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Unlocking the Power of Higher Self Connection: A Practical Guide for Aspiring Healers

Unlocking the Power of Higher Self Connection: A Practical Guide for Aspiring Healers by Maureen St. Germain | #AspireMag

As women on the path of self-discovery, we often find ourselves with a treasure trove of certifications, trainings, and tools at our disposal. But how do we decide which resource to tap into when faced with a unique situation? The answer lies in understanding the three key ways to make this choice: logic, intuition, and the wisdom of the Higher Self. 

  1. Logic: The First Step

Logic is our trusty companion in many areas of life. It’s what we rely on when we weigh pros and cons, analyze outcomes, and make decisions based on knowledge. As healers, logic serves us well in understanding the mechanics of our modalities and the structured steps of our training. However, logic has its limits. It’s a tool that can only take us so far, often leaving us at a crossroads where multiple options seem equally viable. 

  1. Intuition: Trusting the Inner Voice

When logic reaches its limits, we turn to intuition—an inner voice that guides us in a more fluid, spontaneous way. Intuition is that feeling in your gut, the sense of knowing without knowing why. It’s the subtle nudge that says, “This is the right choice,” even when logic doesn’t fully agree. For many of us, intuition is a trusted friend, a guide that leads us to the right tools or techniques when logic falls short. 

  1. Higher Self: The Power of Knowing

But there’s a third, deeper way to make decisions: connecting with the wisdom of the Higher Self. Unlike logic, which is based on trust, and intuition, which requires judgment, the Higher Self operates from a place of pure knowing. It’s like the difference between trusting that your friend will meet you for lunch and knowing that the sun will rise tomorrow. The Higher Self doesn’t guess or assume—it knows. 

By establishing a playful, daily connection with your Higher Self for 45 days, you cultivate this knowing. It’s a practice that moves beyond trust and intuition, leading to a clear and direct understanding of your next best steps in any situation. 

Your 45-Day Practice Period: A Step-by-Step Guide 

Before you do any of this you must establish your Higher Self Connection by closing your eyes, asking for your Higher Self to give you your Signals! Your signals can be and inner visual – color, shape, figure, it could be a feeling in your head, or heart or stomach, or finger; It could be a scent or taste in your mouth. Some people actually hear the word, “yes” or “no.”  Do not proceed until you feel comfortable with your signals. Make sure you ask, Higher Self, show me my signal for “yes,” repeat for no, and then repeat for neutral. Hint: neutral is not maybe. Even if your signal is faint, ask for it to be stronger, always addressing the Higher Self by name. (i.e. Higher Self show me my “yes” signal.) 

Step 1: Ask Questions
For the next 45 days, start your journey by asking your Higher Self yes or no questions. Keep these questions unimportant and insignificant—things you don’t have an emotional investment in, like, “Higher Self, is it in my Highest and Best Good to wear the red shirt today?” or “Higher Self, is it in my Highest and Best Good to  take this route to work?” Keep asking similar questions until you receive a “yes.” Refrain from asking predictive or significant questions, as these can invite your ego into the process. Remember, this period is about playful exploration and building a connection, not testing or predicting outcomes. 

Step 2: Take Action
When you receive an answer, always follow through—no exceptions. This commitment is crucial to keeping your practice period clear and effective. After your 45 days, you may choose not to follow your Higher Self’s guidance in certain situations, but during this 45 day practice period, consistency is key. This action solidifies the trust and connection you are building. 

Step 3: Avoid Other Divination Tools
For the duration of your practice period, set aside all other forms of divination. Whether it’s muscle testing, pendulums, or tarot cards, these tools, while useful, can interfere with the pure connection you’re developing with your Higher Self. If you use these methods professionally, limit their use to your practice with others. For matters concerning you, rely solely on your Higher Self during this time. 

Key things to look for as you continue your 45 day practice: 

  1. Discover the Beyond: Realize that there’s more than just logic or intuition to guide your decisions. 
  2. Learn the Differences: Understand how logic, intuition, and Higher Self knowing differ in their approaches. 
  3. Logical Connection: Discover a structured method to tap into your Higher Self Wisdom channel. 
  4. Access Clear Messages: Practice 30-40 times daily to develop the ability to receive clear, direct messages from your Higher Self to your conscious mind.  
  5. On-Demand Knowing: After your 45 day practice you will discover that the quest for knowledge, like Einstein’s light wave meditation, becomes a source of immediate, on-demand understanding. 
  6. Apply it to Life: See how this connection can transform all aspects of your life, bringing clarity, wisdom, and grace. 

By integrating these three decision-making modalities—logic, intuition, and Higher Self connection—you create a balanced, empowered approach to your healing practice and daily life. Start your journey today, and let the wisdom of your Higher Self guide you to your highest potential

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About the author 

Maureen St. Germain

Maureen St. Germain, known as the Practical Mystic, has over 30 years experience in mystical traditions. She is an internationally acclaimed ascension teacher and founder of  St. Germain Mystery School. Author of seven books, including Amazon best-sellers like, Waking Up in 5D, Maureen is dedicated to helping others connect with their Higher Self and achieve spiritual awakening. Find events here.

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