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Is it Time to Refresh Your Vision for Your Life and Business?

Is it Time to Refresh Your Vision for Your Life and Business? by Minette Riordan | #AspireMag 

If you are like me, perhaps you are ready to begin creating a new life vision for yourself. Perhaps you are madly trying to reach this year’s goals or you have completely lost sight of your dreams and are feeling like it’s time to refresh and renew.

I do have big dreams for my work and my life. To me the two are inseparable. And there is nothing stopping me but ME. Thoughts like I’m not ready; I don’t know enough; It’s too risky; My list isn’t big enough; and I need to lose weight first are all rolling around in my head. But I also know that my vision for my life and my commitment to myself and my family are bigger than these fears.

I invite you to take a look at where you are today and ask yourself, where do I want to be a year from now?

Giving yourself permission to dream is the key to creating an empowered vision for your life.

It’s not unusual to struggle with dreaming about making tons of money, being more visible, creating more impact… because deep down you don’t believe you deserve success.

Or you don’t believe you can reach what seems like an unreachable goal. You aren’t good enough, smart enough, thin enough… Sound familiar?

If we let our fears and beliefs get in the way, then a man wouldn’t have walked on the moon, a 54 year old woman wouldn’t finish a swim from Cuba to Florida, or a 41 year old woman win an Olympic silver medal.

If you know it’s time to create a fresh new vision for your life but aren’t sure where to start, here’s a fun activity to try. Even if you do have clear goals and dreams in place, I love the creative expression and dreaming of this activity.

At times, taking a fresh look at all that we want to do and to be is very empowering!

A Mind Trick Discover or Renew Your Life Vision

Try this exercise to trick your mind into creating an empowered “life vision statement” for yourself.

Assign 30 minutes to this activity and do it when no one will bother you. Turn off the phones, computers, lock the cats in the bedroom, send the kids outdoors or go to the library.

  1. Set the timer for 30 minutes
  2. Take a pad of paper and pen and begin to write done things you think you would like TO DO or TO BE. (As always, I recommend large sheets of paper and colorful pens or markers for activities like this!)
  3. Write like a mad-man or women. Don’t stop until 30 minutes is passed. This is critical. Keep the focus and your mind will let loose a storm of ideas.
  4. Even if you can’t think of something for a few minutes hang in there. Start doodling or randomly writing your name, the important part is to stay put and the ideas will come.
  5. At the end of 30 minutes stop. Set aside your list.

During the day something else may come to you so go ahead and write it down.

Then sleep on it.

The next day review your list.

Next, do the same exercise, but this time only allow yourself 10 minutes.

Then sleep on it.

Review what you created, maybe spend some time journaling, drawing or in meditation. Look at your statements, what do you notice? What are the common themes. There will be many gems on this list!

Now write down two or three statements about your life vision.

Go do this now!

Come back next week for a post on how to turn this life vision into a reality.

I’d love for you to share in the comments what your life vision statement is.

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About the author 

Dr. Minette Riordan

Dr. Minette Riordan has been called a modern Renaissance woman. She is a lover of art, poetry and mythology and a complete geek who digs discussing business strategy. One of her core values is continuous improvement; she is a seeker, wanderer and adventurer who loves dragons and coffee. Most days you can find her supporting her creative clients to build profitable businesses. And on other days you can find her in her art studio covered in paint. To follow her creative journey visit

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