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The Vibrational Power of Colors

Color is a powerful force, the visible manifestation of atomic vibration and energy absorption. Using color properly can improve your appearance, your home life and your place of business.

The right color promotes the vibrations that can enhance moods, set the tone for meetings of all kind, and accent natural beauty in a number of magical ways. Without color the world is a drab place, indeed. With it, all things are possible.

Colors have the power to heal, empower, and impress. The Peacock Principle will teach you to use colors to their best advantages, improving your inner and outer life in many, many ways.


Meditate upon your specific color in order to get a benefit from it. Clear your mind, take a few deep breaths, and stare at an object in the color you have chosen. Breathe in the color until you can feel it seep in your skin and deep inside you. Repeat this ritual whenever you feel as if you need a psychic “color infusion” in order to bring healing, happiness, prosperity, or any other good thing into your life.

Red signifies the attributes of confidence and courage. It inspires boldness in thought and deed. A strong awareness of the physical body is indicated. There can sometimes be so much passion in its energy that when it is displayed it can be perceived as aggression. When the color presents itself in a seemingly coincidental context, it can be the equivalent of a stop sign from the universe. Because of its strong psychic saturation, it needs to be used carefully, especially in a domestic environment, and in combination with a balance of other colors. Also, too much red in the environment can cause feelings of anger, irritability, or impatience.

A simple spell for red: To inspire a sense of bravery, wear a red accessory. Even if the color is not immediately visible to anyone else (a piece of lingerie, a handkerchief, a piece of red construction paper folded in a purse or wallet), you will know that you have this splash of red and will feel more courageous as a result.

The color fuchsia can influence both physical and spiritual well-being. It is the flag for nonconformist, innovative, strong-willed, imaginative, artistic, and creative individuals. Depending on how it is received, it can be the color of radiant happiness. It has the qualities of red, plus empathy; it is a mixture of passion and compassion. The negative side of its color influence is that it can create a lazy, laid-back attitude that shuns challenges and responsibilities. For this reason, people who are chronically depressed or introverted should avoid this color. Magenta is ideal for rituals to secure ambitions and financial rewards.

A simple spell for fuchsia: To lift the vibe of your environment, put a sprig of the fuchsia plant into a bud vase. Keep it in the room where you spend a great deal of your time. An object of this color is favorable to use when attempting to make contact with the spirit world.

Orange is a joyous color, representing vibrant energy and intellectual curiosity. It is the color of surprise and enthusiasm. It promotes physical attraction as well as friendship. Because orange is the color of communication, it works as an emotional and intellectual stimulant, which alleviates feelings of self-pity, lack of self-worth, and an unwillingness to forgive. It connects us to our senses and helps to remove inhibitions in order to make us independent and social. Unlike many colors, it has a sense of humor; wearing just a bit of orange can bring smiles and a sense of optimism.

A simple spell for orange: Keep a bowl of oranges on the table as a focal point in the morning. Their scent and bright color are exhilarating. Like the glass of orange juice it represents, it will start your day off right! To promote and facilitate learning a new subject, use an orange bookmark.

The color yellow signifies cheerfulness, optimism, and bright ideas. Like orange, it is a happy and energetic color that reflects mental acuity and communication. It is also a celebration of sunny days. Yellow energy is related to the ability to perceive and understand, while also acting on the senses as a stimulant. It signifies the intellectual side of our nature and relates to matters of travel, information, and self-expression. Because of this, it helps in the powers of discernment and memory, decision making, and the thought process.

A simple spell for yellow: To create a feeling of confidence and happiness, wear yellow-gold jewelry to an event. If you are feeling worn-out or tired in the evening hours when the sun has gone to sleep, sit under a lamp with your eyes closed. The warmth and light that permeate your closed lids will help you to concentrate on the power and promise of tomorrow’s sunrise.

