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Understanding Yourself Using the Power of the Enneagram

Do you ever wonder why you repeat the same patterns again and again?  Why you react to certain situations in the same way?  Would you like to stop judging yourself and have more harmonious and respectful relationships?

What If you had a map of your psyche that helped you to understand your reactions, repetitive behaviors, and preferences. The Enneagram, an ancient teaching which has become more popular in recent years, is a very rich system and a powerful tool for transformation. The term, Enneagram, is derived from the Greek words ennea, which means nine, and gram, which means something written or diagram. The Enneagram is a system of nine personality types that are arranged around a symbol, which shows the interactions among the types.

We all have all nine types within us and one is our predominant type.  All types have their own set of unique gifts and challenges. There are nine levels of growth within each type divided into three areas: unhealthy, average and healthy. As we become more aware of our type and our reactivity, we begin to move up the levels of growth and ultimately live according to the truth of who we are and not just according to our ego/personality.

As we understand our personality type better, we can understand our reactions, preferences, how we show up in relationship etc. We can free ourselves from habitual patterns and reactions. The Enneagram is a powerful tool to guide us on the path to liberation.

The Enneagram is different than most personality typing tools.  When used correctly, it can guide us deeper and deeper into an understanding of our true nature. By bringing greater awareness and presence to our personality structures, we can wake up to our true self. With compassion for ourselves and others, we can use the Enneagram to live a more authentic and peaceful life.

One of the important aspects of the Enneagram is the compassion that is inherent in the teaching. Understanding ourselves and others with compassion can bring tremendous peace and harmony to our lives. It is through that lense that I would like to invite you to explore the nine Enneagram types as I describe them below.

Enneagram Types

Type One – Reformer

People with this as their predominant type tend to like order in their lives. They have strong ideas about right and wrong. At their best, they are dedicated to truth, justice and order and serve as inspiring role models and beacons of truth such as Mahatma Gandhi.

When the ego has a stronger hold, they can be task masters who are difficult to please. Nothing is ever quite good enough which leads to a lot of judgment of self and others.

They tend to struggle with anger, frustration and resentment which can be and often is inner directed. Fostering a belief and trust in their inherent goodness is essential to their growth. Accepting that others may also be right allows them to let go of their need to do everything themselves.

Type Two – Helper

They anticipate the needs of others and can be generous to a fault often ignoring their own needs. This can lead to resentment as they are habitually giving to others without identifying their own needs.

At their best, they are truly altruistic. They genuinely want to be helpful and they don’t sacrifice their own self-care in the process.        


Type Three – Overachiever

These are individuals who often achieve a great deal professionally and are the shining stars in their families. Underneath that façade of success is often a great well of emptiness and a sense of worthlessness. Although this is unconscious it drives the behavior of the personality.

In the average levels type threes can be competitive and focus on being the best. As they become healthier by being present to this need for success they tend to be more gracious and inspiring and truly embody the gifts of this type such as courage and graciousness.

Type Four – Individualist

People with this dominant type tend to be sensitive and introspective. They can struggle with envy and melancholy coming from the belief that others have what they cannot have. They feel as though they do not belong in their families and other groups. Due to a lack of a firm sense of identity they tend to identify with their stories and often have a belief that they are somehow flawed.

At their best, they are highly creative and share their deep appreciating for beauty through art, writing, and other creative pursuits.

Type 5 – Investigator

These are highly perceptive individuals who have a tremendous ability for clarity. They tend to stay in the background and observe everything going on around them with a great deal of detail and perceptibility. They often become experts in their fields or various hobbies. 

They can live in their head and under stress can retreat into their minds and detach from reality. At their best, they are visionaries with a broad understanding of the world around them


Type 6- Loyalist

These individuals are wonderful team players and are often the glue that keeps the team together. They can be skeptical not trusting themselves and others. They are often indecisive not trusting their gut instinct.

At their best, as they trust themselves and others, they are wonderful community builders, extremely reliable, and responsible. They are referred to as the loyalist due to their trustworthiness and reliability. As leaders, they are brilliant at leading teams while shying away from the spotlight.

Type 7 –Enthusiast

These individuals appear to be the life of the party. They seek excitement and new experiences. They are often visionaries constantly generating new ideas. The challenge comes in carrying out the details.  Boredom is the kiss of death for Type Sevens. At their best, they are true visionaries who ignite enthusiasm in others. They have a zest for life and express sincere gratitude for life.



Type 8 – Challenger

Individuals of this type tend to appear self-confident and decisive. When they feel threatened they can be confrontational and bullying.

At their best, they embody the gift of strength and are wonderful leaders with a large heart so people are naturally drawn to follow them. They tend to champion the underdog. They are tremendous initiators and inspire and motivate others.


Type 9 – Peacemaker

Peace and harmony are priorities for this type. They tend to be accommodating and self-effacing. Preserving the relationship takes precedence over everything else. They tend to suppress their own personal will to keep the peace.

At their best, they are present to themselves and their needs and are genuinely delightful, kind and keep the peace from an authentic perspective.

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About the author 

Dr. Cathering Hayes

Dr. Catherine Hayes is a dual-Certified Professional Co-Active Coach, a Certified Riso-Hudson Enneagram Teacher, and International Enneagram Association (IEA) Certified Professional and Accredited Teacher, a member of the Forbes Coaches Council, a speaker and a highly regarded influencer in the leadership field. She holds a DMD from Tufts University and Masters and Doctoral degrees in Epidemiology from Harvard University. She coaches leaders to uncover the truth of who they are so they can live and lead from their highest potential. She is the author of the bestselling book, Everything is Going to Be Okay! From the Projects to Harvard to Freedom

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