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Two Ways to Honor the Goddess Within Through the Cycles of Nature

Two Ways to Honor the Goddess Within Through the Cycles of Nature by Crystal Cockerham | #AspireMag

‘Tis that time of year; celebrations are being planned, we spend extra special time with our family and friends, the season changes, we purchase new calendars and ready ourselves to ring in the new year.  However, just because the calendar flips over to a new year, doesn’t automatically mean it is a ‘new year’ for us individually. 

As humans we are raised to live, learn, communicate, measure and teach linearly.  This linear model may be the key for most of us as a foundation for learning, communicating, and teaching, but the real-world application of our learning and experiences as humans is actually quantum.   

Have you ever given thought to why so many New Year’s Resolutions never come to fruition? The measurement of time and calendars does not allow for the spiritual growth of the individual.  As a result, society has conditioned us to skip over the honoring of our own rhythm by denying us and our schedules to accommodate the natural flow of releasing, BEing in the liminal space and intentionally crossing over the threshold into the new year.  

Instead, it keeps us focused on everything except the present moment. 

After all, you wouldn’t force or speed up the final alchemical moments of a butterfly just before she emerges from the chrysalis, would you?  No, the chrysalis state is a slowing-down to allow for shedding the old body, the integration just before the full embodiment and finally, the emergence of new life. 

In other words, it releases its previous form of a caterpillar, enters into the liminal space of the chrysalis and emerges as the butterfly; renewed. If you wouldn’t intentionally keep a butterfly from flying or surviving while it is in its womb space, why would you deny yourself of this sacred time? 

Whoa, did I just say sacred time? I sure did! The liminal space, the space in between an ending and a beginning, the space of transformation, of creation is sacred.  

This is the space where the Divine Feminine energy, which resides in each of us, is unceasingly vigilant and active. I often refer to this energy as our Goddess Energy, our energetic womb space, our inner cauldron, and our sacred chalice. Like your physical womb space, it has the capacity to hold space for healing and transformation, for creation and birth, as well as renewal! 

Magical. Miraculous even, am I right?  

The liminal space will help you to clear those next layers, deepen even further into your gratitude practice and open the gateway of creativity and intuitive insight even further! You just need to stay dialed in, listen, feel, act, and become the next evolution of you. You see, once you awaken to your Goddess Self and commit to your ascension journey, there is no ceiling of potential.   

It is vital for you to intentionally engage in the releasing of the old, outdated, and non-serving patterns, allowing yourself to BE in the liminal space, your energetic womb space, before you emerge birthed anew. This is the rhythm of your Goddess Energy.  When you honor it, your capacity to connect, heal and grow are infinite!   

Two Ways to Honor the Rhythm of Your Goddess Energy 

There is no wrong way to begin your journey, but I will say this: your rhythm can only be felt and followed by going within. Simply choose one of the following two ways which pique your interest or perhaps set your heart a flutter and go from there, adding more as it feels right for you. Always keep in mind that whichever action you are taking, you are pairing it with a clear intention. In this case your intention is to honor the rhythm of your Goddess Energy. 

Working with the Seasons: 

  • SPRING is the season of rebirth, renewal, new life, planning and planting literally. Spiritually speaking, it is time for planting your seeds of intention. 
  • SUMMER, the season of beauty and nurturing what you have planted both literally and spiritually speaking.  
  • FALL is the time of celebrating your harvest as this is the season of harvesting the fields and your spiritual garden.  
  • WINTER, the time of releasing, of full surrender and BEing in the liminal, sacred energetic womb space, which is literally represented by Gaia, a.k.a. Earth. After all, it is the time for nature to hibernate, to go into her own dark, liminal space to renew so that new growth can occur once again in the spring where the cycle repeats. 

Working with the Moon and Her Lunar Energy Cycle.  

