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The Universe is Calling You… Are You Listening?

The Universe is Calling You… Are You Listening? by Sara Wiseman | #AspireMag

All day long, in every single moment, the Universe is communicating with us.

When we’re busy, when we’re not paying attention, when we’re caught up in the various dramas of human life, we don’t always hear this quiet whisper, this soft refrain.

That’s because the Universe doesn’t speak to us in the language of the world. Instead, it communicates in the language of the soul.

It’s a language that can be taught and learned, just like anything else we might want to study.

Yet so often, we’re distracted— too concerned with our plans and project and thoughts—to take time to really listen.

Cosmic communication is 24/7

There’s no time that cosmic communication isn’t happening, offering the kind of soul guidance that leads us to lives brimming with connection and joy.

You can access this Universal guidance right now if you wish… Or, maybe you’d rather access it ten minutes for now? Or perhaps later today?

It doesn’t matter when, because Universal guidance is always available. 24/7. Once you know how to access it, you’ll find it’s always on, and there’s an unlimited supply.

You can connect with this phenomenal resource as often as you want, forever. And yet the question for so many of us remains the same…. why don’t we connect?

A true stream of consciousness

So many of us forget to listen to this infinite communication, this true stream of consciousness that speaks to us beyond all word or sound.

That’s because listening requires consciousness. Consciousness requires paying attention. And paying attention requires letting of go distractions.

As humans, we’re pretty attached to our distractions!

Distractions take lots of forms: we can be busy with tasks or “to dos” or future thinking or memories or emotions… it’s all the same to the Universe.

It’s only when we start to drop out of all this mind chatter and must do and instead simply be….

It’s only when we start to create a sort of sacred expansiveness in our lives that we can make room for the Universe to show up.

The soul whisper takes time, and patience and surrender.

We have to walk in the Mystery, to hear it.

Speaking in tongues

The Universe speaks to us in many tongues, so that we have more chances to hear.

Again, understanding this cosmic communication requires a deep willingness to slow down and pay attention to every little thing. The Universe speaks at the most subtle level, in noticings and knowings that are easy to miss when we are in a hurry, or have our mind full of thoughts.

Some of the ways the Universe may be trying to communicate with you right now include:

• The language of synchronicity and convergence. Whenever you notice these “coincidences,’ in all they ways they show up, you will know that the Universe is trying to get your attention, nudging you in the direction of that synchronicity.

• The language of intuition, which includes clairvoyance, clairaudience and so forth… these are innate psychic skills that belong to us; they are also skills that can be taught and learned.

• The language of the guides and angelic realm, in which you can learn to connect deeply with these very real beings. Once you know how to access this “direct connection,” you’ll wonder how you lived without it.

• The language of the departed; the ways in which our ancestors and those who have passed on communicate with us beyond time.

• The language of dreams and lucid dreaming and day dreaming, which are not mere pastimes of the subconscious, or “loafing about” but mystic messages that inform us of what we must pay attention to.

• The language of nature and the animal world: a connection that mirrors and reflects back our own way of being in the world.

• The language of inanimate objects: the material items that hold energy, emotion and memory in the same way as all living things.

• The language of the body and of the emotional field: the deep knowing which can never lie.

• The language of the higher vibrations; the bliss which heals us and holds us.

• The language of the heart, which is where is all of our soul growth in this lifetime takes place, as we open past pain and into love.

Our purpose is soul growth

Every time the Universe communicates with us, it is nudging us gently along on our path of soul growth.

Sometimes we resist this path!

For example, you may think your highest possibility is to be a successful business person; but the Universe may feel what is most important for your soul growth is to heal the rift with your mother.

You may think that you want to attract a particular type of partner; but the Universe may bring you a soul mate who nothing like what you had in mind, but who answers the true call of your heart and teaches you many lessons.

You may believe that your plans are urgent and paramount; but the Universe may insist instead that you spend hours sitting on your deck, listening to the wind move in the trees, simply being.

When we allow the Universe to lead us in this way—when we let go of our human need to plan and direct and control, and instead allow ourselves to exist and experience … that’s when the Universe is able to communicate with us most clearly.

It’s interesting, what happens when we come to live this way:

• We experience bliss.
• We experience a profound sense of gratitude.
• We find ourselves living in present moment.
• We  become able to listen to the Universe at all times, no longer a faint and fleeting whisper… but as a clear language of consciousness.

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About the author 

Sara Wiseman

Sara Wiseman is a visionary spiritual teacher and the award-winning author of Messages from the Divine: Wisdom for the Seeker’s Soul. Find out more about the book and FREE Seeker’s Guide at

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