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Top 10 “How-To” List for Claiming Happiness Now

Top 10 “How-To” List for Claiming Happiness Now by Sheila Callaham | #AspireMag

Are you waiting for something exceptional to happen in your life so you will feel happy? Don’t wait another minute; create your personal happiness right now!

I haven’t met anyone who doesn’t want to feel happy. But sometimes life can feel so overwhelming that even when someone already feels happy, there is often a lurking feeling that something is bound to go wrong. What does it take to move into a feeling of happiness and stay happy, without fear of what might come next?

A grateful frame of mind!

Deepak Chopra, one of the most notable names in the field of mind-body medicine and personal transformation, says one of the biggest mistakes people make is to wait for happiness. What that means is that you are responsible for your happiness. Don’t bank your happiness on getting a new job or meeting the love of your life, decide to feel happy now. Then when you do get that job and new love, your happiness will only grow.

What can you do to get happy now? Here’s my Top 10 list to get you started!

10) Read

Congratulations! You are reading now right with the hope of feeling happier, so pat yourself on the back because you are on the right track! Reading is a great way to feel happier because it forces your mind away from your present emotion and allows you to fall into the emotion of what you are reading. So blow the dust off your Kindle or head to the library and grab a few of your favorite feel-good books.

9) Exercise

Look, this doesn’t have to be painful, just get out and walk during your lunch break. Being in nature has calming benefits, and exercise (even walking) causes your brain to release endorphins, the chemicals that trigger positive, happy thoughts. Our bodies were made to move; that’s why we have legs with feet. Consider joining a walking or jogging group in your area or recruit a friend and sign up for golf, tennis or tango lessons. The added commitment of paying for a program will help motivate you to get your body moving.

8) Laugh

When was the last time you let one rip? A laugh, that is… Like exercise, laughing causes the release of endorphins. What makes you laugh? How about playing board games with friends, hopscotch with children, grandchildren, or fetch with your favorite canine. No access to children or animals? Google humorous videos you YouTube or consider joining a laughing group. Yes, they exist! At the Laughter Yoga website, you can find laughing groups near you.

7) Hug someone, ANYONE

If endorphins don’t do it for you, try some oxytocin. A big hug increases the bonding hormone known as oxytocin, which reduces blood pressure, stress, and anxiety. Yep, hugging can make you much more open and receptive to happy thoughts (and other juicy things).

6) Choose your company wisely

And that means separating yourself from negative family and friends. Spending time with naysayers is an energy drainer — a mental and emotional downer. Fire family and friends who are chronic naysayers and spend your time with the people who inspire you, those who know how to laugh and play. Spend time with people who support your dreams and aspirations, whether they understand them or not, and who accept you wholeheartedly just as you are. Oh yeah!

5) Pass it on

Has anyone ever done a thoughtful or generous deed for you? Remember how appreciative you were? It’s time to pass it on and make a positive difference in the lives of others. Passing on a good deed can be anonymously paying for the meal of the person behind you in the drive-through lane, or it can be a long-term, volunteer commitment at the local school or hospital. Whatever you choose to do, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how happy you will feel doing good for others.

4) Watch your words

Don’t allow yourself to say negative things about yourself or anyone else. Words are the result of your thoughts, so when you feel something negative about to emerge from your mouth stop, check your thoughts, and shift to something positive. Not sure how to do that? Consider this little trick: “Wouldn’t it be nice if….”  When you think about what would be nice to see, have, hear, or experience then your thinking shifts to a higher vibration and so does your feeling of happiness.

3) Chase a dream

Thomas Edison once said, “If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.” What invisible dream do you want to make visible? Oh, and a head’s up… don’t wait for everyone to jump behind you and support you along the way. You’ll be surprised at how many of your family and “friends” will poo-poo your great idea. See number six above and proceed with wild abandon!

2) Practice gratitude

Keep a gratitude journal. It only takes a couple of minutes to acknowledge the good in your life. Maybe it was a compliment you received, or that you found the perfect parking spot when you were rushing out to do some shopping during your lunch hour. When you tune into all the good around you, then you begin to see how wonderful life is. Your positive attitude creates an energy that is matched by the universe, bringing you even more happiness. Make the words, “attitude of gratitude” your mantra, and see how much better you feel.

1) Meditate (or daydream)

Setting aside a few minutes every day to meditate is a wonderful way to ground yourself in the present moment, eliminating ties to the past, and anxiety for the future. Meditation has been scientifically proven to relax participants and induce feelings of appreciation and happiness. If you find sitting in meditation challenging, just close your eyes and daydream about something you look forward to doing. Enjoy the experience, because even if it’s just in your imagination.

See how easy it is for you to jump into some happy feelings? Which tip will you start with?

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About the author 

Sheila Callaham

Sheila Callaham is an international best-selling author and motivational coach. She founded the Activate Your Braveheart TM program to help women identify hidden passions and find the courage to make them real. Sheila’s mission is to empower women through writing, speaking, and coaching. Visit Sheila’s website at and claim your free gift Activate Your Braveheart TM Transformation Kit today.

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