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Using Your Six Senses to Tap into the Sacredness of Life

Using Your Six Senses to Tap into the Sacredness of Life by Cindy Hively | #AspireMag

It’s Summer and I am feeling it from the inside out.  

The winds and stormy nights, the hot sun and rain can be so fickle. Sometimes it is amazing and other times not so much. This is however the polarity of living and keeping balance in our everyday journey. Nature changes from day to day, sometimes even minute to minute. Our relationships are the same way as well as our wants and desires. In a nutshell, life is all about change and keeping up with the flow as we go. And, the Divine spiritual teachings that are so rich. 

Life has a way of reminding us how to live with any possible change that happens. It’s up to us whether we choose to make pleasant choices or stay in never ending turmoil of lack and luster. I have conditioned myself to understand how to work with different tools to cultivate the goodness and not be triggered by overwhelm and life difficulties. I have come to the conclusion, yes it took a while and practice to get to this conclusion, we have the ability to change anything in our life by the next choices we make. How miraculous is that truly? 

In order to truly thrive and enjoy these changes our senses can be very powerful tools to connect our life experiences with. Our senses are amazing givers and receivers. We are connected to them 24/7 and at 360 degrees. Up, down, from side to side we can use our senses as gifts and in gratitude. When life is chaotic we can use our senses to come back to center and practice what our senses are trying to tell us. The practice of listening to what my senses are feeling and trying to tell me is my latest embracing of Sacred embodiment. 

So, what does this all mean, how do we embody our senses inward and outward? 
It is a practice that begins the moment we open our eyes in the morning. It is also bringing in the Sacredness of our being. I have a night table I turned into an alter and I do a ritual the first thing in the morning even before I get out of bed. I pray to God, that being that is far greater than I am and ask for guidance during my day. I ask to be shown what I need to see, I ask that I may listen to that which I need to hear, I ask that I may be given that which I may need to be of service to myself and to the world. 

Here are a few ways to use your senses in tap into the sacredness of life. 

  1. Touch. Allow cool water to flow over your body, how does it feel on your skin on a hot day. Give gratitude for the tub you are in and the amazing way water comes into your home. What is the Sacred inner awareness you are feeling? 
  2. Sight. Take time to go outside and find a place to stand, look around, what do you see, what colors are you looking at? How do you feel from being indoors and now outdoors? What Sacred inner awareness leads you to that very spot?
  3. Listen.Put on music depending what mood you are in. How are you comforted if sadness is within? If you are in happiness, why did you pick what you are listening to? Can you hear the vibration of the music? What Sacred inner awareness led you to the music you chose? 
  4. Smell.Put a pot of tea on or cook something you love with a great aroma. What did you create, why did you choose? What does the smell remind you of, is there a time in your life perhaps as a child that makes you resonate with this smell? What Sacred inner awareness called you to make this choice? 
  5. Taste.Open your pantry or refrigerator what looks juicy? How does your mouth, tongue react, is your mouth watering? Do you have to have another bite? What Sacred inner awareness are you feeling around food? 
  6. Spirit. Connect with your higher self in prayer or meditation. What is the tone of your Sacred Space? What are the sensations you are feeling within your body and outside yourbody? Are the desires of your heart being tended too? What inner Sacred awareness is happening? 

I leave you with this powerful poem by Dejan Stojanovic about tapping into the power of our senses.  


If we had true insight  
We would be scared to death,  
We would not be able to see anything,  
We would see everything and see nothing. 

Senses empower limitations,  
Senses expand vision within borders,  
Senses promote understanding through pleasure. 
Without pleasure there is no sight or measure. 

Total knowledge is annihilation  
Of the desire to see, to touch, to feel  
The world sensed only through senses  
And immune to the knowledge without feeling. 

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About the author 

Cindy Hively

Cindy Hively is an internationally acclaimed Intuitive Healing Coach, Priestess, Goddess Creatrix of In Her Fullness and a #1 bestselling author.

Her empowered clients refer to her work as “transformational,” as she uncovers the root cause to their emotional pain and illness and supports them in clearing the causes.

Cindy believes that disease is caused by unhealthy experiences, trauma and social programming. She helps women return the conscious and subconscious mind to wholeness and release unhelpful habits and beliefs, allowing women to pursue all their hopes and dreams by living a spiritual and healthy lifestyle. Cindy lives in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains with her husband and is a glowing grandmother to two little ones.

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