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What’s Your Life Purpose? Your Intuition Knows!

What’s Your Life Purpose? Your Intuition Knows! by Lynn Robinson, M.Ed. | #AspireMag

Wouldn’t it be great if you were born accompanied by an instruction book that would lay out the lessons and mission of your life? Of course, all the right answers to your biggest issues and concerns would be in that book, too! I’ve spent the past twenty-five years giving intuitive readings to people all over the world and one of the questions I’m asked most frequently is, “What’s my purpose in life?”

Since we don’t arrive with that instruction book, at the very least, God should appear from the heavens with a big megaphone announcing our purpose! I know there are many wonderful books and classes out there that claim to help you make your dreams come true, but what if you seem to have no big objectives or aspirations? In lieu of the book or the megaphone, your fabulous inner wisdom — your intuition — is your guide.

Let Your Intuition Lead You

Your intuition continually informs you about your life purpose through things and events that make you happy. Paying attention to these is the first step in beginning to create a larger dream. When you take one step in the direction of saying “yes” to what you love, the Universe rushes in with help, guidance, and miracles.

Here are some questions to get you started:

  • What are you doing when time seems to fly by?
  • What do you look forward to doing on the weekends or on a vacation?
  • If your boss told you she’d give you a year off to contribute to the community in some way, what would you choose to do?
  • What are your hobbies?
  • What are you naturally good at?
  • When you think of someone who has a “dream job,” what do they do?
  • If money were no object, what kind of work would you love to do?
  • Who inspires you and why?
  • What causes do you feel strongly about? Examples are homelessness, green energy, sprituality, and healing.

Write the answers to the above questions quickly and from your heart, not your head. Don’t ask yourself how you could make a living at these things. That comes later. No one else has to read this, so don’t edit!

The answer to any of those questions is not necessarily going to evoke instant clarity about either your vocation or your life mission, but it’s a start. Every single person who is living a life they love had to begin by asking themselves these questions. They also had to believe in themselves enough to take the risks to move in the direction of their dreams. You don’t need to quit your day job right now, but simply begin spending more time doing what you love. Reach out to make connections with others who might be able to help you with creating your dream, and continue to dream a little bigger with each day.

If you’re struggling with these questions, you’re not alone on this journey, especially during times of discouragements and setbacks. There are unseen helpers — wise beings, angels, guides, loved ones who have passed — surrounding you, sending you love and peace. Take time to sit quietly and calm your mind as best you can so you can feel their presence and invite their help. Welcome their compassion and wisdom.

Meditation: Get In Touch With Your Inner Guidance

I have a technique I’d like to share with you that will help your unseen helpers communicate with you. It’s called, “Listen for Your Calling.”

Close your eyes, and imagine that you have a wise being who is your guide, and he or she is sitting in front of you.

Ask your wise being about your calling: “What can I do to begin to transform my hopes and dreams into a life I love?”

Listen carefully. Is there something that emerges — an idea that you find interesting or compelling? Sometimes the calling delivers clues that no one but you can decipher.

You may get information about some steps you should begin to take or a new way of thinking about your life. Try to listen with your heart, not your head. Perhaps a thought like “I’ve always wanted to . . .” will emerge. If it makes your heart open, it’s part of your answer.

Keep taking these “next right steps” and the things you desire will begin to fall into place. You are checking in with your inner compass each day and relying on its wisdom to point you in the direction of…more joy, better work, abundance, love and health — your purpose and mission. It’s a reliable and trustworthy guide. It’s been with you since you were born. It’s there to help you live the life you were meant to live.


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About the author 

Lynn Robinson, M.Ed.

Lynn A. Robinson, M.Ed., is a leading expert on the topic of intuition. Through her work as an intuitive advisor she's helped thousands of people discover their life passion and achieve their goals. Voted “Best Psychic” by Boston Magazine, she’s a bestselling author whose latest book is Divine Intuition: Your Inner Guide to Purpose, Peace and Prosperity. She’s also the author of, LISTEN: Trusting Your Inner Voice in Times of Crisis and Trust Your Gut. To learn more about her books and intuitive readings, visit

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