Green is one of the colors that best reflects both the magical and the material world. In the material sense it represents employment, money, prosperity, and success. In the magical sense it symbolizes fertility, healing, growth, and the good green Earth. Its strong affinity to nature helps us connect with empathy to others and to the natural world. Like plants and trees that promote wellness by putting out oxygen, green suffuses the environment with healing vibrations that give a general sense of happiness and wellness. The color connects us to unconditional love and is used to balance our whole being. Green in the aura suggests an individual who has the natural gift of healing.

A simple spell for green: Keep a potted plant on your table, desk, nightstand, or balcony. Each day spend a few minutes communing with your plant. Talk to it while you water it or give it food. Pray over it, too.

Although it is identified with feelings of sadness (the blues), this color actually promotes calm and restfulness. Blue symbolizes peace and emotional tranquility. It also inspires mental control, creativity, and clarity. Because its energy is secure and non-threatening, it is particularly helpful in creating a soothing sleep environment for young children and insomniacs. Blue is known to have a pacifying effect. Holistic healers often treat headaches and other complaints with color therapy, using various shades of the color blue. It symbolizes the sky, the shielding dome above our heads, and therefore represents boundless potential and opportunities.

A simple spell for blue: Whenever you are feeling stressed, put on a piece of blue clothing. Avoid dark or navy blue, since the lighter the shade of blue you choose, the more comforted and lighthearted you will feel. Meditating with a blue candle before bedtime promotes restful sleep. 

Aqua is a serene yet uplifting color, balanced at a point between blue and green. Like blue, of which it is a variant, aqua has a deeply soothing quality, suggesting the beauty and serenity of a tropical lagoon. Like green, it is highly symbolic of nature. This laid-back energy is associated with meditation, sensitivity, and emotional vulnerability. Because of its association with the throat Chakra, aqua promotes clear communication, honesty, openness, and the need to join together with others. It represents the ability to transform, just as water turns to ice and the cycle repeats.

A simple spell for aqua: Take time to page through a few decorating magazines, cutting out shapes wherever you find aqua. Arrange these shapes on card stock and glue them lightly into place, fashioning a collage. When it is done, post the collage in a place where you can see it every day, to appreciate its soothing vibration.

Purple denotes power, authority, and psychic strength. It has been associated with royalty since classical antiquity and throughout the Middle Ages, when it was the color of choice for monarchs’ ceremonial clothing. It can also infer wealth (“burn to the purple”). In a metaphysical sense, purple energy connects us to our spiritual guidance, wisdom, and inner strength. It is a color of artists, mystics, and fantasy seekers, so those attracted and attuned to it need to guard against living in a fantasy world. On a deeper level, purple is a color of transformation, combating fear and resistance to change.

A simple spell for purple: Tape a decorative purple embellishment to your mirror, or drape a purple shawl or throw over a chair. The presence of this vibrant color in your everyday life will remind you to live in the here and now, even while embracing spiritual truths. 

Indigo is the color of spiritual awakening and awareness. It is an imaginative, intuitive, and mystical shade. It is also works on the mind and eyes as a sedative. Indigo is connected with artistic and musical impulses. It inspires sensitivity to beauty, harmony, and compassion for others, as well as promoting lucid dreams and dream skills such as problem solving. Indigo acts as a psychic and spiritual barrier to the ego, and it channels energy in a positive way. Indigo energy strengthens intuition and connects us to a higher spiritual realm. Its subtle vibration can be useful in ESP such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and even astral projection.

A simple spell for indigo: If you have a special meditation area in your home or apartment, keep an indigo object ever present in this area. A scarf, a pillow, or a decorative object will call up indigo energy whenever you need to tap into its special power.

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About the author 

Amy Zerner

Amy ‘s mixed-media collages illustrate the bestselling books and tools she has created with her husband Monte Farber, with nearly 3,000,000 copies in print in 18 languages, including: The Enchanted Tarot, Astrology for Wellness, Chakra Meditation Kit, Enchanted Love Tarot, The Creativity Oracle, Mindful Astrology, and her new Wild Goddess Oracle (Sept. 2021) and Enchanted Worlds: The Visionary Collages & Art Couture of Amy Zerner (Aug. 2021). Her website is

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