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Unlock Your Inner Wisdom with Human Design

Unlock Your Inner Wisdom with Human Design by Dr. Lisa Thompson | #AspireMag

Imagine living a life where you are able to move forward with inspired action steps that come from your soul, rather than your logical mind or somebody else’s desires. What would that look like? What kind of life would you create? 

According to Human Design, each of us has a specific blueprint for this particular life, including the way we naturally get an answer to a question. This built-in “GPS” system, or Inner Authority, doesn’t lay out the entire path before us but rather provides step-by-step direction that gets us where we need to be. Inner Authority is about how we are responding to life. When we use it the way we are meant to the response does not involve language or even the mind.  It’s an energetic event that has us connected to the flow of life.  

Using your Inner Authority requires ongoing practice because the logical mind is conditioned to take over. You may get an initial answer for yourself, but your ego and fear can keep you trapped in not taking action on the true answer you receive. It also requires practice because most of the Inner Authorities require some sort of process that can take time and patience. As a society, we have been trained to make decisions on the spot. This can take you on a longer, more challenging journey if your answer is made from the mind instead of your design. I explain the different kinds of Inner Authority below. (To find out what your Inner Authority is, you can get a free chart at  

With Splenic Authority, your decisions are made as a very quiet spark of knowing through your intuition. You may not know why you’re getting an answer in a particular moment, but you must learn to listen for it and trust it, as your answer will only come one time for each situation. You have the ability to make instantaneous, snap decisions when you have the aha moment.  

When you have Sacral Authority, your decisions are made in the gut with a verbal uh-huh (yes) or uh-uh (no). To get the answer, it has to come in the form of a question from an outside source. A good strategy to use for big questions is to have a trusted friend ask you yes/no questions about the situation, so you can listen for your answer in your gut. You have the ability to make your decision at the particular moment the question comes. Always trust your gut over your mind and be neutral in your expectations of the answer.  

With Emotional Authority, your decisions are made after you go through a roller coaster ride of emotions about the situation. This could take a few minutes, hours, days, or longer to process your emotions. Your answer is the clarity you receive in the neutral stillness at the end of the emotional highs and lows. If you make a decision before your emotional processing is complete, you are likely to make a decision that is more challenging for you. Pay attention to how you are feeling in the moment and over time. Be patient with yourself as you go through your emotions.  

When you have Heart Authority (also known as Ego Manifested or Ego Projected), it is your job to make something happen if your heart wants it. It is straightforward and direct. What do you deeply value? What is your heart’s desire? If your heart is not in it, the answer is no. If this answer is yes, it is a deep, heart-felt wanting that is absent of ego.  

With Self-Authority, your decisions are made through an innate knowing that you can’t explain. It is like a flower unfolding in your chest, and can be a very subtle experience that requires spaciousness and a quiet environment in which you learn to connect. When you ask things like “Will this make me happy?” or “Is this the correct direction for me?” listen to the words you say, as that is where you will find the truth.   

When you have Outer Authority (No Inner Authority), your decisions are made through an external process. Ideas must be researched and fully thought through over a period of time, and the sum total of the experience gives you your direction. If you are a Mental Projector type, your environment will provide you with sensory information to give you guidance. If you are a Reflector, you will need a full 29-day lunar cycle to experience all possibilities to make an informed decision. Patience and timing are critical.  

When you fully embrace your life by living from your soul’s yes (your Inner Authority), you will create magic. You don’t need to know every step ahead of time in order to reach your goals; just learn to follow step-by-step guidance from your higher self in each moment. Trust yourself and the Universe, and you can absolutely design your BEST LIFE!

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About the author 

Dr. Lisa Thompson

Merging her tools as a scientist and interior designer with intuitive gifts, Dr. Lisa Thompson empowers and supports women to create Sacred Soul Space within and around them at the physical, emotional and spiritual level. She is a best- selling author, speaker, and intuitive transformational coach, utilizing Past Life Regression and Human Design in her work. Download your Sacred Soul Spaces Manifestation Bundle here and visit for supportive resources and inspiration.

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