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Using Ancient Shamanic Yoga to Remove Lifelong Blocks

Using Ancient Shamanic Yoga to Remove Lifelong Blocks by Selene Calloni Williams | #AspireMag

Imagine being inspired by an inner voice that always manages to find the positive in your life experiences, which pushes you to accomplish your dreams and never give up, to always follow the ways of love. A voice that dissuades you from suspicion and conflict, from the path of the ordinary human mind, conditioned by unconscious programming.

The Greek concept of eudaemonia implies the presence of a good (“eu” in Greek) “daimon”, that is, of a guide-spirit. Eudaemonia is thus the condition of being in the company of good gods or spirits. The term in Greek, especially in Greek philosophy, used to indicate happiness as a state of personal satisfaction as well as a fortunate relationship with the rest of the world. For the Greeks, and especially for Aristotle, eudaemonia was the ultimate end of human existence, because happiness was the sign of an accomplished, well-lived life.

The problem with our culture is that, having moved away from instinct and severed its ties with nature, it has lost its ability to recognize spirits, gods, deities. For the Greeks gods weren’t ideas one had to believe in: gods had to be recognized. Recognizing is different from believing. We believe in things we have no contact with. Instead, we recognize things we come into contact with.

In order to live in the company of gods and ideas, spirits and deities we have to first of all re-establish a connection with the invisible, with the soul. We require a relationship such as to be able to perceive the invisible and have trust in it, love it and be loved by it.

But we inhabit a profoundly materialistic and patriarch society, where male, solar values, the voice of logic and rationality are dominant and precede the matriarch, lunar, emotional side. We have lost the ability to perceive the invisible, and thus we need help, we need a tool. The Mother Mantra is such a tool.

The Mother Mantra is also known as tradition of the “reabsorption of reality” or “withdrawal of projections”. The practices of the Mother Mantra tradition, in fact, have the great ability of allowing their practitioners to engage in “soul-making”. With this term I wish to indicate the ability to realize that the events that occur to us are nothing but dreams, projections, images of soul, of our instinct. We project what we have inside and live within our images. The soul is the very act of imagining. Reabsorbing reality means taking every person, thing, place and event with which we’ve come into contact during our life and bring it back to its true nature: image, dream, vision. In turn, this means realizing that we are the dreamers of this very dream and that we can cease being victims of events.

In the Mother Mantra tradition all of this is done in an almost completely automatic way. The great yogin Sri Aurobindo used the term “automatic power” to define mantras – which are nothing but names, a phrases, or event just words or syllables with particular mystic power – and their ability to penetrate into the body through their vibrations, penetrate into what he himself called the “mind of cells”, so as to bring their message into being at this deepest level.

The Mother Mantra’s message and purpose is that of eudaemonia. Within the tradition it is known as mystic or alchemic marriage, marriage of reawakening. The final purpose of practicing the Mother Mantra lies in recognizing one’s own good daimon, one’s own invisible partner, and unite with them in an erotic bond – that is, a creative bond. For Eros is life’s creative energy.

Shamanic yoga is very ancient. Its central characteristic is ecstasy. We can say that we are practicing Shamanic Yoga when we are lead to a state of ecstasy; that is, to an amplified state of consciousness, a whereby we go beyond the usual boundaries of the mind and of perception. It is in this state that we come into contact with the usually invisible dimension and our own guide spirit. Shamanic Yoga entails “fluid sequences”, something like a dance, which are accompanied by breath-control exercises and mantras, gently leading you into a state of ecstasy. The Mother Mantra tradition, which is the heart of Shamanic Yoga teachings, offers a great number of healing practices and exercises – the so-called spiritual exercises of the morning and the evening – which lead you to ecstasy and reinforce the connection with your guide spirit.

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About the author 

Selene Calloni Williams

Selene Calloni Williams, with a degree in psychology and master’s in screen writing, has authored several books and documentaries on psychology, deep ecology, shamanism, yoga, philosophy, and anthropology. A direct student of James Hillman, she studied and practiced Buddhist meditation in the hermitages of the forests of Sri Lanka and is an initiate of Shamanic Tantric Yoga. She is the founder and the director of the Imaginal Academy Institute in Switzerland. Learn more at

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