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These Spirit Animals Can Support You Through Big Life Changes

These Spirit Animals Can Support You Through Big Life Changes by Shannon Kaiser | #AspireMag

When a particular animal crosses your path, it is believed to be a sign from the universe. Animals can guide us, teach us, and communicate with us if we’re open enough to listen. Power animals are spirit guides in animal form, often called spirit animals and guardian animal spirits. (Typically, these terms are used interchangeably.) They are energetic helpers and valuable allies who can help you navigate through life’s challenges and transitions. Perceptive and trustworthy, they can offer advice and counsel for any questions or concerns and are exceptional teachers to help you learn about both the spirit world and the natural world. Working with them on a regular basis will enhance your personal life and expand your spiritual capacities immensely. Spirit animals can appear to you in meditations, visions, dreams, or shamanic journeys, or on this plane in physical form. 

The “Guides of Gaia” are often considered to be a gift from the Universe and almost always show up in life transitions. The spirit animals who choose you will represent various aspects of yourself, serving as meditative, healing presences as you walk forward on the path of the unknown.   

You may be grieving, but grief doesn’t just come from the loss of a loved one. Many of us are experiencing post-traumatic stress due to the state of the world. Whatever you are going through, loss in any form will cause emotional distress that rocks your nervous system and can prevent you from enjoying your life and connecting with others in a meaningful manner. Feel free to call upon the Guides of Gaia to assist you in healing the pain. Spirit animals can also help us find hope in a seemingly hopeless situations. They can shed light with new perspectives, gently opening our hearts and minds to receive hope and happiness again. 


Guides of Gaia and Their Meaning 

Snake: Regeneration, Introspection, Fearlessness 

Has the Snake slithered into your life? The snake is a sign that you are embarking on or going deeper into a spiritual awakening, sometimes called an “ego death.” Perhaps you no longer identify with the things, people, or places around you, including your current beliefs. Shed your old, outdated skin, like the Snake, and brave forward though this transition. Embrace the true you, ready to shine through, and transform yourself and your life. 

Try this affirmation from the Snake: 

“I shed the layers of my ego to make room for the new me that is emerging.  

I accept the transformation.” 

Elephant: Gentleness, Intention, Stamina 

When you have a laborious, difficult, or hard journey in front of you, remember that you don’t have to do it all alone. The Elephant can assist. Call upon the Elephant when you need to remain strong during trying times. Whatever you may face right now, the Elephant is a steady, solid companion to help you stay focused onward. 

Try this affirmation from the Elephant: 

“I give myself the care and love I so freely give to others.” 

Frog: Virtuousness, Flow, Transformation 

Just as a little egg turns into a tadpole and then to its final form, the Frog represents flow, change, and profound growth. The Frog jumps into your life to teach you how to be strong from the inside out. Are you ready to get in touch with your inner hopes, dreams, and desires? The Frog can assist. Its energy helps you feel safe to speak these aspirations into existence. By working with the Frog spirit animal, you have a master of transformation on your side, leading you into calmer waters and encouraging you to be true to yourself.  

Try this affirmation from the Frog:  

“I embrace my voice and honor life’s transitions.” 

Butterfly: Manifestation, Completion, Metamorphosis 

If and when you see a Butterfly flutter across your path, it invites you to embrace and all the changes in both your environment and within your emotional body. You are in a profound shift from where and who you used, and thus transforming into who you are destined to be. Embrace this growth. Call on the Butterfly to help you through a massive emotional, physical, and spiritual metamorphosis.  

Try this affirmation from the Butterfly: 

“I gracefully embrace my true self, spreading my wings to new heights and levels of awareness.” 

All these spirit animals represent authenticity and invitation to step into more of your true self, often thought as radical change. They ask you to be honest with yourself about what authenticity means to you.  

Do you feel you are living an authentic life, and are you making choices that align with your values? 

Change is upon you, but it is up to you to morph into the beautiful being you are destined to be. Instead of feeling like the Universe is out to get you, see the changes in your life as growth. It is not a crisis you are in but an awakening. Let these gorgeous Guides of Gaia support you.

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About the author 

Shannon Kaiser

Shannon Kaiser is a world-renowned spiritual and self-love teacher, speaker, acclaimed empowerment coach, and bestselling author of several books. She guides people to awaken and align to their true selves so they can live their highest potential. Her new 365 Happy Bedtime Mantras book and deck are published by Beyond Words/Atria Books. Connect with her on social media @ShannonKaiserWrites or online at and

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