Welcome to this month’s Aspire Magazine Top 10 Inspirational Books list! You’ll discover inspirational and empowering books, written by women and for women, each dedicated to sharing a universal message of love, hope and self-empowerment. Through their wisdom-filled books, these visionary female authors are illuminating the path for women on the journey of healing and self-discovery. Add these transformational books to your inspired living resource library.
Unlimited Abundance: Align Your Life with the Unseen Forces of Success by Sandra Anne Taylor

A revised edition of the New York Times bestseller, now featuring additional success techniques and free meditation downloads. Understand your true powers of attraction and manifestation. Take a quantum leap into a life of unparalleled prosperity and happiness. The formula for abundant living can be found in the principles of quantum physics and how your personal energy aligns with the powerful forces of the Universe. In Unlimited Abundance, international speaker Sandra Anne Taylor thoroughly updates and expands her classic New York Times bestseller, Quantum Success, to reveal how you can achieve immediate and spectacular results merely by shifting your life-force energy. This book offers many new, effective, and easy techniques to accelerate your alignment with Universal energy and the unseen forces of success.
The Promise: Break Free from Limitation and Reclaim Your Inner Power by Mandy Morris
In The Promise, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and best-selling author Mandy Morris explores the importance of connecting the trials and tribulations of our everyday lives to the beautiful story that we, the infinite beings of this Universe, are all entitled to live. Unbind yourself from the fears and doubts that drag you down to the darkest trenches of your life and learn how to handle adversity in a new, more assured and confident way, just as the Universe intended you to do.Reconnecting with the Universe and discovering your inner strength has never been simpler as Mandy shares the seven pathways of the Universe that are designed to bring us out of the darkness of human conditioning and into the light. There is a path to follow for any circumstance you may be going through. By understanding how to harness the powers of Expansion, Self-Knowledge, Empathy, Clarity, Transmutation, Co-creation, and Coherence, you will be prepared for whatever challenges you may face.

Embody: Feel, Heal, and Transform Your Life Through Movement by Toni Bergins

A new paradigm for embodied healing in a unique, experiential, therapeutic process in which expressive movement, guided imagery, ritual, music, and creative expression work together.
In Embody, Toni Bergins, the founder and creator of JourneyDance, an internationally renowned dance movement program, shares with readers a powerful way to address trauma mindfully so people can confront it, heal, and grow to love themselves unconditionally, just as they are. Embody is a dynamic, conscious practice that can help people release what no longer serves them and shows them how to stop stuffing/numbing the pain and start feeling, stop over-thinking/limiting, and get moving! Embodiment is the new buzzword in personal transformation, but, most often, it is connected to static practices like breathwork and meditation. For Toni Bergins, embodiment is best achieved through active movement, and has created a practice where people literally get out of their heads and into their bodies! Her program is a trauma-informed one that offers a new promise: leading readers through deep, personal work but making it feel like play. In this book, she turns the heaviness of processing pain and past trauma into an expressive art aligned with the most recent research.
The Good Death: A Guide for Supporting Your Loved One through the End of Life by Suzanne B. O’Brien, RN
The founder and CEO of Doulagivers Institute provides insight into what constitutes a “good death” and how we can help our loved ones through this monumental transition with empathy, patience, and peace of mind. For most of us, there is no harder life experience than caring for a loved one who is dying. Suzanne O'Brien realized this earlier than most during her her time working as a nurse in hospice care, often offered as a comforting alternative to a sterile hospital environment. But Suzanne saw the real financial and staffing limitation that came with hospice, and, realizing this option didn't provide all the answers, wanted to take it a step further, providing her patients and their families with the tools to approach the death of a loved one with grace, dignity, knowledge, and compassion. This book will equip the reader with everything they need to know to prepare for a financial, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual good death - both for them, and for their loved one.