Learning to work with the moon cycles is a powerful way to honor the rhythm of your Goddess Energy.  If you are interested in what the planets are up to or are interested in zodiac signs, you can always pair those energies and characteristics with the sign and phase the moon is in. 

  • The New Moon. This is Luna’s first phase and as such holds the energy for new beginnings, creation, intention setting and manifestation.  Because of these powerfully aligned energies it is an optimal time for deep introspection, inner connection, and a slowing down to allow for new ideas & processes to come into your awareness and take form. 
  • 1st Quarter [Waxing] Moon: The time between the new and full moon is known as the waxing moon period. It is a time to gather resources, and act consciously and inspired for your intention/goal to become a reality.  A farmer doesn’t plant and forget, she or he nurtures the growth process.  Nurture your growth by not giving up. 
  • The Full moon. This is the time where we banish, purge, surrender &/or release ourselves from patterns, habits &/or relationships that are no longer in alignment with our self and block the way of our forward momentum. You cannot expect to manifest or bring in the new without clearing out the old.  After all, when you purchase new furniture, you have to move out the old stuff to make room for the new, right? Manifesting is the same concept. 
  • 3rd Quarter [Waning] Moon. The waning moon is a time to continue to release, purge, banish and establish new patterns.  Once we release ourselves from something, that echo of habit tends to linger.  Consistent Mindful Redirection will help you through this phase of the Lunar Cycle and prepare you for what you are calling forward for yourself which requires you to be renewed.  This comes with a word of caution:  Be sure that as you are releasing and re-patterning what hasn’t served you that you are also acknowledging what does. 

Lastly, your intuition knows your rhythm. Trust it and follow it. Your new year could be the spring, it could be your birthday, it could be every new moon. And, yes, you have renewal at each of these times. You need only to honor the rhythm of your Goddess Energy. 

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About the author 

Crystal Cockerham

Spiritual Mentor, Retreat Leader and Author, Crystal Cockerham, works with empathic women to deepen their relationship with the Divine, learn their souls language, and hone their empathic gifts so they can create the divinely inspired life they envision, desire and deserve. Through her offerings and community, Crystal empowers and supports women in awakening their inner wisdom.

In addition to authoring her own journal and 4-part meditation series bundle, Awaken Your Divine Wisdom: A Guided Journal Expedition to Explore Your Universe & Decode Its Secrets, Crystal has been published as a coauthor in several International Best Selling Books including; SHINE!: Stories to Dream Big, Fear Less and Blaze Your Own Trail, 365 Days of Self-Love: Daily Exercises from Experts Around the World, Radical Self-Love, Reclaiming Your Midlife Mojo: Women’s Stories of Self-Discovery & Transformation, and more.

Crystal is a frequent contributor to Aspire Magazine, and Expert Instructor for Inspired Living University™: A Sacred Curriculum & Community for Women.

She has appeared on numerous radio shows, podcasts and summits including; Inspired Conversations, The Breakthrough Show as both a guest & a panelist, and AngelScapes Radio with Nancy Smith.

She is the host of the popular Feminine Wisdom Keepers Facebook Group, a community for the awakened women.

She is an engaging and passionate guest and is available to speak on numerous topics such as:

The Divine Feminine
-The Red Tent & Sacred Women’s Circles
-Intuitive & Empathic Gifts
-Claiming Your Sovereignty
And can customize a topic to fit your audience.

Claim your Rituals to Nurture Your Goddess Soul Gift Set from Crystal today!

SCHEDULE your FREE Discovery Session today if you are ready to hone your empathic gifts, connect with your feminine wisdom & be who you were born to become.

REQUEST to join the Feminine Wisdom Keepers Facebook Group if you’d like to be a part of a sacred community that supports and nurtures women in embracing their divine connection, cultivating their inner goddess and unleashing their feminine wisdom.

Celebrate the Goddess in you with a hand-crafted Transformational Adornment from The Goddess Collection. Intentional, commemorative jewelry designed for daily wear, special occasions & ceremony alike!

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