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True You: Open Up to Life and Writing

True You: Open Up to Life and Writing by Lisa Tener | #AspireMag

On a trip back from the San Francisco Writer’s Conference, I found myself inspired by a documentary and wrote a song. I found the experience surprising and soul-nourishing in a way my other writing hadn’t been lately when I’d tried to write about the topic of my presentation—“The 6 Figure Writer”—even though I was truly excited about that topic, as well.

Later, as I thought about that experience and other recent experiences writing poetry, I realized that a truer voice was coming out in those shorter pieces—the ones where I set aside expectation and just played with words, witnessing what came forth. One may call it an “authentic” voice.

“Authentic” may seem like a buzz word nowadays. You see it almost everywhere—on websites, in blog posts, social media and magazines.

Why are we so taken with authenticity as of late? I believe we are being called to step out of the old mold of who we think we are and step into a truer—and more powerful—sense of ourselves.

This authentic self has more to offer others and can bring a greater sense of fulfillment than other versions of you. But how do you access that authentic self? How do you:

-Make decisions





from that inner landscape of authenticity? It can feel vulnerable, unfamiliar, shaky.

A great place to start is writing. You don’t have to share what you write with anyone. Give yourself permission to explore on your own with no one peeking over your shoulder.

Writers often refer to a writer’s “voice.” Just today, my friend, Bonnie Leonard, told me she wasn’t sure she had a clear voice as a writer, but then someone who bought The Midlife Women’s Journal told her, “I could hear your voice as I read the book.” Clearly she’d achieved authenticity—the words “rang true” and the reader fully connected.

So, how do you achieve that on the page? Here are three different tools for discovering your voice as a writer and—in the process—getting in touch with your authentic self:

1. Free Write: Set a timer for 5 to 10 minutes. Just write as fast as you can in a notebook as your pen swiftly moves across the page without hesitation. Don’t take the pen off the paper. If thoughts come in, just include them in the writing without censor.

Write about the first thing that enters your mind. If another thought interrupts, write that down. When your timer rings, read what you wrote and see if something calls to you, or seems a particularly juicy spot to continue exploration. It might be a word, a phrase, a paragraph, an idea, or a page—follow it. Set your timer for another 10 minutes and explore the subject without editing or censoring—just write.

IF the censor’s voice—or critic’s voice—comes up, you can write it down and respond to it on the page (more writing). Repeat the process one more time.

2) Dig Deep into Detail: Authentic writing is true writing: the reader experiences your story come alive for them. If you write, “I felt nervous” or, “She turned the page slowly,” there’s little to make it come alive. But if you describe your arduous journey up to the speakers’ podium, sweat dripping from your fingers, your reader shares in your anxiety and the experience comes alive and connects you. Now, you’re reaching your reader and magic can happen—for the reader and for you.

3) Write beyond what you know. You can start your writing with what you know about something, but it truly becomes interesting and engaging when you explore beyond what you already know or planned to share. Allow for space to explore an aspect you hadn’t looked at before—perhaps a forgotten memory that surfaces as you write about that trip to the podium. Where does it lead you?

True authenticity is about being present. When you are present, you allow the creative force inside you to lead you—whether you are talking, teaching, writing listening, playing, working, singing or creating anything. Authenticity requires being open to being led by the creative and wise forces within you that are nudging you deeper in your relationships with yourself and others.

Not only will authenticity make you a better writer, but a better partner, friend, employer, employee, spouse, parent, creator and human being.

Here are a few journal prompts to get you started. Choose a phrase that calls to you and write those words in your journal. See where they take you. I suggest writing with pen and paper to free you up.

“I remember that meal like it was yesterday…”

“My bedroom window faces…”

“I’ve always wondered what it would be like to…”

“Ever since ____________, I’ve harbored a resentment about ____________. It started…”

“I often wish that…”


-Don’t edit, just write – the faster the better

– Fill your writing with specific details.

– Use different senses to convey details—hearing, touch, sight, taste and smell.

– Let the writing—and your authentic self—lead you. Let go of trying to control the process for now. You’re not writing for anyone but you!

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About the author 

Lisa Tener

National book coach and published author Lisa Tener demystifies the book writing and publishing process. She helps people write their books and successful book proposals. She has appeared on ABC World News with Peter Jennings, PBS-TV and been quoted in Glamour, USA Weekend, and much more. Her book coaching clients have been on Oprah, Montel Williams, CNN and more. Her clients have recently signed contracts with Prometheus Books, Beyond Words, Simon and Schuster, Sunrise River Press and Karnac Books, to name a few. Lisa serves on the faculty of the Harvard Medical School continuing education course on writing and publishing books, and speaks and teaches throughout the US.
Her websites are

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