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Uncover Your Self-Confidence and let the Power of Intention Flow by Laura Clark | #AspireMag

Uncover Your Self-Confidence and let the Power of Intention Flow by Laura Clark | #AspireMag

When we know ourselves, deep down, we can’t help wanting more out of this life we are living. We have big dreams and desires that range from health and family to our professions and community. Knowing ourselves well, we create dreams based upon our soul’s desires, we just know they are right. They are purpose-filled and true. These desires are deeply rooted in who we are at our essence. They are based on what our purpose is and what legacy we want to leave.

Dreams. We all have them. When we create the intention to achieve them, we are creating the foundation for them to grow. We get excited. We are intentional. We take action. We are inspired. We are filled with hope and joy.
Often times, we become emotionally connected to these dreams. We become attached to them. These emotions can fuel us onward toward our purpose or they can slow us down and eventually lead us to why the power of our intentions will not work. They lead us to our own dark selves.

All the intention setting in the world will not work unless we believe in our own selves. All the intention setting in the world will not work unless we value who we are at our core. When we don’t believe in ourselves, or when we don’t value what we have to offer, our dreams will dim at the first nuance of doubt. Our confidence will hide behind the first obstacle place in our path.

I have known so many who have dreams, started out on the path to achieve them and when they hit a bump in the road they hear their own ego voice say “ I can’t do this” or “I’m not good enough” or some version of that. Have you ever allowed your dreams to stall on your path with the excuse of “I don’t have time” Or “I can’t do this by myself?”

In the face of such doubt, dreams cannot become a reality. And then, when this doubt grows, what happens? Actions give way to emotions! Our emotional self comes onto the path and allows us to get frustrated and full of overwhelm. We get angry, annoyed, or even sad and depressed. All of this will lead up to more self-judgment and self-confidence wanes and we get stuck on the path. From this, we allow our dreams to lose their momentum, wind down and even die.

[Tweet “”There is no need to let your soul’s desires fade in the wake of such doubt and such self-judgment.” @Laurapclark”] Your true self value and self-confidence is there just waiting to be discovered. When you can settle your emotional self and start thinking with loving support of yourself, you will discover that You Are Enough in all that you do. You are more than capable of following and fulfilling your soul’s desires no matter what they are.

To elevate and maintain your self-confidence and understand the value you bring to the world and to honor your dreams, follow these six steps:

1. Begin To Love and Honor Yourself. Take a wonderful look at all that is inside of you. Make a list of everything you have ever accomplished. Make a list of all the wonderful attributes that you have ~ and don’t skip one of them. Then, read them, aloud to yourself as you look in the mirror. One by one. Say “I am Beautiful.” “I am Creative.” “I am Kind.” Say it slowly…to yourself…as you would a dear friend. This will set you on the path to discovering all that you truly are.

2. Step Away from Your Emotions. Your emotions do not define who you are. As a spiritual being in a human experience, you will absolutely have emotions. But, do not let them define who you are. When you discover your emotions are fueling your actions, it is time to step back. Go for a walk, have a cup of tea, relax and breathe. By letting your emotions flow and moving away from them into love and light, you will naturally allow yourself to see who you truly are and your self-confidence will rise.

3. Foster Self-Confidence. Use a mantra that slays your doubts. Use a mantra that is polar opposite of those doubts. If your self-confidence is low because you believe yourself to be strapped for time, an example of a mantra for this would be “I have ample time to fulfill all that is required of me.” And look for the gift of time. You go to meet a friend for coffee and she tells you she’s going to be 10 minutes late. There that is a gift of 10 minutes to relax and look at all that you are!

4. Ask for Help & Surround Yourself with Loving Support. You have a big dream of doing something wonderful in your community? Find like-minded individuals and ask them for support. Surround yourself with uplifting and loving individuals who see all the beautiful things in you. They will act as a mirror to reflect back what you are beginning to see.

5. Always Take Consistent & Courageous Action. Yes, life will put road blocks and diversions in your way. You may have to take this path for a short time but that doesn’t mean you give up on your dreams. By taking consistent steps, each and every day toward your dreams, you will get there. Be bold. Take Courageous action steps with your newly found self-confidence. There is nothing better to support you and your newly developing self-confidence than doing something that you takes you out of your comfort zone.

6. Detach From the Outcome. In co-creating your dreams, the Universe will support your work. When you can detach from the outcome of each of the steps toward your dreams, you will discover Joy in each step, in the Being and Doing of creating your dream. This will elevate your vibration and that will help you attract your deepest desires going forward.

The power of your own self-confidence will support your dreams. Never underestimate the power of believing in yourself. The more you honor and value yourself, the more self-confident you will become. When you can step into your dreams with confidence, it will fuel your purpose, you will step forward with consistent and courageous action. The love and light you bring to your actions will attract all that you desire. All you have to do is discover the power of believing in yourself and the power of intention will come alive and so will your dreams.

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About the author 

Laura Clark

Sought after Master Soul Coach® and Instructor trainer, Laura Clark knows that Living In-Joy comes from following your own inner wisdom. Through her own recovery from depression and 20 years as an entrepreneur, Laura fully understands the life interrupts and barriers that are obstacles to living a life of ease, grace, joy and happiness. She is the founder of, trained and certified by Denise Linn and believes that your soul knows the truth. She empowers her clients to hear their soul’s whispers more consistently, understand it more clearly and act upon it more courageously for a life filled with greater joy and abundance than ever imagined. As an International best-selling author and engaging speaker, Laura brings her unique wit and a down to earth, practical approach to implementing spirituality and soul-wise living into your life.

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