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Unplug, Speak Up, & Take Your Power Back!

Unplug, Speak Up, & Take Your Power Back! by Crystal Cockerham | #AspireMag

Taking time to unplug from technology and the outside noise is beneficial for all of us.  Even an hour a day has its benefits.  When we are ‘plugged into’ outside sources it can drain our energy and personal power.  Imagine for a moment that everything you are outwardly focusing on are energy channels that you are plugged into. Scrolling social media for hours at a time, engaging in drama, and living from the shoulds and expectations of others can drain your energy and your personal power.  

Your Personal Power 

Before we go any further into how to take your power back, let’s establish some common ground on what your personal power is.  Your personal power is your means of knowing and feeling confident, strong in your knowing of yourself, your wants, needs and desires.   

When you take the reins of your personal power, you are empowered to stand in the truth of who you are at your core.  This empowers you to take action to uphold, honor, and protect this truth for yourself.   

If you have your power plugged in everywhere, you will also feel the drain this puts on your energy.  The more energy you give out, the less you have for you to share with the people and things you hold most dear. There’s oodles of wisdom in the saying: You can’t pour from an empty cup. 

I know this sounds like a lot, but the more you dive into your own self knowing and courageously explore every aspect of your being, the more empowered you will become.  This, my fellow traveler, is how you get to know and embody the Luminous Warrior energy within you and take your power back.  In other words, it is how you keep your cup full, overflowing even! 

Here is a sacred practice for you to unplug, speak up & take you power back: 

1.Enter into the sacred space of your daily practice.  Be sure it is a distraction-free space.  Your journal and pen are at the ready, and you have your favorite tea or a glass of water with you.  

2.Do some form of energy clearing. Whether it’s smudging with essential oils, herbs, or sound. 

3.Close your Space.  Set the intention of connecting with your Luminous Warrior.  Then, call in your spiritual allies, guardian angels, cosmic energy and the Divine for support and guidance. 

4.Once you feel your mind settled and your energy is fully present, ask yourself these questions:  Where are all the places I have my energy invested?   

  • List them.  Your list could look something like: work, volunteering at kids school or extra curricular activities, volunteering in the community, helping a friend, mentoring a co-worker, taking care of an ailing family member, etc.,   
  • You can have lists within lists-break down where your energy is invested at work, with family, etc.,  
  • Don’t forget about all the things you are concerned about, or worry about: the want-tos, and need-tos that go unattended.  These count too! 

5.Now sort them into 3 columns: Obligations/Habits, Joy/Satisfaction and Neutral/Indifferent using the following questions:  

  • Which ones bring you zero joy or satisfaction?  In other words, which of them do you do because you simply feel obligated to do so, as if it is expected of you?  You know, the ones you no longer want to do, or maybe never have?  
  • Likewise, of the places you are constantly plugged into, which ones do you love?  Which ones bring you joy and satisfaction?  Which ones belong in your divinely inspired life? 
  • Lastly, which of these are you indifferent to?  Make note of these as well. 

6.Okay, now examine each of your lists beginning with the ones you are indifferent to.   

  • Where can you unplug your energy completely?  This means you are no longer doing it, period.  Yes, I am saying put your notice in if you need to, train someone to replace you if you must or want to, delegate it if you can or simply stop doing it.   
  • Do the same thing with your obligation/habit list.  Your Joy/Satisfaction list doesn’t need to be addressed at this time.  You can save it for another day.  I will say this however, be open to the future possibility of some of your Joy/Satisfaction items switching columns. 

7.Energetically pull the plug from those things you are no longer or soon, will no longer be giving your energy to.  Close your eyes and envision you are literally at that next ‘event’ or task, unplug the power cord from it and feel where in your body you need to plug it back into and do so.  (You definitely don’t want anything else sucking your energy unless you consciously allow it too!) 

8.Speak up: How are you feeling now that you have taken the most bold, powerful step in taking your power back?  It all begins energetically and this declaration to the universe deserves recognition.  Allow your Luminous Warrior to commune with you and the wisdom of your Goddess Self.  Ask them to help you craft an affirmation or mantra which you can carry with you beyond this sacred moment that will help you to take inspired and intentional action beyond this sacred space.  This is your powerspeak.  Write it down.  Speak it aloud.  Breathe it in. 

9.It’s time to rise and take your power back.  Stand up, close your eyes and continue repeating your powerspeak until your body engages in an organic, intuitive physical movement. Continue repeating this physical movement as long as necessary to build your energy up and align with your powerspeak. 

10.Open your sacred space.  Express gratitude for yourself, your spiritual allies, guardian angels, the cosmic energies, the Divine, your Luminous Warrior, and the wisdom of your Goddess Self for showing up and supporting you.  Release them with the promise to take inspired and intentional action and repeat aloud your powerspeak. 

11.Finally, acknowledge yourself for a job well done.  You now know what you now need to do.  Go forth and do it.  You’ve got this! 

Don’t forget to take time every day to remind yourself of your powerspeak.  Repeat it aloud as often as necessary.  Be sure to give yourself permission to engage in the above ritual routinely.  Before you know it, you will feel so much lighter, stronger, confident, and empowered! 

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About the author 

Crystal Cockerham

Spiritual Mentor, Retreat Leader and Author, Crystal Cockerham, works with empathic women to deepen their relationship with the Divine, learn their souls language, and hone their empathic gifts so they can create the divinely inspired life they envision, desire and deserve. Through her offerings and community, Crystal empowers and supports women in awakening their inner wisdom.

In addition to authoring her own journal and 4-part meditation series bundle, Awaken Your Divine Wisdom: A Guided Journal Expedition to Explore Your Universe & Decode Its Secrets, Crystal has been published as a coauthor in several International Best Selling Books including; SHINE!: Stories to Dream Big, Fear Less and Blaze Your Own Trail, 365 Days of Self-Love: Daily Exercises from Experts Around the World, Radical Self-Love, Reclaiming Your Midlife Mojo: Women’s Stories of Self-Discovery & Transformation, and more.

Crystal is a frequent contributor to Aspire Magazine, and Expert Instructor for Inspired Living University™: A Sacred Curriculum & Community for Women.

She has appeared on numerous radio shows, podcasts and summits including; Inspired Conversations, The Breakthrough Show as both a guest & a panelist, and AngelScapes Radio with Nancy Smith.

She is the host of the popular Feminine Wisdom Keepers Facebook Group, a community for the awakened women.

She is an engaging and passionate guest and is available to speak on numerous topics such as:

The Divine Feminine
-The Red Tent & Sacred Women’s Circles
-Intuitive & Empathic Gifts
-Claiming Your Sovereignty
And can customize a topic to fit your audience.

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