchored in love.

We can learn fill the void of what we choose to surrender with grace, compassion and self-love. We can make it a daily practice to remember that we are worthy to walk in beauty with the strength, courage and pleasure of claiming our feminine sovereignty.

Every courageous transformation goddess who says yes to dancing around the wheel of circle is in for one hell of a ride.

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About the author 

Shann Vander Leek

Shann Vander Leek is a podcast coach, producer, and voice over talent. She’s CEO of Podcast Bath, and host of the Anxiety Slayer podcast with 12.5 million downloads. Shann is the voice you hear introducing Linda Joy’s radio shows, interviews, and commercials. Click here to claim Shann’s Free Gift: “How to Create a Podcast Recording Studio”. Learn more about her services at

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  • Nadia Shana Krauss says:

    Wow! Shann 🙂 This is so beautiful. I say YES! To womens circles. Yes, I want to experience the power when women come together. Yes, I would be willing to look at what emerges. This post speaks to my heart in a big way! Thank you for writing it.

    • Thanks Nadia, I hear your YES and invite you to discover what gatherings are taking place in your community. I offer virtual circle gatherings if you ever want to join me. Our next circle begins on November 4th.

  • Peggy Nolan says:

    I was part of a small in real life women’s circle last year. It was powerful and such a great experience. All we had to do was show up. And now, even though our schedules and projects have each of us going in different directions, I form smaller circles with one-on-ones with dear friends. xo Peggy

    • Peggy, I’m in a similar place with the circle I met with for the last two years. It’s comforting to know that even though our monthly gatherings have come to an end, we are still available and willing to support each other.

  • TheBacaJourney says:

    “Trust and surrender”: I can ALWAYS do more when together than alone. Thanks for wise words of transformation!

  • Teresa Morrow says:

    I do agree that being a part of a women’s group or circle can be such a wonderful blessing. I have been a part of women’s writing circles and it brought things out in my writing I didn’t even know existed. The support and comfort about being a part of a women’s circle is invigorating. Great post!

    • Thanks for your kindness Teresa. A writing circle sounds like a great experience. I’m loving being part of the visionary female authors group.

  • What a great post Shann! Loved the power of your learnings and your sharing of what to expect when women join a circle. So powerful! I so agree that women in community CAN change the world.

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