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Why Balancing Your Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine is Critical to Thriving

Why Balancing Your Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine is Critical to Thriving by Carolyn McGee | #AspireMag  

There is a push to amplify feminine energy. This is necessary but we must make sure it doesn’t come at the expense of the masculine. Any energy that makes another bad is not healthy or moving humanity higher in consciousness.” ~ Carolyn McGee 

The universe was created with duality and balanceThere is north, south, east and west.  Earth, fire, air and water. There is light and dark.  There is feminine and masculine energy. 

We all have light aspects and shadow aspectsAll these aspects are necessary.  Without the shadow, the light wouldn’t be as bright. These different parts of ourselves are here to help us create balance.  It is not being right or wrong. It is about growth and flow 

The same is true for the divine feminine and masculine qualities. We all have feminine and masculine attributes and energies, and it’s important to keep them in balance.  

In the beginning the divine feminine flourished.  She was powerful. We honored Mother Earth and all her gifts.  We celebrated and channeled her energy to create magic, use the energy of the seasons, the moon, her plants, crystals and animals.  The divine feminine is creativity, flow, connection, presence and nurturing.  We all still have that energy within us. 

The divine masculine is producing, expansion, building and action taking.   Along the way, the divine masculine was taken over by fear to squash down and make aspects of the divine feminine bad. We’ve had centuries of too much of those masculine qualities that have not been balanced by the feminine. It doesn’t mean that they’re wrong. It just means that they’re not balanced. We all have and need both energiesNow we are in this phase where the divine feminine is rising. 

Women’s liberation and Me Too movement has highlighted the need for women to care for and advocate for ourselves.  There is a push to amplify feminine energy. This is necessary but we must make sure it doesn’t come at the expense of the masculine. Any energy that makes another bad is not healthy or moving humanity higher in consciousness. 

What we are being invited to do is create balance and remember that there is no good and no bad. There is light and shadow and yes, the masculine needs to remember that they have feminine attributes too and that they’re positive. The best way that we can bring that out of the shadow is to model balance within ourselves.  To honor all parts of our energy.   

For example, I have an engineering management degree. I spent 20 years in Corporate America. I’m highly logical and analytical (divine masculine traits). When I first remembered my spiritual sidenegated that. I forgot how important my ability to produce was and how much it served me.  I energetically went to the extreme with my feminine/spiritual energy where God is going to take care of me, I didn‘t need to act and then I wondered why my business wasn’t thriving. 

When we are present to the energy around us the divine information flows faster and easier.  Presence and stillness are masculine traitsYou feel energy in your legs, feel more connected to source and are eager for action.  And yes, the lower chakras are also filled with the divine feminine energy. Remember, it’s all about balance.   

If we only focus on the feminine creative part, then there is no ability to take it out into the world to those who are waiting for us.  Having that balance in our energy, the ability to decipher what energy we are using and being intentional about it allows for better flow. 

An easy way to visualize this is to imagine a pendulum.  Visualize the pendulum swinging ~10 degrees to the divine masculine and then ~10 degrees to the divine feminine and back.  It cannot stop as energy is always moving.  This gentle arc allows the optimum balance between these divine energies. 

As I settled into truly understanding that divine balance is important, I realized that there are times that my energy can fully step into the divine feminine. I am creating. I am receiving my downloads. I am receiving.  It is easy to write a blog article or create a class. 

I also realized that the actual posting of the bloglinking a sales page to my website or doing my bookkeeping is using the masculine energy.  It is action out to the world.    

As I recognized this, I scheduled blocks of time to utilize my divine feminine energy.   I would create, journal, connect.   Then I scheduled a divine masculine block of time to complete, post and do follow up. 

When we shift our own energy, we allow our own unique ebb and flow between the divine feminine and the divine masculine, we step more into our purpose.  When we honor all our energy, we are more accepting and loving of ourselves.  A healthy and thriving life is all about balance. 

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About the author 

Carolyn McGee

Creatrix and Intuitive Carolyn McGee is the creator of the Sacred Haven Community & Offerings which includes North Carolina retreats, virtual gatherings, empowering workshops and soul-nurturing VIP weekends for women ready to connect with their inner wisdom, discover the power of nature's cycles, and create a life that lights them up.

As a Master Intuitive Healer, Teacher & Coach Carolyn is the creator of the Soul Clarity System, specializing in amplifying YOUR Intuitive Superpower and has co-authored numerous bestselling books. She is a popular TV co-host and sought-after speaker and blogger.

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