Feel, Heal, and Let That Sh*t Go: Your Guide to Emotional Resilience and Lasting Self-Love by Rachel Kaplan

A psychotherapist and hit podcaster brings empathy and humor to her first book, a radical reimagining of the self-help genre that teaches readers how to “process their emotional sh*t,” let it go, and enjoy the life they’re living
Self-Care for Winter: Seven Steps to Thriving in the Colder Month by Suzy Reading
Self-care expert Suzy Reading has devised 7 steps to not only survive the winter months but to thrive in them. By embracing the lessons from the natural world - from regulating light activity to warming body movements - you will learn how to alter your daily rhythms so that you can embrace winter. Through honouring lower energy levels and listening to what your body needs in the colder months, this can be an opportunity to rekindle joy and find fulfilment in every season of life. Approaching winter doesn't have to be full of dread - so snuggle in and learn the key to thriving in the colder months.

Soulful Simplicity: How Living with Less Can Lead to So Much More by Coutney Carver

Courtney Carver shows us the power of simplicity to improve our health, build more meaningful relationships, and relieve stress in our professional and personal lives. We are often on a quest for more—we give in to pressure every day to work more, own more, and do more. For Carver, this constant striving had to come to a stop when she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Stress was like gasoline on the fire of symptoms, and it became clear that she needed to root out the physical and psychological clutter that were the source of her debt and discontent. In this book, she shows us how to pursue practical minimalism so we can create more with less—more space, more time, and even more love. Carver invites us to look at the big picture, discover what's most important to us, and reclaim lightness and ease by getting rid of all the excess things.
Reclaim the Rebel: 12 Rebellious Acts to Achieve Unconditional Love for Your Body by Lizzy Cangro, MA
Is your harshest critic the person staring back at you in the mirror? What the diet industry doesn't want you to know is that, until you learn to shut up your abusive inner critic, you’ll have a hard time getting the body you desire - and sustaining your results.
In Reclaim the Rebel you’ll discover: Tools with a proven tracked record to help you skyrocket your confidence and step into the body you love - and sustain your results.; The hidden cost of that diet, written by a certified and accredited nutritionist.; How to prioritize your health and wellness so you can thrive even when life is busy.; The fastest way to break free from your inner mean girl and toxic belief about your body.; Surprising easy and effective secrets to help you create and maintain healthy habits. Isn’t it time you rebelled against the diet industry?! Let Reclaim the Rebel show you how to confidently step into the body you love even if you’ve been battling with it for decades.

The Unplugged Hours: Cultivating a Life of Presence in a Digitally Connected World by Hannah Brencher

No matter what you do for a living, how much time your apps save you, or how much entertainment your phone brings, it is possible to unplug--and find an even better life on the other side.In The Unplugged Hours, Hannah demonstrates how the act of powering down changed her entire life. It's a strikingly small thing to do and a surprisingly difficult habit to maintain, but turning off your phone has a substantial impact on your mental health, relationships, time management, and outlook on the world. A powerful weaving of memoir, cultural commentary, and spiritual insights, this life-changing book helps you: Reclaim your ability to be present and engaged with the world around you; Swap the hurried, constant pace of technology for a steadier, more rooted way of living; Establish your own unplugged rituals and rhythms in daily life; Uncover the magic within the ordinary awaiting you just beyond the screen. The Unplugged Hours gives you the practical ideas and spiritual inspiration you need to stop scrolling and start living.
Habits for Healing: Reclaim Your Purpose, Peace, and Power by Nakeia Homer
Heal your past, start fresh, and create a life that honors the truth of who you are today. A leading well-being educator empowers you to turn concepts like boundaries and self-care into practical rituals with the power to transform your life. As a former counselor and social worker, Nakeia Homer has helped thousands of people see that the journey from surviving to thriving begins with your habits.In Habits for Healing, Nakeia Homer sheds light on simple, powerful acts that move us toward healing and help us to escape patterns of burnout, toxic relationships, and emotional exhaustion.Through soul-stirring storytelling, life-affirming advice, and prompts for reflection, Nakeia Homer holds space for readers to feel what they feel, uncover the source of their difficulties, and live in their true power. Written with warmth and deep insight, Habits for Healing is the next inspiring step on your mental health journey.