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True Leadership: Inspiring Others to Dream

True Leadership: Inspiring Others to Dream by Alka Dhillon | #AspireMag

“True leadership is not the act of leading, but is rather cultivating the fertile ground within others.” – Alka Dhillon

When we live at the level and vibration of the ego-mind we cannot possibly be connected to God. We cannot even be in the presence of God. Spirit, or the soul, or divine consciousness cannot survive at this level or vibration. Being connected to God at the spiritual level of our higher selves allows us to detach from our ego-based self so that we can lead more effectively. The most effective leaders are fully aware that it is not about them; it is about inspiring others to be their best selves.

So, in effect, true leadership is not the act of leading, but is rather cultivating the fertile ground within others. Both the noise of self-doubt, insecurity, and fear, and the silence of the absence of love and light, are deafening. This literally, as thought leaders have said, “Edges God Out.” In other words, you will never get the true answer to “Who am I?” or be able to answer

“Who are you?” until you live at the level of spirit.

Many people, because of their social and religious conditioning, believe that their connection to God is external. For them God is creativity. God is love. God is compassion. God is the universe and everything we perceive. But do all these things not come from within you, from your highest self? Have you ever felt like you were completely on top of your game or that you were making a difference in the world at large or in your world? Have you found yourself feeling like everything is happening effortlessly and harmoniously and that you just flow? These feelings or sensations are felt by those who are in the presence of Grace or God. At this time they are experiencing the OM Factor. They understand that in order to manifest that which they desire they must connect with their highest selves, and the answers are always within and come from having that dialogue which takes place by going into silence. It’s that gap between thought A and thought B. They are connected with the vibration that creates the universe. They are enveloped in that vibration, and they radiate that vibration to everyone that comes into contact with them.

People are magnetically drawn to them and they are immensely attractive. They rarely need to think about what to do next. It just comes to them. Love just exudes from them without discretion—to every sentient being. We all know people like these. Are you one of them? If you are not, do you want to be? It is as simple as turning the lights on in a dark room. You must make a conscious choice to navigate through unchartered waters and embrace uncertainty. This is the only real way of reaching enlightenment or manifesting your deepest intentions.

Successful leadership has everything to do with the individual that is right in front of you. This is the most important person at that moment. I believe that having one style of leadership is not effective and is potentially counter-productive. Having just one style will be effective for leading those who resonate with that vibration, but not for leadership of the entire group and certainly not for every individual.

We are used to hearing, “She’s a tough cookie; don’t get on her bad side.” Or, “Oh, he’s a really nice guy; just make sure you do what he says.” Those are stereotypical perceptions that become the trademarks of leaders when masses of people believe them to be true. They are so powerful that the leader herself or himself begins to believe this to be their style, and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. That does not benefit anyone. Leadership is showing others the art of the possible.

It’s inspiring others to dream without boundaries and to instill confidence to believe that those dreams can actually be manifested.

When leading, give people room to move and be and have their own journey while showing them where you want to go. You do not have to be in someone’s face to lead them. Align your energy with theirs and it all flows.

Take the time to sit down and find out what their personal desires are and what their ideas are on how to accomplish something. Really listen, and with an open mind you might realize and be surprised that there may be a better way to achieve the goal, and it might even change the entire landscape of what was originally thought. Those people that you are leading then become fully invested in achieving your vision, and they also feel a true part of the whole, rather than just feeling like it’s a job where they show up to punch in and punch out while their minds, thoughts, feelings, and intentions are elsewhere.

When we are in harmony with each other that is when results are achieved. We do not all have to play the same instrument or the same beat, but we all do have to be in harmony. When we do that, the universe aligns itself to manifest our desired outcome.

Because women are a nurturing species, listening to and aligning with others comes easily to them. Women are collaborative and also communicative by nature, so these conversations come naturally and are often very productive. Women need to remember that by going with the flow of their nature of being good listeners, nurturing, and encouraging, does not make them weak or less than anyone or anything. This is a true strength and one that should be used to its fullest in a leadership position. The sun can give nourishment and strength and warmth without ever depleting itself. It still remains the single most powerful source of life and energy in the universe. While providing so much to all sentient beings, it self-renews and self-sustains.

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About the author 

Alka Dhillon

AlkaDhillon is the founder and award-winning CEO of Technalink, a company thatprovides Information Technology and Management Consulting services to bothgovernment and commercial clients. She is the author of THE OM FACTOR: A Woman’sSpiritual Guide to Leadership: 7 Essential Tools and 7 Key Traits to Cultivatefor Your Success and Well-Being. Learn more at

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