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Use Consistent Email Marketing to Serve More Clients

Use Consistent Email Marketing to Serve More Clients by Suzanne Moore | #AspireMag

As a women who thinks about marketing in her sleep, I’m often amazed by the businesses that aren’t building an email marketing list.

Email marketing is one of the most simple and cost effective ways to build and connect with the tribe of people you are meant to serve…and yet, many entrepreneurs just don’t do it. No matter what type of business you have, if you don’t already have all the clients you need and want, this just may be your untapped opportunity to serve more of your audience.

Here are three reasons that every entrepreneur should be reaching out with this very cost effective solution:

1.Email Marketing Builds a Community Pipeline

At the other end of every email address is an individual who may – at some point – need what you provide. Connecting with them consistently through email is one of the best – most cost efficient – ways to build your relationship with her.

Consider that each time an email is developed, it can be sent not just to one, or a small group of individuals, but to tens of thousands of people if you are fortunate enough to build a community that large. And in each case, you can make an individual, authentic connection with the reader.

Imagine for example that you are a real estate agent. Not everyone needs a real estate agent every day. However, if we receive consistent email from a local agent about her closings, her listings and the beautiful homes that she is helping buyers find, we build a connection. And when we do need a real estate agent, we will be much more likely to connect with her than we will someone with whom we have no history.

Just by reaching out consistently, you can develop a rich community that can become one of your greatest business assets.

2.When Used Correctly Email Marketing Builds Credibility

One of my favorite things about email marketing is that using it to builds and credibility. It is an opportunity to develop authentic meaningful content that provides great value to the reader. Which is a great step toward having them work with you.

The key to serving your audience well is finding out what they would like you to provide and then sharing it with them. This can be done through simple online surveys, or by keeping a list of client and potential client questions or requests that may be relevant to your wider audience.

When you answer those queries and questions in the form of an article and share those answers with your community on a consistent basis, your relationship with your readers deepens and tremendous trust and credibility are developed.

Nothing is better for your business than having built trust with potential clients.

3.Email Marketing Allows You to Ask for a Sale Without Being Pushy

Once you consistently provide quality content to your email community, you can then begin to market to them more directly. When readers of your emails are already receiving value from you, they will want to hear about your services and offerings.

Occasional emails about special programs, service offerings, or a connection call to explore working together will be welcomed rather than seen as an intrusion. This simplifies your direct marketing efforts and capitalizes on the pipeline you’ve developed.

If you are looking to create a steady flow of clients and to have a well to draw from for generating more income in your business, consistent email marketing may be the missing link in your marketing strategy.

My recommendations are start slow, be consistent, and provide quality content. Your community, you and your business will all be rewarded for it.

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About the author 

Suzanne Moore

Suzanne Moore helps coaches & consultants create success by teaching them how to build their email marketing list. Her no-nonsense straight talk, clear direction & technical know-how provide the support her clients need to get 'out of their own way' and get clients. Suzanne has an MBA, hosts the podcast #JFDI Marketing, is a member of the Change Your Attitude...Change Your Life Good Life Team and is a featured expert on New York's WOR radio station.
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