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Top 3 Reasons Why Mercury Retrograde Is Your Friend!

Top 3 Reasons Why Mercury Retrograde Is Your Friend! by Kathleen Gubitosi | #AspireMag

When I was a young woman just beginning my studies in astrology, I was warned of a cataclysmic event that strikes fear into the hearts of all who follow the planets; Mercury Retrograde. My astrology class was also shocked to learn that this event can happen several times a year!  

Needless to say, we had a lot of questions. How would we ever be successful? How could we make it when the planet that governs communication, technology, money and magic was repeatedly working against us?  

Being a woman with a Gemini stellium, that is 3 planets in Gemini, I was particularly concerned. After all, Mercury rules Gemini. How could it be that Mercury would spend so much time working against me? Would I continue to be misunderstood? Would I lose money? Would my computer crash? Would my prayers and spells, spoken word communication with my higher power, be turned against me?  

Life, and my astrology career, were looking pretty bleak until I came to the realization that I needed to tackle Mercury Retrograde as I had other influences in my life. Head on! 

Let’s take a look at what Mercury Retrograde really is. Periodically, the forward moving orbit of the planet Mercury, the planet closest to the Sun, can be observed reversing itself when viewed from Earth. This has a lot to do with the movement of the Earth in its own orbit. Still, there are several times a year when the planet Mercury seems to retrace or move backward in its orbit. This is what we call Mercury Retrograde.  

Retro, get it? Let’s go one step further. “Re”, as in re-imagine, re-direct, re-vision. Still with me? 

I’m not saying that Mercury Retrograde can’t be challenging; it can. However, like all things, you will thrive if you’re prepared with the right tools.  

Mercury’s tools are words. Communication is the number one area of concern at these times. So, to get through the “retro” grade, use a “re” vocabulary.  

Here are 3 “Re” Tips to help you prepare for Mercury Retrograde. 

Allow extra time for:  

  1. Reflection. Delve deeper into your personal experiences and motivations. Start journalling and take time to be more self-aware. What changes do you want to make? What is it that you truly want to bring into your life once Mercury Retrograde is over? 
  2. RejuvenationSlow down… Destress by planning more time into your day if you need to travel. Spend time in meditation clearing your mind of recurring or looping thought patterns. Luxuriate in the use of words when authoring a blog post! 
  3. Revision. Give yourself time respond not react. During Mercury Retrograde others may not understand what you mean to say and you may misinterpret what is being communicated to you. Take the time to redirect your emotional reactions to communication with others and choose your own words with greater clarity to demystify the conversation. 

Since I started using the “Re” method, I am no longer afraid of Mercury Retrograde. Mercury, my sun sign and stellium ruling planet, has become my astrological best friend. It can do the same for you.  

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About the author 

Kathleen Gubitosi

Kathleen Gubitosi is an award-winning businesswoman, performing artist, metaphysical practitioner, and Creatrix of The Magic of Voice Alchemy™, an holistic approach to voice health and personal/professional image enhancement. She guides emerging heart-centered feminine leaders to set their sacred message free and deeply connect with their ideal audience at home, at work, and on stage, by channeling the most powerful gift on Earth, their voice. She explores topics including personal and professional image, feminine leadership, health and wellness, spirituality and empowerment.

Visit her blog at today for empowering content and download your free “Learn to do 3-Card Goddess Wisdom Readings Video Course.”

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